
lol1231yahoocom t1_je5e9a8 wrote

Reply to comment by yagurlalli in ???? .... by Zestyclose_Ad3983

Anything by Pema Chodron. Many of her “books” are recordings of retreats she does. I love listening to her although she doesn’t narrate all of them. The one I’m listening to now is “How We Live is How We Die”. It’s more about life than death, really. Don’t let the title discourage.


lol1231yahoocom t1_je4y0mj wrote

It’s origins may go back a bit further than CBT. It’s a great practice. I’m listening to a book now written by a Buddhist nun and the same concept is being talked about. Observe but don’t react because much of your reaction is probably coming from previous pain and negative beliefs about yourself. Mr Bagel is indeed deep.