
mtarascio t1_jahpk4w wrote

The policy per the article -

>when the 60-minute limit is reached, minors will be prompted to enter a passcode to make an “active decision” to keep watching. For accounts with users under 13, a parent or guardian will have to set or enter an existing passcode to allow 30 minutes of extra viewing time once the initial 60-minute limit is reached.


mtarascio t1_jahor33 wrote

>when the 60-minute limit is reached, minors will be prompted to enter a passcode to make an “active decision” to keep watching. For accounts with users under 13, a parent or guardian will have to set or enter an existing passcode to allow 30 minutes of extra viewing time once the initial 60-minute limit is reached.

That's not quite right.

Under 13 needs a parental code.

Of course parent can hand out the code but that's just plain ol' bad parenting at that point.


mtarascio t1_j9miexl wrote

Are they gonna add an Amber alert system?

Of course not, that would just make everyone being ignorant and ignoring the problem, realize it's a problem.

Edit: Love how gun control replies initially get upvoted quite well and then just get destroyed.

The downvotes feel like little angel kisses.


mtarascio t1_j66c4cd wrote

Skip forward man.

Like a science fiction novel (social commentary), the first port of call is the published date to get a reference on the cultural statements of the time.

Most sitcoms spend a time finding their feet, they don't turn into juggernauts until they find their feet.

You can literally jump in anywhere with Seinfeld, follow a 'best of' internet list or something.