
systematical t1_iydmo0p wrote

I take it just to avoid I-95. Plus if you are getting a room in DC finding one with parking is a hassle and more expensive. Driving in DC isn't my idea of a nice weekend getaway either.

It would be nice if they added a dedicated Richmond to Union Station option with no stops to decrease the ride length.


systematical t1_itsmquf wrote

There are rules in place:

I think this is a hard one to prove. Plus, our country hasn't brought an anti-trust suit in decades that I am aware of because the teeth of corruption are sunk in deep.


systematical t1_itp8jbj wrote

It's true. Every state thinks they have the worst drivers. I've lived in four states now and Richmond is the fucking worst. I've almost been hit on my bike multiple times, constantly see people run red lights, watched a lady drive into a tree a few houses down from and whoever thought this city could handle roundabouts on Jefferson is clearly a fucking moron. Then you have RVA fast and furious fucks and the amount of cars with fart nozzles attached to them is absurd.


systematical t1_itgppdp wrote

I live in Church Hill, so I have $3k sound proof windows installed over my regular windows and sleep with a fan running. Didn't hear a thing.

Edit: I am once again asking you all, write all your representatives, state and federal to ban the fart nozzles idiots attach to their vehicles.