Submitted by KevinFromConnecticut t3_10to581 in Connecticut
JaKr8 t1_j77tx27 wrote
These used to be everywhere in the area years ago.
We don't spend all of our time up this way any more, but we usually try to seek out any local shops for donuts/sweets/coffee these days
roo-ster t1_j77u12s wrote
Cumberland Farms > Dunkin' and Starbucks
Ok-Shame5542 t1_j77uyci wrote
Whitney Donut in Hamden and Heavenly in Derby
IndicationOver t1_j77vq15 wrote
Maybe OP thinks this is new?
Teereese t1_j77vuuz wrote
Whole Donut over Dunkin all day. Miss Whole Donut around here.
[deleted] t1_j77w9r3 wrote
strippersandcocaine t1_j77wvn3 wrote
The 2 while donuts in my town were turned into DD a few years ago. Bummer
[deleted] t1_j77yi55 wrote
evanescent_evanna t1_j77z1nw wrote
My mom used to work at the one in Plainville. I used to spend a lot of time there when I was little. I miss that place.
Likeapuma24 t1_j77zfgf wrote
Decided to spend my daily Dunkin alottment of money on a cool little Ninja coffee brewer that makes iced coffee (all I drink, regardless of temps outside) at home.
In two months, I've already made my money back. And the one time I went to DD, I realized just how trash their coffee is compared to something you can grab from the grocery store and make yourself.
JustADudeBeingADood t1_j780yzs wrote
Do you remember where it was? I remember one in Plainville but can't remember where it was
MarthStew444 t1_j7822yz wrote
The whole donut I used to go to would sell packs of cigarettes, you could hit the drive thru for ciggs if that was your thing.
KittyKittyMeeeeoooow t1_j782bwa wrote
PreviousReaction2 t1_j7842mn wrote
Who remembers Bess eaton? (Spelling?)
stlouisbrowns t1_j7857ai wrote
yeah but it's next to a comics joint so like you're gold on the 2 days the comics joint is open
evanescent_evanna t1_j786ri0 wrote
It was where West Main Street meets Route 372.
santa860 t1_j786sm0 wrote
That’s the best place or to ya in thomaston
Petemarsh54 t1_j7871tq wrote
That’s how know you a place will be good
Round_Rectangles t1_j787otf wrote
Nice to see some Whole Donut love.
dol1house t1_j788cj9 wrote
Their chocolate old fashioneds remain S-Tier donuts
graffiti81 t1_j789co5 wrote
Baker's Dozen > Dunkin all day
graffiti81 t1_j789oo7 wrote
I just have a drip pot. Costs notwithstanding, I make a way better (and consistent) cup of coffee than any of the chains.
Albus_Q t1_j78ccqu wrote
There was one in Torrington. Grew up on their coffee.
Cologio t1_j78cxk5 wrote
Love the Whole Donut! Glazed bow ties!!! Plain crueler! The best. Every weekend as a kid I would go fishing with my father and this was our first stop. I remember sitting at the counter with all the regulars drinking their coffee and talking shit. Ah man
rolandofgilead41089 t1_j78dedg wrote
There was a Whole Donut in Holyoke that only closed a couple years ago.
RededHaid t1_j78f4uc wrote
Beach Donuts. Flanders Donuts.
KarlaKamacho t1_j78garh wrote
If only Americans could taste the awesomeness of Mister Donut in Japan.
Justagreewithme t1_j78hoz1 wrote
I am just astounded at how inconsistent dunkin is. It’s amazing for anyone to be so inconsistent, let alone such a commercialized operation. Truly mind boggling.
ShlugLove t1_j78i258 wrote
Donut Delight in Stamford was the BEST when I worked down there. Slammin' bagels and great coffee.
Esrianna t1_j78k052 wrote
Recently moved here from a place that didn't have Dunkin' (yes they exist). I was very excited to finally get to try Dunkin'. I'll never recover from that level of disappointment.
bostonchef72296 t1_j78n4gf wrote
I just drove past this last week.
Dunkinjay1 t1_j78nru5 wrote
Still a couple in Rhode Island. Really good coffee
JohnBrownEye69 t1_j78o8k1 wrote
Yeah especially since the police will notice if you loiter out front. Better to go into the comic shop.
BowlLarge t1_j78ons0 wrote
Like “Eaton” hardware store in Collinsville late 80s early 90s? My father used to work there my earliest memories are of me and my friend playing in the barrels of bird seed lol
BowlLarge t1_j78ouci wrote
I think people were allowed to smoke in the place until early 2000s
TheAnt06 t1_j78pgvn wrote
If only it didn’t cost $7 for a small latte.
