
swoldier_force t1_jdt2vic wrote

Honestly, give it a shot yourself by downsizing.

Get rid of stuff like crazy even if you have to give it away for free. If you haven’t used or worn it in 6 months, you could probably go without it.

If you search Minimalism on YouTube you will find a deep rabbit hole of online organizers with tons of tips and strategies.

Lastly, stop accumulating stuff. Let people know the best gift for you is no gift. Don’t buy stuff because it’s on sale. Don’t pickup stuff because it’s free. Don’t buy cheap stuff. If you need something, research the hell out of it, even if it’s something as mundane as a frying pan or kitchen knife. If you do it right, you’ll only need one or two, and they should last for life.


swoldier_force t1_jd6h7e9 wrote

Reply to To Ky1e: by FuzzAldrin36

Democracy is beautiful.

Ky1e is getting more karma and updoots than the previous mod got in their entire tenure here. Well deserved too.


swoldier_force t1_jd6gpkg wrote

Reply to comment by BobQuasit in To Ky1e: by FuzzAldrin36

I honestly hope some of those people who were quick to support the mod were just oblivious.

Once I realized what was happening, I followed the drama as it spanned several posts and subreddits.

Due to the constant deleting and locking of comments and posts though, I don’t think a lot of people realized the scope of things. I saw several “What’s happening here?” posts that came and went within minutes.


swoldier_force t1_jd2okmp wrote

They are doubling down and tripling down: https://www.reddit.com/r/TrueRandomThoughts/comments/11x4103/i_regret_nothing_about_what_i_knew/

They are also frustrated people are editing posts after being banned: https://www.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/11x7mhd/banned_user_can_still_edit_locked_threads_and/

When in reality, the whole issue happened when they deleted posts they said they would leave up for transparency, and went on to blanket ban mass amounts of active users and contributors. They started multiple threads to explain themselves, then deleted those threads when users, in pretty much total agreement, downvoted them and rallied against them.


swoldier_force t1_jd0prdd wrote

This is why I’m a fan of the whole upvote/downvote system. It made Reddit what it was. If a post/comment is trolling or offensive let the people downvote it into oblivion. The system works.

When there is actual hate or threat of violence, then a moderator should step in and deliver a warning, followed by a ban if necessary.

Subreddit rules should be open to occasion discussion and community review.


swoldier_force t1_jcxu9np wrote

Yup. I think he might have deleted at first, then realized it would create a further loop of drama.

Locking it just as bad as IMO as it stops constructive feedback and criticism. I don’t think anybody has an issue with blocking racist or homophobic shit, but it the power tripping, karma farming, and general psychotic behavior that is harming the subreddit.

And the he has posts a generic automated message from Reddit that is likely sent out in bulk as the evidence to justify his abuse.


swoldier_force t1_jcwrsga wrote

Jeez. It’s they are worse than I thought. If I want to read about the Ukraine war, or the garbage that is Putin, I can go to any other general news/politics or sub. I go to r/massachusetts for the local content.

They post stuff that is completely off topic to Massachusetts then throw a fit: https://old.reddit.com/r/massachusetts/comments/11u09gq/_/jcnwgrr


swoldier_force t1_j9pkugx wrote

The rangers patrol the Rutland State Forest pretty regularly. You will get caught.

You can try 508 International in Charlton. I know they have all kinds of trails and terrain build ups.

Freetown State Forest has sanctioned trails you can use, I think you might need to register for a pass to utilize them.

You can also try to find a secluded power line trail, but that is going to carry some risk of getting caught and more and more of them are being gated off.


swoldier_force t1_j96srhl wrote

There’s not a lot on the 146 corridor, but it is conveniently located half way between Worcester and Providence. Without traffic it’s about 20 minutes to both and both have a lot of things to do.

Purgatory Chasm is close by, it’s a natural rock formation for multiple hiking/walking trails.