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chesbyiii t1_j7lgou1 wrote

As if traffic's not bad enough in Stowe they decide to have a street festival.


clonezilla t1_j7lrzvf wrote

Fyre Fest 2023


carsenmeckhardt t1_j7lnf7w wrote

Thats a terrible place to light your truck on fire


MmmmapleSyrup t1_j7mydb5 wrote

Depends on the objective, really…


71802VT t1_j7pjqv2 wrote

If you wanted it to burn right in the middle of Rt 100 that would be perfect.


you_give_me_coupon t1_j7mvzha wrote

I know, imagine all those poor flatlanders breathing the fumes! Just awful!


sleepysoof t1_j7plkth wrote

how does it feel to be miserable


you_give_me_coupon t1_j7pxmmh wrote

Imagining flatlander airbnb ski ghouls choking on carcinogenic smoke from a burning car feels pretty great.


love2laughalot26 t1_j7ln3ie wrote

A hay truck spontaneously caught fire in the middle of the street. It was wild! My co-workers heard the tires on the truck explode and a lot of the businesses near there got full of smoke from the fire.


skonevt t1_j7lzzbk wrote

Always the hay trucks, never the weed trucks.


illusivealchemist t1_j7lq4kq wrote

Holy crap! I hope the driver is okay! What a scary situation


Wind_guy9869 t1_j7nd7jm wrote

We’re alright! It was a crazy morning for sure. Very thankful for the Stowe FD’s quick response and minimalising the damage to the building next to it


siltanator t1_j7njj6y wrote

When hay gets wet it allows bacteria to grow. This growth of new life creates just enough heat to combust the hay. It’s actually pretty common.


Hobbes802 t1_j7pgcbh wrote

I heard the driver flicked a ciggie butt out the window and that's what lit the hay. It's third hand information so do what you want with it.


fiercedeity05 t1_j7lm422 wrote

People will do anything for a parking space these days, smh.


Pure_Ambition t1_j7m3hvw wrote

These gender reveal parties are getting out hand


anniedee82 t1_j7li9cb wrote

I think it's a truck that was carrying hay. There are pictures on Facebook


Trajikbpm t1_j7lf4k4 wrote

Is that a Tesla! /s


meinblown t1_j7lqzzu wrote

Nice jokes, but your Ram pickup is far more likely to spontaneously combust.


SniffHerSoles t1_j7lsim3 wrote

Nah, you're clearly not a mechanic and/or must've not been paying attention during the last hurricane... When an EV touches water with salt in it, a chemical reaction causes it to explode... And they take 5x more water to extinguish and they also can reignite days after.... anyone with any engineering experience or basic understanding knows that EV's are nothing but a dangerous planet killing spy device.


thunder-cricket t1_j7lnx5k wrote

I like that dude in the background who looks like he's casually leaning up against the wall with his feet crossed, checking it out 20 feet away. Dude's hardcore.


MizLucinda t1_j7ltzk8 wrote

That’s peak vermont right there. Not his business so he’s standing back.


Wind_guy9869 t1_j7ndi4d wrote

Well, thank you 😂 it was my business it’s just as close as I wanted to get to it lol


MizLucinda t1_j7lu7tz wrote

That looks terrible. I hope everyone’s ok. And I see it was a hay truck - I hope whatever animals needed that hay can get some somewhere else.


RZRPRINCESS t1_j7lif2k wrote

Please someone explain the inferno....Is it real? is fake? is it a tourist's mind exploding from the "beauty" of Stowe? LOL but seriously what is going on?


moneyforsoy t1_j7lsr3o wrote

truck found out it couldn’t go through the notch and had a temper tantrum


mojohand2 t1_j7llly8 wrote

I hope all those drivers didn't have any plans for the rest of the afternoon.


