
parlapier t1_jax467n wrote

Whats the practical benefit in being actively rude? Make everyone dislike you?

Better to say something nice rather than individualistic bull crap like this, but if you have to, and you are an individualistic person, its better for you not to make others think you are a bigger asshole than you already are.


parlapier t1_j6esx44 wrote

His wealth was built by the work of pseudo slaves in his warehouses. What actual value has he ever added to society besides leeching from the workers who created, built and operate Amazon? How has it come to a point that someone working so hard that they piss in a bottle would have to work thousands of years to earn as much as the guy he hands most of the value his labour generates earns?


parlapier t1_j6eskg1 wrote

People can't pay their mortgages, big money comes in and buys all the houses and then you have to pay to live in them for the rest of your life. Huge unemployment so wages go down and you are grateful that your rich overlords who do not work a single honest day in their lives allow you to slave away in ever worsening conditions while paying you just enough to eat and pay rent to another rich fucker.

You want to see an image of the future the capitalists want? Imagine a boot stomping on a human face forever.