
imamunster123 t1_jbbw47o wrote

If the cop comes up with a reason for probable cause, or can show reasonable suspicion that you are intoxicated (classic "I smell burnt cannabis in the car" bullshit) then yes. They can detain you until a blood test is done.

Never said they SHOULD be able to do this, but it is 100% plausible.


imamunster123 t1_jbbstsf wrote

It doesn't matter how you get pulled over.

Let's say the cop pulls you over for a tail light that's out, but finds some bullshit probable cause to test you for DUI. If you've used cannabis in the last month, you're pretty well fucked due to the incredibly low limit for THC in the blood mentioned above in this thread.

The way the law is currently written, if you use cannabis on a regular basis, you are technically committing a DUI every time you drive in PA, whether you are currently high or not.

This combined with the fact I can't legally own a firearm with a medical card is why I haven't bothered to get one. It doesn't offer me any real protections or benefits for the fees I'd have to pay, and it's giving documentation of my cannabis use to the state that can be used against me when the cops see fit.

Thanks, but no thanks.


imamunster123 t1_j8ej8br wrote

I can't help but wonder how people would feel about an organization like this enforcing weekly attendance to a Jewish synagogue or a Muslim mosque. Surely nobody would have anything to say about that, right?

Also this is basically admitting that you have the means and facilities to help people but are refusing to do so unless they subject themselves to 1 hour of propaganda a week.


imamunster123 t1_ixab3bp wrote

You shouldn't feel any type of way about a damn thing. They made their bed when they tried to fleece you out of $1k on some bogus repairs, and anything coming their way because of it is nobody's fault but their own. As far as being on their "shit list" goes, I'm not sure that matters if you don't plan on giving them business again anyway.