
ricardo9505 t1_jae08pk wrote

Dude I don't listen to Indian music and of course it may sound better to you cause it's Indian and you're not translating. Also since you're not from the the West there are some things you may not understand or comprehend due to the culture. Elvis has tons of fans in Japan. Riddle me that one. I can't. I listen to lots of music in Spanish. To me the move songs are deeper but that's cause Spanish is my first language. Like I can't pray in English. Feels empty. But I speak English better than Spanish now.


ricardo9505 t1_j8qahnc wrote

I will second this. I read about factory standards in Mexico (The Economist magazine) and they are in par with the USA. Issue being salaries and workers rights usually. But I would gladly pay more if it's made in the USA. I'm older and don't need 5 jackets. But from a business decision I get it, keep prices affordable.


ricardo9505 t1_j72wxmk wrote

Not sure why you haven't watched some YouTube vids by actual Pros. Caulk the whole thing, as comfortably as you can. Use a spatula for cement to clean the areas. Then a dust brush then alcohol. Simple bathroom sealant should hold for many years. Make sure your layering technique is good so it doesn't come out ugly and it actually bonds. And get that shit in there, finger method works fine or you can buy that thingy they sell at the hardware stores that's a slider like tool.


ricardo9505 t1_j6nmawc wrote

At your age I'd recommend start working out and see a therapist. Read more too. This doesn't happen overnight or in a week. There ain't no book or pill that will alter you deeply. It's a process called life. You haven't learned from your last or there are obvious reasons from your last why you became you. Now it's time for loving yourself in a healthy way. Becoming a man. I know, weird term but you get what I'm saying. I'm in my 40s. Therapy helped change my life along with all the work I had to do. I'm a single dad. So I also know I have to be a good example.


ricardo9505 t1_j6nllcu wrote

Clean it completely with de greaser spray or whatever. Clean and inspect with a magnifying glass or zoom camera on phone for imperfections or breaks. Try reinstalling and see if it did the job. If not replace.