

temporarysecretary17 t1_jebizjb wrote


temporarysecretary17 t1_je3kpjm wrote

At least in this case it would matter though. They exploited the gender norms of the time for their own schemes, like cleaning out stores because of a social norm that men couldn’t accompany single women while they shopped, and then passed off the stolen items to a different all men gang they were partnered in to fence the items. They weren’t the peaky blinders or anything like that.


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2d61f6 wrote

Satire of ancient travelogues. They would claim they went to real places and tell their true stories but just make shit up. This satirizes it by making up the most insane shit possible.


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2d5zw7 wrote

Satire of ancient travelogues. They would claim they went to real places and tell their true stories but just make shit up. This satirizes it by making up the most insane shit possiblle.


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2d53qd wrote

Idk, I think what mostly differentiates him from a child and truly makes him irredeemable is him basically saying “I want to kill mused but instead of doing that I’m going to dedicate my life to torturing you specifically”.


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2d42tk wrote

The monster doesn’t stay as a child forever. By the time Victor meets him he’s basically a poet. But people still line up to defend his child murder because I guess they think it makes them profound?


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2cbjm7 wrote

> Easily one of the worst movie adaptations ever

I will always defend universal Frankenstein. It’s a different take on the character but still a pretty valid one. Especially with bride of Frankenstein which is better than the original, as the movie monster is a completely different character they go through different arcs, but it’s still a good one.


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2cbcb9 wrote

I always hated this take. Both sucked. The monster was a product of his environment and neglect sure, but he was still a sadistic serial killer. Sympathetic but irredeemable.


temporarysecretary17 t1_j2caqau wrote

Meanwhile, people think he’s a poor innocent victim killing to protect himself, but that’s more movie franchise. Book franchise, whilst also a victim, is also a complete psychopathic sadist who dedicates his existence to torturing Victor.

Also, Frankenstein in the OG movies still had an arc, when he killed himself in bride of Frankenstein it’s actually very sad, much more sympathetic than book frankie overall.

And yes, I’m calling the monster Frankenstein, sue me.