pelican_chorus t1_j1477p1 wrote
Reply to comment by Ioseb_Hates_Money in My car got towed for street cleaning, however, there was no scheduled cleaning on either sides of the street. I got ticketed/towed, and this cost me $200. by Ioseb_Hates_Money
So you say you were parked in Zone C (odd on 1st Friday, even on 2nd Monday), but you got towed as if you were in Zone E (odd on 2nd Thursday).
Zone E borders Zone C on River Street (see map: One side of River St is Zone E and the other side is Zone C.
The north/west side of River Street is E and has street cleaning on 2nd Thursday.
Are you sure you weren't parked on the odd side of River St, and looked at a sign near the even side and assumed it was the same zone?
E.g. say you parked on the odd side of River St next to the intersection of William St. The sign that would be visible from there on William St (see Google Street View) says 1st Friday on the odd side, so that could be confusing. But it would be referring to William St, not River.
(It would be a lot easier if you just posted your intersection, it's not like we can dox you from that, but that's fine if you want to keep your privacy.)
pelican_chorus t1_j144m2l wrote
Reply to comment by Psychogistt in Dunce by CloroxWipes1
Friends (or acquaintances, were they even really friends?) telling the cops that someone assaulted police officers in an attempt to overthrow democracy is a good thing.
Keeping crimes under a code of silence is something out of a mafia novel. Omertà , maybe.
pelican_chorus t1_j143sfa wrote
Reply to comment by sourbirthdayprincess in Mary Chung is closing down by symmetry81
Entirely S&S's fault. They sold Ryles, and attached a rider saying the place couldn't be used for food or entertainment for 20(?) years. They didn't want competition.
pelican_chorus t1_j0x4f8j wrote
Reply to My car got towed for street cleaning, however, there was no scheduled cleaning on either sides of the street. I got ticketed/towed, and this cost me $200. by Ioseb_Hates_Money
I doubt it was street-cleaning, or an overzealous tow truck, like someone else suggested (They can't give tickets).
I would assume either
- You missed a construction notice (i.e. a paper "no-parking between x and y hours until z date" pinned to a tree)
- You weren't in a legal spot (wrong side of a parking sign, too close to a hydrant, handicapped spot, etc)
If you gave your exact parking spot we might be able to figure it out further. (I'm assuming that "Jones Street at Rudolph Street" is made up, right? I can't find those actual streets on Google Maps.)
pelican_chorus t1_j0vm0z7 wrote
Reply to comment by HebrewHammer14 in Proposed permanent housing building for those experiencing homelessness raises concerns with some Dorchester residents by ak47workaccnt
Please build more of this in my backyard (Cambridge).
Stop piling all of these in poor neighborhoods like Dorchester every time and then accusing the residents of those places of NIMBYism.
pelican_chorus t1_j0vlvxs wrote
Reply to comment by TheyMikeBeGiants in Proposed permanent housing building for those experiencing homelessness raises concerns with some Dorchester residents by ak47workaccnt
Amen. People here complaining about NIBYs with regards to this are ridiculous: Roxbury and Dorchester are the poor neighborhoods where these kinds of projects are always placed.
Build more of this in my backyard, in Cambridge. Or in an affluent part of Boston, or Brookline, or wherever.
pelican_chorus t1_j0ha7gb wrote
Reply to comment by aaeme in Does rotation break relativity? by starfyredragon
But isn't an orbiting body in free-fall? And a body in free-fall can't feel the force of the body it's falling towards, right? That was my point. Isn't it an inertial frame?
pelican_chorus t1_j0gmcvb wrote
Reply to comment by aaeme in Does rotation break relativity? by starfyredragon
>If we never saw the night sky it would be difficult if not impossible to prove by experiment that the earth is in motion around the sun.
Am I right in thinking that there is, in fact, no experiment that could tell whether we were moving around the sun, or the sun moving around us (in the same way that a car moving at constant speed towards a wall can say whether it is moving or the wall is moving)?
Spinning, however, seems different, right? We can tell that the Earth is spinning on its own axis using Foucault's Pendulum, right?
pelican_chorus t1_izzw1fz wrote
Reply to comment by Moomoomoo1 in Mary Chung is closing down by symmetry81
Oh jesus fucking christ, it's going to be another giant Bank of America ATM machine with Zoom calls, or whatever that fucking place is in Inman.
pelican_chorus t1_iztup4l wrote
Reply to Correct me if I am wrong by OscarOrr
Besides what others have already said: Around the trunk is more common on a tiny baby sapling, only 3-6' tall or so. This is a much more mature sapling, and its root ball will have already spread out.
pelican_chorus t1_ix861mv wrote
Reply to I miss the old water by plsgoobs
Yup, MWRA tastes better. It was the biggest thing I noticed moving from Somerville to Cambridge.
pelican_chorus t1_iumucyn wrote
Reply to Is the bike related post ban for real? by nomolurcin
OP claims the got banned for this post. If that's true, that's pretty shitty, u/taylorhayward_boston.
pelican_chorus t1_iumci77 wrote
Reply to comment by BQORBUST in Is the bike related post ban for real? by nomolurcin
For serious, banning a topic in a subreddit as retaliation to an IRL cyclist that has nothing to do with Reddit is pretty gross.
pelican_chorus t1_iumc7de wrote
Reply to comment by ExpressiveLemur in Is the bike related post ban for real? by nomolurcin
The r/CambridgeMA subreddit is really odd. I've had perfectly bland posts held up for moderation for days, until I message the mods.
If it's just one mod, I get it, it's hard to make sure this doesn't turn into spam. But then why not add new mods, and/or leave most of the work to the automoderator?
pelican_chorus t1_irfvtg1 wrote
Reply to comment by kid_drunkadelic1 in Missing package - anyone recognize this porch? by Deep-Recover-9204
Wow, amazing job.
pelican_chorus t1_j147xgf wrote
Reply to Artist & Craftsman Cambridge Closing Its Doors; Message from the manager by sine4ter
Oh no! You'll be missed. I did wonder why there was a 30% sale when I was there yesterday...
Inman Sq is about to have some prime real estate because the CHA is closing its doors for good. It will be right on the brand-new walkable square that they're finishing up there...