
schu4KSU t1_j9ofap5 wrote

Wait to determine what? The DA is not charging him. It is not acceptable at most universities for a representative to have knowingly brought the murder weapon to a murder.

Imagine this was a bench player. Imagine this was a GA or bench coach. Imagine Bama was having an also-ran season. What would be the disposition of status?


schu4KSU t1_j9od1f2 wrote

I'm assuming the club had a metal detector / door security and that was the reason the gun was left behind initially. You don't believe Miller first learned of the presence of the gun in the car when he got that text, do you?

You'd agree that you'd drive differently and not worry about scratches or dents after your car had been shot full of holes and your passenger had her head blown off, right?

Sounds to me like the Jeep was trying to leave the conflict, was partially impeded by Miller's car, and with the clock ticking on an exit and gun finally back in his hands - it was now or never to shoot.


schu4KSU t1_j60ouk3 wrote

If their eyes ever turn bright red...lookout, brother.

Honestly, here's the deal. It won't be a "rogue" AI that does us in. It'll be a program that has been instructed by a person or people to do so - and well before a well-intentioned AI would develop bad ideas of its own.

When you have code that can be copied and modified in minutes, it's the old thought experiment of "if every person on the earth had a button that, if pushed, would destroy life on earth - how long would it be before someone chooses to push it? I think we all know the answer.