
who_you_are t1_je4o3e6 wrote

You are 100% right about your question.

I developed on slow CPU (think about microwave, remote control, ...) and desktop.

There is two parts you need to know.

The first one, what everyone will repeat in this thread, everything work as a multiple of 8 bits. (8 to 64 nowday). Like, you can't send 7 or 9 bits, you need to ask a multiple of 8. See it like a box. You have specific boxes size to ship your stuff and worst case fill it with garbage.

Then, it is where you are right, the meaning on those numbers all depends on the CPU or software.

You need to read the CPU manual (called datasheet) to know how those bits will be interpreted because they could be 3 numbers within that 8 bits (like your example).

As for the software, well somebody (like me) programmed it to read it in a specific way to interpret part of that 8bits as I would like. So, the software know how to read it and interpret it.

For the ELI5, you can also see CPU as a software... Running human software

For desktop applications, except when size (bandwidth, space storage, ...) may become big really fast, you don't bother at all to try to squeeze as many numbers into one of those 8 bits multiple. We prefer readability over space nowday.

As for CPU... It can be quite common to have bits different meanings like your question. Again, you must read the datasheet (CPU manual).


who_you_are t1_j8ofauk wrote

I'm watching Louis Rossmann so I know their greed. But even us, we can see it with stuff targeted for us.

I already hate marketing because they lie on everything. Show me the specs, then the specs (if possible) in my common situation (it change, eg. Battery over temperature). Then, if you want put common use, then your bullshit generic marketing.

I also do electronics (not a lot though, and as personal). What they call "datasheet" (read it specifications) is gold by modern standard. You want to know the output at 10, 30, 60 degree? 3.3v, 5v, 50v? Here, take this! Usually the first section describes the product with general usages. Then the features.

All that in a short way. Except the first paragraph that somewhat look like generic marketing blabla, the other part are straight to the point.

All companies want to get all your money. If they could, they would just get it straight from your pay check without providing anything.

The way to go around is with subscription (free money on a regular base) and closed part (so you need to buy exclusive from them so they can get all the money).

Also, and it is a damn big issue, "we can barely do anything". Do you have the money and knowledge to start your own farming equipment manufacturer? To produce cellphones? Cars?... I would like, but I can't. I won't even be able to do 1/90 of that.

If I could, I would almost sell it for the price to build. Make sure management don't eat all the money for no reason (like their wage). trying to block wage increase if the bottom get any, reduce stupid layout to be always on the low hierarchy one (you know, the one actually making money to the company?)

Unfortunately, life suck and all that is impossible.


who_you_are t1_j8o9hgf wrote

I wonder if this is either because farming companies have less defense to protect themselves or if farms aren't going well (expensive to start, not lot of peoples continuing in that field) so if they could cut off experience.

Maybe farmers are also angry and make it know to high political peoples.

Maybe those political peoples don't see the issue for the general public since you can usually easily buy a new goods right now while on the farming industry... They have a monopole and seems to be slow in anyway.


who_you_are t1_j8d6vj9 wrote

FYI peoples have design and instructions to build it yourself with a 3d printer - for free.

And if you loose a finger as well., I won't even be surprised for US folk if it is cheaper to buy a 3d printer and do it yourself. (I mean, a 300$ resin printer or 3d printer + 20-30$ of "filament" is cheap AF. You won't have to pay for employees time and stupid greedy fee)

Warning: resin printers print *** nice details, unfortunately it is also toxic (use glove! Some ventilation! And need to be cured (by sun or UV lamp (warning dangerous for your eye :p))


who_you_are t1_iwr44ah wrote

I don't think the wealthy donors are the one to bash here. They are likely to know about it (and a study will write it down as a proof), they may like funding a type of study, or they are just usually good donators for research.

If they would be one of those Elon, I'm pretty sure it would never been published or we will read a news laughing at Elon for being a donor.


who_you_are t1_ivrl0h0 wrote

I mean for sure it is likely to be less. One employee 40h a week versus somebody once in a while...

I'm just curious with the number of hours in a robot life that need humans to work into.


who_you_are t1_ivqnnm5 wrote

Then I also wonder how many it created (if we normalize it).

I mean, you need peoples to design the pieces, to manufacturers them, to ship them, to repair them, ...

Yes I know it still locally remove job which can suck.