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Nyt_Owl t1_j77sjgz wrote

Perkatory stores make some solid coffee choices as well.


JaKr8 t1_j77tx27 wrote

These used to be everywhere in the area years ago.

We don't spend all of our time up this way any more, but we usually try to seek out any local shops for donuts/sweets/coffee these days


roo-ster t1_j77u12s wrote

Cumberland Farms > Dunkin' and Starbucks


Ok-Shame5542 t1_j77uyci wrote

Whitney Donut in Hamden and Heavenly in Derby


Teereese t1_j77vuuz wrote

Whole Donut over Dunkin all day. Miss Whole Donut around here.


strippersandcocaine t1_j77wvn3 wrote

The 2 while donuts in my town were turned into DD a few years ago. Bummer


evanescent_evanna t1_j77z1nw wrote

My mom used to work at the one in Plainville. I used to spend a lot of time there when I was little. I miss that place.


Likeapuma24 t1_j77zfgf wrote

Decided to spend my daily Dunkin alottment of money on a cool little Ninja coffee brewer that makes iced coffee (all I drink, regardless of temps outside) at home.

In two months, I've already made my money back. And the one time I went to DD, I realized just how trash their coffee is compared to something you can grab from the grocery store and make yourself.


MarthStew444 t1_j7822yz wrote

The whole donut I used to go to would sell packs of cigarettes, you could hit the drive thru for ciggs if that was your thing.


dol1house t1_j788cj9 wrote

Their chocolate old fashioneds remain S-Tier donuts


Cologio t1_j78cxk5 wrote

Love the Whole Donut! Glazed bow ties!!! Plain crueler! The best. Every weekend as a kid I would go fishing with my father and this was our first stop. I remember sitting at the counter with all the regulars drinking their coffee and talking shit. Ah man


KarlaKamacho t1_j78garh wrote

If only Americans could taste the awesomeness of Mister Donut in Japan.


ShlugLove t1_j78i258 wrote

Donut Delight in Stamford was the BEST when I worked down there. Slammin' bagels and great coffee.


Esrianna t1_j78k052 wrote

Recently moved here from a place that didn't have Dunkin' (yes they exist). I was very excited to finally get to try Dunkin'. I'll never recover from that level of disappointment.


BowlLarge t1_j78ons0 wrote

Like “Eaton” hardware store in Collinsville late 80s early 90s? My father used to work there my earliest memories are of me and my friend playing in the barrels of bird seed lol


Rhoshambeau t1_j78pk9i wrote

The one in Enfield looks like it’s just a front for selling weed


Odd-Acanthaceae1048 t1_j78rp42 wrote

Omg this whole donut is still there?! Going to have to make a trip up for sure!


maybe_little_pinch t1_j78wgt6 wrote

In some states (I am looking at you Rhode Island and Florida) they make it SO WEAK. Several times I got black iced coffee in both states and it straight up looked like weak iced tea. And tasted awful. And apparently Florida doesn’t do cold brew.


GrimFlood t1_j78xw2x wrote

The Bakers Dozen is the only correct answer.


ShrubberyDragon t1_j795364 wrote

All I can remember is the donuts tasting like cigarette ashes 😂 they used to smoke in the back while making them


roberttylerlee t1_j795iss wrote

Unfortunate that The owners a sexist prick. I was the only man who had worked at any of the locations since he opened them aside from his son. Openly admitted that he only hires girls because they get better tips. Once sent me home in the middle of a 7am rush because my paltry, 19 year old facial hair was apparently an affront to his business, despite the fact that there was no published dress code policy for male workers. They fired me when I slipped on a spill, sprained my ankle and I asked about filing for workers comp for the time I missed.

Coffee and donuts are good though


Bonkshebonk t1_j796g5d wrote

My granddad was actually the creator of the Whole Donut. Every time we went to his house, he’d always have a box of day olds waiting for us. This makes me so happy to hear that people still remember it. :)


ayyyImaos t1_j79df8s wrote

DOOOD! So good. Remember Bess Eaton, or I forget how it's spelled, but good God their coffee and doughnuts were the bess


Funnygumby t1_j79emp4 wrote

I worked at The Whole Donuts in WeHa Center as one of my first jobs


satansdebtcollector t1_j79frsf wrote

These guys are still in business???🤯😱 I haven't seen that sign since the late 90's


johnsonutah t1_j79t7jn wrote

FYI to all that Switches in Berlin is actually Whole Donut - same owners same donuts they just changed the name for whatever reason


Wardo324 t1_j79vp9n wrote

Wild take, the whole donut is...mediocre at best.


Earthshoe12 t1_j7aw52y wrote

There are still whole donuts?? The last one I was aware of changed it’s name (although the owners are the same and everything tastes the same). Better than Dunkin by a country mile.


CTdadof5 t1_j7ayl5e wrote

Dunkin’s coffee and donuts are absolute trash. Worst ever. Love whole donut donuts. Coffee not so great.


othermegan t1_j7azg8b wrote

I lived off the flat bread sandwiches in high school. Ever since they got rid of them, I only went if I had no other option. Now I’m gluten free so I can’t enjoy anything there


evilestcake t1_j7b7ds1 wrote

Their donuts are the absolute best!! Cherry cake will forever be my favorite…


Gambler543210 t1_j7b9g0u wrote

I miss the whole donut. I used to go to the one in Bristol all the time


onihr1 t1_j7baigp wrote

The real goat was the Tim hortons we had in Wethersfield for a few years.


Such_Current7213 t1_j7be4b2 wrote

I also think they get worse the closer you get to Boston, i used to go to some good ones in NYC then i moved to CT i tried like 5 different ones, horrible. Their training must be some indoctrination camp because they cant do anything different. Ex. If a latte calls for four pumps of what ever flavor and you ask them for two guess what you will get four full pumps probably five.


Dorkknight112183 t1_j7bgwhc wrote

I’m obsessed with Honey dew donuts, to the point that I looked into opening a franchise here in northern Ct because it would stand out and make a killing in the land of Dunkin. But sadly they want way too much money. They put Dunkin to shame.


Aggravating-Agent670 t1_j7bvnho wrote

I loved whole donut in canton! I remember Eaton hardware too....I miss those days!


Dankmemes8188 t1_j7bx97r wrote

No we dont... Whole donut has always been awful. CT needs more small coffee places.


boneimplosion t1_j7c0k81 wrote

I mean, it's a fast food operation, right? Temper your expectations accordingly.

Dunkin, like many things that are famous, is famous for being famous, rather than for representing quality.


burnout524 t1_j7dq0n0 wrote

Did this about a year ago and haven’t looked back! Between my wife and I both working from home now (and neither of us stopping at DD on the way to the office) and my Ninja brewer that does Hot, Iced, AND cold brew, it’s saving us a ton!

Granted I’m one of those who does like Dunkin and will treat myself on an occasional weekend.

But then again, The Whole Donut > Dunkin.