
honestlyicba t1_j6mrul7 wrote

It seems like your attention span doesn’t allow you to build worlds in your mind so you prefer forms of media that basically show you instead of having you use your imagination.

And also, what makes it different, movies and cartoons (most of them fictional) unless you only watch non fictional movies eg documentaries.

Writers who step into their writing is the whole point of enjoying reading because you can have the same premise for a book but if written by different writers with distinct voices and ways of description in their prose, they would become different books. That is very very fun.

(Also this feels like a post by a teenager who is like “omg I have grown up and grown out of reading made up stories I am an adult omg so busy to read.”)


honestlyicba t1_j6i8bev wrote

You are exactly right. It’s not the subject matter itself (toxic and problematic relationships) but writing them in a way that makes it seems romantic to impressionable young minds.

When we are young we are like blank sheets of paper and if we start believing at that age that it’s okay to be with someone who lies and gaslights and manipulated, we would think it’s normal.

It’s not the young readers fault, the books are overhyped and honestly they don’t know any better.


honestlyicba t1_j6i4xzb wrote

Funny you said that because the one person who recommended CoHo to me (she said it’s her fav author) is in an incredibly abusive and controlling relationship.

There are real life consequences when you portray abuse and manipulation as romantic.


honestlyicba t1_j6i1mpv wrote

I have read both the Chinese version (back when it was the only version) and then a few years later the English translation.

It felt like a lot of a nuance was gone, and some of it really feels impossible to translate for some reason. I definitely think the translator could have done a better job.

I wouldn’t have enjoyed the story as much if I started off with the English version. It’s a shame because it is such a great epic story.


honestlyicba t1_j6hps1u wrote

I’ve read five of her books ( I think) back when I was coming out of a reading slump and her books were all over the internet.

The emotional and physical abuse (not just present in It Ends With Us) really disturbed me but I read it while highlighting all the worse red flags from the characters.

It Ends With Us was supposed to have some moral message but it got completely lost ok me when the abusive husband literally have little to no consequence. Sure Lily stood up for herself at the end but like why doesn’t what’s his name Ryle? Kyle? get any real life consequences other than a divorce.

It is super disturbing and unsatisfying to read. I wanted him to go to jail.


honestlyicba t1_j6hpfjx wrote

I want to tell you that I had a 3 year reading slump because I was forcing myself to read books I thought “I should read”. Including the Russian classics. It turned me off reading cos it was not something I was enjoying and more like studying or something.

If you haven’t been reading much it is really a challenge to dive right into high fantasy like LOTR cos you need to follow all the characters remember the magic systems the races and everything. It is very overwhelming and I can imagine how painful it becomes.

Please find something you enjoy, watch some YouTube videos of book recommendations and pick up books you hear about and might like. As you build your habit and expand your knowledge of world building etc you might step back into fantasy or something else.

My advice? Start with books that are close to real life, with characters that you can relate to. If you game, read a book about gaming like Ready Player One. If you like sports, pick out a memoir by a favourite athlete.

Reading should be fun (unless it’s for school or work purposes) don’t force yourself to like things you don’t enjoy.


honestlyicba t1_j6howbr wrote

I’m sure AI can replace many of the really trash books that are churned out (looking at you Kindle Unlimited).

The masters of writing though, I doubt any AI can emulate their style or their mind bending twists. Writing prose is also about using very unique ideas ways to describe a situation, a place, a character. It builds and builds upon itself which I think AI is still lacking in.
