
iglidante t1_j01x6fk wrote

I guess a big part of what I mean is, do you really know all the roads in that area of the state well enough to know that the direction and distance are off? I could work it out eventually, but have no sense of what turns were taken to arrive at each. Presumably you can only go left or right at the intersection. Who knows what twisted path might land you at Paris in however many miles?


iglidante t1_iy19u52 wrote

I'm not sure why this piece prompted a dose of boomer humor, but okay I guess.

EDIT: It isn't that the "joke" was offensive or anything - it's just weird to see someone throw in a "kids are spoiled babies amirite?" barb out of nowhere. Like, of all the places to go, why was that your first stop?


iglidante t1_ixr6h4f wrote

Auburn has the Walmart pole.

Portland has the Home Depot guardrail, which has been obliterated by trucks at least twice a year for the past five years.


iglidante t1_ix812pi wrote

>The fact that family sue their own family is another reason for why the US is a dumpster fire. this culture of sueing for every little thing is frankly utterly stupid.

It isn't really like that in my experience. Often the situation is created by the insurance industry. You get injured, are on the hook for a six-figure sum, and your insurance forces a suit because they would rather claw the money from another party than pay it themselves.


iglidante t1_iuioixt wrote

> By that definition every country who’s ever waged war are terrorists at which point the term losses it’s meaning.

I mean, if a country wages an offensive war against another country that hasn't first attacked them or an ally (so, there is no defensive component) - how can you say they are not acting as terrorists? War is fundamentally immoral for most people, barring specific exceptions.