
t1_jef5hy8 wrote

I agree with your stance, especially to your point about border security searching people within 100 mi of the border. But if I was looking for perfection from my politicians I will never be happy. I can easily find something to dislike about every single one of them, so I need to focus on issues that are actually important to me and northern border security is near the bottom of the list.


t1_jef2my5 wrote

I feel like the border issue is something he does for political grandstanding, but all politicians do that so I don't care. It doesn't seem like it'd be an issue that would affect me in any meaningful way so I shouldn't listen to people that make an issue about it.

I do wish he would change his stance on marijuana legalization though.


t1_j7pa2v1 wrote

Some of this shit is just useless meetings with townspeople that don't want something to happen in their backyard. I remember when eversource wanted to run a cable across great bay and you'd think they were trying to open a puppy slaughtering mill. That was the point I understood why simple projects cost tens of millions of dollars... Endless meetings with lawyers and engineers billed at $500 per hour.


t1_j1if1ms wrote

This is an incredibly stupid take.

  1. Why would Baker have accepted half of what thought he could get? There's hundreds of millions of dollars at stake.
  2. Just because they're in the same party doesn't mean they don't have diametrically opposed goals. Sununu is responsible to his constituents in NH, a group that does not want to pay income taxes. Baker is responsible to his constituents in MA, a group that does not want to lose substantial tax revenue to fund it's social programs.
  3. If Sununu accepted half, that would piss off his own constituents even more. You either believe you are in the right and take it to court, or you don't. He did, and the SCOTUS declined to take up the case.