
pleasereadthanks t1_j6p47v6 wrote


Of course there are things that are clearly thrillers and things that are clearly Horror. Always has been.

I'm talking about how marketing in the 90s, post Silence of the Lambs, used the thriller tag on certain novels and movies that probably would've been classified as horror previously, to make them appear more "classy" and appeal to a wider audience.

This is not a theory, it's what happened.


pleasereadthanks t1_j6lyffb wrote

Hey do you like Terminator 2?

Guess what, the plot and structure of T2 is recycled from the first one almost beat for beat but bigger and better.

It even ends in a factory just like the first one.

That's how Cameron does sequels so successfully. He takes the same basic ingredients and makes them bigger and better with a little twist. Same with Aliens.


pleasereadthanks t1_j6l6xw8 wrote

Where are all the Titanic or Godfather "fanatics"?

Some of the biggest films of all time don't have fandoms.

Rabid fandom for every franchise is a relatively new phenomenon mostly spured on by commercialism (merch) and the internet (commercialism).

Avatar is a good old fashion blockbuster hit, that doesn't need to rely on nerdom to make 2 of the top 5 biggest hits of all time.


pleasereadthanks t1_j6kgbzm wrote

Interestingly enough the book of Silence of the Lambs is largely credited for the death of the horror novel boom of the 70s and 80s, because now respectable people could read about horrific things under the guise of the "thriller" genre tag.


pleasereadthanks t1_j67qz6w wrote

Sorry I edited my above comment but you might have missed it.

If you like historical fiction, James Ellroy does Crime thrillers set mostly in LA in the 1950s and he's sensational

Also have you heard of In The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco? It's a medieval Detective story.

I also like James M. Cain, Michael Connelly and Richard Stark for noir type stuff.


pleasereadthanks t1_j67qivw wrote

Trust me, I don't think anyone ever accused Patterson of being a genius! LOL he writes fast paced thrillers, most of which are garbage but there a few that are decent enough if you're in the mood for them I've found

If you like historical fiction and want some historical type thrillers check out James Ellroy. He's fantastic