maybeCheri t1_j97nthc wrote
Reply to Scientists create carbon nanotubes out of plastic waste using an energy-efficient, low-cost, low-emissions process. Compared to commercial methods for carbon nanotube production that are being used right now, ours uses about 90% less energy and generates 90%-94% less carbon dioxide by Wagamaga
It’s things like this that make me believe that the next generations will fix what us Boomers screwed up.
maybeCheri t1_j04qdnj wrote
Reply to comment by DraniKitty in [OC] geospatial distribution of different fast food chains in the USA (included some of your suggestions from my previous post) by MaverickJW
Exactly. Live in Missouri and here they are called Hardee’s. There are several locations around here.
maybeCheri t1_iz1mqj7 wrote
Reply to comment by I_Automate in Floetry by The_Tree_Beard
You see that’s the thing, I don’t wonder if there is something after we die. I know without an iota of doubt that there is and it is beautiful. Our consciousness continues in this beautiful place.
maybeCheri t1_iyzl88g wrote
Reply to comment by I_Automate in Floetry by The_Tree_Beard
No thanks. I’ll wait. Something else to look forward to.
maybeCheri t1_iyyepdk wrote
Reply to Floetry by The_Tree_Beard
This is what I imagine we see after we die. Beautiful colors. Beautiful music. Warmth and love.
maybeCheri t1_ir8h0k1 wrote
Reply to comment by meltingpotato in New Delaware Law Ends Many Fines And Fees That Criminalize Poverty by Osterstriker
This is how things are in a huge number of communities. The government budget counts on the fees they charge people for a minor infraction then late fees on top of late fees on top of jail fees. It is one of the things that people were protesting in Ferguson, Missouri USA when Michael Brown was killed by an asshat cop. The judges would give fines so that their salaries could be paid by the budget propped up by the fines they gave. Legal Extortion.
maybeCheri t1_jd97pkt wrote
Reply to comment by Alfred_The_Sartan in (Biology) How far down your spine can you break before respiratory impairment? by Anomaly-Friend
We should take a survey or do a medical study on this question. Probably should do a full study on all forms of capital punishment.