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DarkDeSantis t1_ir75xwv wrote

No clue why you would want the school to teach your children about sex instead of you, as the parent............That being said they do it anyways already.


phunky_1 t1_ir7fvvz wrote

Maybe because some kids have shitty parents who won't be bothered?

It should absolutely be mandated for kids to learn about sex and how to prevent unwanted pregnancy or STDs as well as options on how to handle an unwanted pregnancy.

Personally my parents never said a word to me about sex my entire life, I am glad that sex ex was taught in school.


Various-Space-680 t1_ir7keat wrote

first of all, it's a hell of a lot more important than probably 75% of what these kids are taught today. secondly, it's not my kids i'm worried about. third, most parents i've encountered that parrot the type of shit you just wrote are the ones with kids i have to warn my kids about.


MikeSCARN95 t1_ir8mj55 wrote

This is all totally fine for you to want for your kids. No one should be able to change any of this....but the same goes for the kids you're referencing. Thier parents have the right to teach then how and what they want. It doesn't go one way, that's not a free society, that's you forcing your way upon others


jjma14 t1_ir7nznp wrote

>No clue why you would want the school to teach your children

I want the school to teach my children about sex because they're the one's that went to school to learn how to teach my kids stuff.


MikeSCARN95 t1_ir8msnv wrote

You can't teach them about a basic biological function because you didn't go to school for it?


jjma14 t1_ir9jqxl wrote

Sure, I could. I could home school them too, but I send them to school to be taught by professionals.


MikeSCARN95 t1_ir9ntgl wrote

Sure, i see you're point. I don't agree with it completely but I'll afford you the point regardless. At least in terms of all other school subjects. We're talking about sex education. I think we have a huge problem as a society I'd we can't teach our own kids about a simple biological function without the help of a professional.


jjma14 t1_ir9vwz5 wrote

I agree that there's a problem if we can't teach our own kids about that. I also think it's a problem if parents don't read to their kids and can't teach them basic math. But like all the subjects, I think that the conversation should continue at home and be talked about more at home, but I still think the schools should teach it as well.


MikeSCARN95 t1_ir9wrru wrote

Basic biology I see no issue with, I think the point if contention is how the subject is being taught. I'm not pointing to anything specific here but I can understand concerns from parents that see issue with the way some of these subjects are presented in the public sphere, especially of a tax payer funded institution.


jjma14 t1_ir9xdax wrote

Again though, I have problems with the way math is being taught too, but I think that's a bigger issue. It's one thing to not like the way something is taught, but it's another to say they shouldn't teach it at all.


MikeSCARN95 t1_ir9ydpw wrote

Fair, but I think it's an argument of what some parents consider to be a private subject. Maybe at least worth the discussion that it should be the decision of the taxpayers funding a municipality to decide, further , if it is decided to be taught, how and what within the subject is taught. I'll make no argument that people that went to school to teach are better at teaching but that doesn't make them absolute authorities over WHAT is being taught, especially to the point where thier opinions on a subject supercede the will of the actual parents.


jjma14 t1_iradga1 wrote

Well the teachers aren't the ones deciding what's taught though. That's up to the school board I believe. Which is either elected or appointments by an elected official, so we do sort of indirectly control what's taught. But it's certainly worth the discussion.


MikeSCARN95 t1_iragnpq wrote

This is absolutely correct, we do indirectly control it. I only take issue with the notion a subject such as this is mandated by a district. If I understand the sentiment of the OP, it's a call to mandate such education instead of maybe an appeal to the parents/community to request such change. If I'm wrong about the intent, which I very well may be, than there's absolutely no issue with the discussion.


silasmoeckel t1_ir7tm5b wrote

By 4th grade talking about preventing the spread of aids?

By 8th grade talk about abstinence and choosing to abstain after sexual activity. WTF strange 180 here.


Cynthia_Castillo677 t1_ir8m1rh wrote

Because schools would teach without biases? As in, they would teach about safe sex and contraceptive use as opposed to just abstinence (which has been proven ineffective. States which emphasize abstinence have the highest teen pregnancy rates in the country).

They also have better education regarding human biology and wouldn’t spread as much misinformation in compared to parents who are uneducated/misinformed with outdated facts.

This would also ensure that children with parents who are too uncomfortable to have “the talk” (mine were like this) still have the opportunity to learn about sex education with a trusted adult.


MikeSCARN95 t1_ir8mw9d wrote

You're on reddit...the CT sub reddit. Mommy state has it all covered, don't you worry. Here in CT we like to force our will on those who don't agree with us via the state and claim it as virtue.
