
swohio t1_jad2z21 wrote

You guys are actually fucking stupid. This is Tesla's 5 year stock price chart. It was only above $400 one time and very very briefly.

Again, that is $400 POST SPLIT PRICE How is this hard to understand? The person I replied to mentioned "still being down 50%" inferring he was talking about the current price.



swohio t1_jab51tm wrote

You know that it split, right? It was only just a hair above $400 a single time.

EDIT: Downvote me all you want you fucking idiots. Tesla has only been a tiny bit above $400 in current post split pricing. Here is the 5 year chart. https://i.imgur.com/69VXiaj.png


swohio t1_j28lt3q wrote

You don't have any idea how options work but you want to dump a bunch of money into them? Just light a pile of cash on fire, at least you'll get some warmth from it.