
t1_j9llcye wrote

It's actually objectively true. All the US did was recognize them as a country, negotiation would have done nothing. Thee had been plenty of negotiation for many years since way before the Holocaust or WWII. The Arabs and Jews were effectively in civil war, every compromise was rejected no matter what, which is exactly what the Arabs said they would do. There was never going to be a one state solution, neither side was willing to do that, decades of mandate histoiry show why that is a ridiculous idea. Israel looks the way it does because the Palestinians attacked and lost, no negotiations would change that, even if the UN did not vote, there would still be a state of Israel, it had been brewing for decades. All the British did was punt the League of Nations question from WWI to the UN.


t1_j9lhymp wrote

I'm not sure what table you are talking about? Beginning meaning when? If you are talking about the creation of Israel, America had nothing to do with that, the British effectively left, there was a proposal that Israel said yes to and Palestinians said no to, the Palestinians and Arabs attacked the Jews and then the Jews won. They have always been included, I am not sure what you are saying?


t1_j9ksm4f wrote

They want peace and nothing to do with the Palestinians. The people who were killed were part of terrorist groups if you read the article. The question is what do the Palestinians want? They reject all peace, they stopped supporting the only political party of theirs that supported peace in favor of Hamas who specifically does not support peace and wants terrorism. Israel is moving further to the right, which will complicate peace, however at points Israel has offered entirety of WB, if Palestinians stopped terrorist attacks and rocket attacks, there would be peace tomorrow.


t1_j6lrxbq wrote

No they were random Palestinians in the West Bank that were part of a different group. The PA lead by Fatah has a weak hold on the WB and lost Gaza completely in 2007. Mahmoud Abbas is 87 and will die soon, Fatah is pretty weak, Hamas is strong, but not decisively like in Gaza. Major cities are way more separate in WB, so different group tend to have control in the different cities, like Ramallah, Jenin, Hebron, etc... In this case Hamas was not involved. Many Palestinians will attack Israeli citizens(these Druze were Israeli), as the Palestinian government will pay their families though pay to slay,

Edit: accidentally replaced fatah with hamas


t1_j6lkhws wrote

More from terrible palestini terror. You see the Palestini have a history of violent terrorism and using ambulances for terror. It might be time to move to the two state solution. Cities in area A and B can stay, but Israel gets the rest and the rest of the Palestinians can go back to Jordan. Gaza can become the state of Palestine.


t1_j6gs6u7 wrote

Yeah the Druze are bad ass and great friends to Jews. They help defend people in the IDF and take no crap from anyone.,spokesperson%20said%20during%20a%20briefing, When Palestinian terrorists stole a kid on life support(killing him in the process), some armed Druze got them to give the body back, it was terrible that the kid died.


t1_j1mtz6z wrote

They didn't create Hamas, they worked with Hamas when it was a religious organization and non violent as opposed to the PLO that carried out terrorism globally and did attacks like hijacking the plane to Uganda or the massacre of Israeli athletes during the Munich olympics. No surprise Israel wanted to work with the non violent(at the time) organization over the terrorist group. Not much different with the US and the Mujadeen.


t1_j1mlfsh wrote

Welp maybe if they want to keep their identity they should not elect terrorist groups like Hamas to lead them. They should stop declaring and losing wars against Israel, they should take aid and not use it for weapons and propaganda. Not sure what you expect Israel to do here, when their neighbor just wants to launch rockets while its leaders sit happy in Qatar. Israel left Gaza in 2005, all they got for it was rocket attacks. Palestine(specifically the leaders not the people) have no interest in making peace, they will lose more until that changes.
