
swarm32 t1_jea1dgh wrote

With the push for electrification of everything ( heating, cooling, vehicles) etc., how about we incentivize the plentiful production of clean/zero carbon power ( solar, wind, hydro, nuclear) instead of going out of our way to penalizing the end residential users who are being pushed to electrify?

If clean electricity is in reliable, plentiful and inexpensive supply, then people will find it a lot more compelling to drop their 30yr old oil furnace as a primary heat source.

How about providing incentives ( carrot ) for landlords to upgrade their systems and levy penalties (stick) for not using systems below a certain efficiency level after say 5-10 years?

Or more direct grants for rural and poor families to upgrade the insulation and systems in their houses instead of indirect rebates that they may not be able to front the initial cost of?

There’s a hundred ways out of the problem, but increasing electricity rates even more will stall a lot of other progress being made.


swarm32 t1_j7vm6gj wrote


In my experience, with the station consolidations allowed in the past decade, a number of the transmitters that gave people at least one or two stations were shut down or relocated to more profitable areas. This is on top of already poor reception due to the mountains.


swarm32 t1_j63qfw8 wrote

The SUV you might rent may have WORSE performance in the snow that your buddy’s sedan due to the hard wearing “””all seasons””” that are typically on rental vehicles.

If you’re really concerned/going to make a lot of trips up, look into a decent set of proper winter tires for the sedan. The kind with three peaks for severe mud & snow. Otherwise, as long as your buddy isn’t the type to run past the wear bars on their all seasons, just be careful and don’t drive if you don’t have to.


swarm32 t1_iwvjf5h wrote

Unfortunately changes in Recycling policy ~10 years ago caused a lot of the smaller sites that dealt with this to shut down.

Resource VT might still take donations? ( Burlington & Williston)

Public Schools at this point are fairly unlikely to take non-commercial donations of computer hardware due to the headaches related in maintenance and refurbishments.