
marche_au_supplice t1_jdr226x wrote

Stony Creek is a cool place but it can be kind of a rowdy bar crowd depending on when you go, and the beer isn’t great.

East Rock Brewing is a nice spot and they brew almost exclusively lagers. You can get yourself any pizza or other food and bring it in to eat there, which is also nice.

Counterweight Brewing is a little bit of a drive away but their beer is excellent and their taproom is nice. They usually have a food truck outside, the best of which in my opinion is Smetana on Wednesdays.

If you want to hike, East Rock has some trails through the woods including giant steps which takes you to the top. If you aren’t going to go fully outdoorsy in this trip, you can still walk to the top of East Rock because the roads to the summit are closed to cars except for Sundays.

It can also be nice just to walk around downtown to see some of the Yale architecture. You can start by the law school and walk inwards through old campus.

I’d you’re looking for food at night, Tavern on State is a great choice. I also love Sherkaan and NOA right now. The city does have a really excellent food scene.

Hope your interview goes well! We’d love to have you here.


marche_au_supplice t1_jdorly3 wrote

If you find anything in East rock that is affordable on a $75k salary please let me know because I certainly haven’t seen it in the last year. As others have mentioned, renting is definitely doable, but the “cheap” houses and condos in East Rock are well over $400k unless they’re totally run down.


marche_au_supplice t1_jblvfrh wrote

Reply to comment by Udeshpo in Quietist parts of the cities? by [deleted]

I am unfortunately not sure. I have some Jewish friends who live there and have said there is a big orthodox community that I understand to be very pleasant neighbors, but I think some parts are directly adjacent to rougher areas so can have spillover issues


marche_au_supplice t1_jbh45qi wrote

Is there a reason you want to stay in New Haven? As you say, outside the city would be quieter.

East Rock and Westville are very quiet. It seems like Morris Cove would be as well, and parts of Beaver Hills. Unfortunately, I think a lot of times “quiet” is a matter of perception and goes hand in hand with “expensive.”


marche_au_supplice t1_jbh2rdr wrote

Is Tom Goldenberg the one who swooped in here after years working in NYC consulting firms known for being egregiously unscrupulous in their practices and the organizations they represent?


marche_au_supplice t1_jb6k3vc wrote

Reply to Mechanic. by DaveBrz

I really like Ricks in Hamden. They do a nice job and I’m usually surprised by how inexpensive it is.

I’ve used East Rock Auto as well and they’re fine in a pinch.


marche_au_supplice t1_j9zpsqh wrote

I think it’s open for some period of time but not exactly sure when. I know it’s closed by 9 am so it might be open from 6 am to 9 am. There is a sign on the Elm Street entrance that lists times but they’re definitely wrong.


marche_au_supplice t1_j9anw7k wrote

This has been asked many times and the answers are usually the same. East Rock is super family friendly, and the neighborhood schools are great, though the neighborhood is divided between two and people usually prefer Hooker to East Rock Magnet.

Westville is also very family friendly. Will take longer to get downtown and has more suburban feel. Schools there are also good.

Regardless of where you live there are non-neighborhood schools like Elm City Montessori that are generally very good.


marche_au_supplice t1_j6rww5v wrote

Obviously your choices for vegetarian are much less limited than vegan. Sherkaan has a lot of vegetarian options that I’ve found really great, even as a meat eater.

Tibetan Kitchen has a lot of vegetarian options as well.

You can check out the menus for Italian places to see if anything sounds appealing in terms of meatless pasta, like L’Orcio.


marche_au_supplice t1_j5w8sy2 wrote

The weather in late February/March is typically cold. We’ve had an unusually warm winter this year, but I would expect it to be near freezing for the most part. There might also be some days that are warmer, but it’s hard to say. I’d assume you’ll need a winter jacket and warm pants for the most part, but there could be a day that’s literally warm enough for shorts and a t-shirt—that’s just how weather is around here.

I’m terms of walking, it’s generally pretty safe. I wouldn’t necessarily plan to go on long neighborhood strolls at 2 am, but I wouldn’t feel unsafe walking home at 10 pm.

New Haven is a city, so there is always the possibility that some bad actor will give you trouble, but it’s usually pretty safe and quiet.