
hicow t1_j9e6dd3 wrote

And some newer - it's more efficient to use 2x6s on 24" centers vs 2x4s on 16s, in terms of exposure for exterior walls.

But it's also worth knowing older houses took "on center" measurements as more of a suggestion. I insulated the crawlspace in my 120-year old house last year and the joist spacing was interesting, to say the least.


hicow t1_j9e65an wrote

Yes they do - normal studfinders don't work on lath & plaster walls, so magnetic's about the only option. They can be tricky, though, as the lath isn't necessarily only nailed together over studs, or like jooes mentioned, some walls use wire mesh.


hicow t1_j9e5x9b wrote

I've got drywall over lath & plaster, so I knew to get a magnetic studfinder. But whoever did the drywall apparently felt it was fine to just go into the lath with the screws, rather than concern themselves with finding studs. I still have no idea where the studs are in most of my walls.


hicow t1_j3ujbrn wrote

That the way unemployment is measured is arguably BS, sure. But if it's compared against prior numbers where the method of measurement is the same, it's an easy way to see which way the numbers are headed.

Trump got called out for claiming unemployment under Obama was north of 40% then, in Feb '17, with Trump in office for less than two weeks, proclaiming he had just made the best unemployment numbers ever thanks to his bigly genius business brain.


hicow t1_ixtygx8 wrote

You need a much bigger fan and a much bigger intake. You're not getting good results because you're pushing a fan of unknown cfm with a 2" intake, expecting it to effectively clear a room efficiently.

How big is the room? How many cubic feet are you trying to clear, and what would be efficient enough? An 8'x10'x8' room is 640 cu ft. A 50cfm fan would take nearly 13 minutes to clear the room, where a 150cfm fan would do it in a little over 4 minutes.


hicow t1_iugg78w wrote

Tesla has been promising it's "two years away" for 7 years. Despite Musk confidently stating FSD-equipped Teslas have all the hardware required, they don't even know what's required, being there are no L5-capable vehicles on the roads. Teslas have also move to optical cameras only, which are likely the cause of the phantom braking issues that now have them under investigation by the feds. Keep in mind that's separate from the investigation as to why Teslas have a bad habit of plowing into parked emergency vehicles.

Teslas are still only capable of L2 automation, which is not a lot of progress over 7 years.


hicow t1_iugfdrk wrote

Didn't he first promise it was two years away in 2015? and 2017, 2019, 2021...

Meanwhile, new Teslas only have optical cameras, not even radar any longer. They've taken a whole lot of people's money promising the FSD they've paid for is right around the corner. They're not even leading the pack in automation anymore. They're still dicking around with L2 automation while Mercedes is getting ready to release L3-capable cars.


hicow t1_iucpl8b wrote

I had a cat that passed last summer. I figure that might have something to do with the mice coming in. Haven't gotten another because vet's offices are still just bonkers and I'd like them to be something close to normal again before I get another cat.


hicow t1_iuc1et5 wrote

My house got invaded with mice. I lost count, but I've caught something around 20. I got an electrocution trap, which caught/killed three mice. The live-catch traps caught most of the rest. What finally stopped them was D-Con. I didn't even really want to poison them, but there were a number that were apparently too smart for the traps.