HYPE_PRT t1_j7lqqyy wrote

They detoured us through a side street. Which would’ve been okay… of course I rolled up hauling a 53 foot trailer… miserable time


Apprehensive_Pop_305 t1_j7lsiko wrote

They were all headed to the mountain so already planning to spend the day in a traffic jam.


DirtyBirdNJ t1_j7lo31a wrote

The traffic must be spectacular


hopenoxford t1_j7loqpl wrote

Second truck in a little over a week I've seen in flames in the area, last Monday I drove past one in the rest stop right before Waterbury


Minamato t1_j7m74om wrote

I never saw burning cars before I moved to the state 4 years ago. Now I’ve seen 3. What’s up with that?


pkvh t1_j7lunoj wrote

Is that an oxygen truck in the foreground? Or just heating oil?


Fudthebiker t1_j7lwffm wrote

Unrelated (I hope), but wasn't there a spate of arson incidents in the Stowe area 1-2 years ago? Whatever came of that?


No-Ganache7168 t1_j7m5w4z wrote

Person was caught. Don’t remember what happened to him


PeteDontCare t1_j7mzyhp wrote

Are you sure they were caught? I don't remember that happening


No-Ganache7168 t1_j7nkfo0 wrote

Yes. It was a man who appeared to be mentally unstable. It was in the Stowe reporter


PeteDontCare t1_j7nnrfw wrote

Ok ok, you're right. Was it related to the spate of arson fires that happened a while back in Stowe? That was really odd, and can't believe he could evade everyone like that


DBNodurf t1_j7mcu9m wrote

Someone trying to get warm?


Hillman314 t1_j7mg8il wrote

Obviously a Chinese balloon sneak attack…be afraid!


gtxman609 t1_j7mxxby wrote

I hope no one was hurt


rosie666 t1_j7n7cic wrote

That stretch of road isn’t zoned for truck fires.


IamIrolMayne t1_j7n7t7i wrote

Wild photo. I assume that is not normally there?


Generic_Commenter-X t1_j7pz7k0 wrote

This is how Vermont terrorists do it. A hay truck. Wait till you get a load of our exploding flannel underwear and our jugs of Molotov Maple Syrup.


zipperkiller t1_j7n1yec wrote

I know it’s cold out, but I think this is taking cabin heating too far.


kpmcg20 t1_j7n5mcb wrote

Saw a semi truck fire 2 weeks ago heading west on 89. Weird.


UnrulyLunch t1_j7n8t9k wrote

Well at least the truck won't have to pay for parking.

Hope everyone is ok.


RudyWakening t1_j7nb12w wrote

That's a wild pic, it looks like a painting


plumecat t1_j7noxgg wrote

I passed this when it had pretty much just started I think. Dropped off my first delivery and in the few minutes that took it went from some flames to smoke billowing.

Wish I had remembered I had a fire extinguisher when I first saw it.


greenmtnfiddler t1_j7nt05f wrote

Someone's feedstore business or farm just took a pretty big hit. I hope they have the useful kind of insurance. :(


GreenIce2022 t1_j7ogfsf wrote

If that's in Stowe, why does the road sign say "(left arrow) Stowe 7"?

Edit: punctuation


shingalated t1_j7oybrv wrote

Because it says "ski area" in smaller text to the right of Stowe.


GreenIce2022 t1_j7qejkn wrote

Oh thank you. I tried zooming in but it was too blurry to read what it says


Bissel328 t1_j7p35f8 wrote

Love the guy just casually walking down the street lol


skook1986 t1_j7pqhme wrote

I’m sure somehow the resort is behind this 🙄


DoctorGooseGoose t1_j7qxrf8 wrote

Every one in a million times that someone doesn’t turn when it’s their turn at a three-way stop, they explode.


KustyTheKlown t1_j7rpsrj wrote

i for one blame vail resorts inc.


Ej1992 t1_j7u5q37 wrote

This intersection is already a traffic shitshow.. ooff


rawdaddykrawdaddy t1_j7mpq1y wrote

Not a single comment asking if the driver is okay?!
