
xenolingual t1_j77b2r7 wrote

Understood -- we were in the same situation a few years ago. After seeing the mostly dismal complexes, speaking with managers about when to expect availability during our time, and seeing how regularly home apartments became available, we delayed our search and began looking in March/April for places starting in July/August.


xenolingual t1_j32awfy wrote

> a) break it down - which would be a reasonable suggestion except that when you break down a TV sized box it takes up like 90% of the tiny recycling bin we get, so now you have no room for all your other reycling.

They suggest that you stack the boxes flat and place them beneath or next to the recycling bin, similar to pizza boxes.


xenolingual t1_j31fyy8 wrote

Need to break it down into flat, smaller pieces of cardboard.

[edit] My partner has found the flyer we received when our large piece was rejected. It requested to cut the pieces down to approx 2 ft in length/width and remove plastic/tape if possible. We broke our box into pieces and folded each into something closer to 3x3, stack them; they took the stack sans issue.


xenolingual t1_j2x17ko wrote

Decreased quality product and severe reduction in sales/promotions are the biggest complaints I hear. They lost a lot of goodwill during the Wednesday debacle a few months back. I also hear bitterness from the staff about the rewards, but they ofc can't use them. There's a lot more competition these days, so I get why their promotions aren't as good as before.


xenolingual t1_j0ij9az wrote

I live a few blocks from the UMass Med campus and definitely recommend checking out food around. For example, Cafe Reyes - a Cuban joint that is staffed by rehab patients - is not far away and had one of the best breakfasts/lunches in the city. My partner and I also are fond of Regatta Deli and Lakeside Bar and grill for casual fare, too. The lakeside parks are also great -- in the summer, the Regatta Park has watercraft courses, and there's outdoor BBQ as well.