Rhoshambeau t1_j78pk9i wrote
The one in Enfield looks like it’s just a front for selling weed
Odd-Acanthaceae1048 t1_j78rp42 wrote
Omg this whole donut is still there?! Going to have to make a trip up for sure!
breeboop t1_j78shlr wrote
Yup I was just thinking, I had that last summer on vacation in Narragansett!
breeboop t1_j78sk57 wrote
Grounds in Danbury !
mischavus618 t1_j78tjvc wrote
I enjoy Cumbies coffee. $1.06
turboda t1_j78tx8m wrote
Good for them lol
maybe_little_pinch t1_j78w7h5 wrote
I was gonna mention Heavenly! But the one in Seymour off exit 20. Usually very quick and minimal line, while Dunkin down the road has cars wrapped around to the road.
maybe_little_pinch t1_j78wgt6 wrote
In some states (I am looking at you Rhode Island and Florida) they make it SO WEAK. Several times I got black iced coffee in both states and it straight up looked like weak iced tea. And tasted awful. And apparently Florida doesn’t do cold brew.
SweetHawaa t1_j78x0b1 wrote
I can attest to this- yum
[deleted] t1_j78x9ts wrote
GrimFlood t1_j78xw2x wrote
The Bakers Dozen is the only correct answer.
Immediate_Freedom918 t1_j78yhus wrote
These used to be my favorite
TheColdWind t1_j78z369 wrote
Still one in westerly too. Grew up hanging around the one in Mystic in the 80’s
wydellasaurus t1_j790f89 wrote
Much much better
KevinFromConnecticut OP t1_j793yif wrote
Yes, this is the Canton Whole Donut!
ShrubberyDragon t1_j795364 wrote
All I can remember is the donuts tasting like cigarette ashes 😂 they used to smoke in the back while making them
roberttylerlee t1_j795iss wrote
Unfortunate that The owners a sexist prick. I was the only man who had worked at any of the locations since he opened them aside from his son. Openly admitted that he only hires girls because they get better tips. Once sent me home in the middle of a 7am rush because my paltry, 19 year old facial hair was apparently an affront to his business, despite the fact that there was no published dress code policy for male workers. They fired me when I slipped on a spill, sprained my ankle and I asked about filing for workers comp for the time I missed.
Coffee and donuts are good though
Bonkshebonk t1_j796g5d wrote
My granddad was actually the creator of the Whole Donut. Every time we went to his house, he’d always have a box of day olds waiting for us. This makes me so happy to hear that people still remember it. :)
oenotherah t1_j798u2h wrote
Beach Donut's lemon coconut donut is the best donut I've ever had!
updownsidewayz t1_j79bas0 wrote
is that the location in canton?
lucaslikesmusic t1_j79cjka wrote
If it’s not Neil’s, I don’t want it.
ayyyImaos t1_j79df8s wrote
DOOOD! So good. Remember Bess Eaton, or I forget how it's spelled, but good God their coffee and doughnuts were the bess
ayyyImaos t1_j79dlgi wrote
Lol I just replied and spelled it the same way...they were, as far as I can remember the best coffee and doughnuts in the NW corner.
ayyyImaos t1_j79dow2 wrote
Same here I miss it. I remember when they had a few locations.
StasisIsTheW0rst t1_j79e3n7 wrote
Neil’s and Perkatory or GTFO
Funnygumby t1_j79emp4 wrote
I worked at The Whole Donuts in WeHa Center as one of my first jobs
briang71 t1_j79f6o6 wrote
Middletown on rt 66 also. Now it's a crap pizza joint.
satansdebtcollector t1_j79frsf wrote
These guys are still in business???🤯😱 I haven't seen that sign since the late 90's
ugh__blah t1_j79gjqe wrote
The best
Valuable_Notice_3358 t1_j79kjx9 wrote
One in Salem we'd always hit on the way to the beach as kids. Love how they slushied their iced coffees
dustinf860 t1_j79pwma wrote
Yeah it is
johnsonutah t1_j79t7jn wrote
FYI to all that Switches in Berlin is actually Whole Donut - same owners same donuts they just changed the name for whatever reason
Wardo324 t1_j79vp9n wrote
Wild take, the whole donut is...mediocre at best.
Even_Author8014 t1_j79y5yl wrote
Probably is. Lol
Even_Author8014 t1_j79y7tj wrote
North central part of the state, bordering MA
Optimal_Marzipan7806 t1_j7a7idh wrote
I was literally about to comment this, Donut Delight is my fav in Stamford & Norwalk!
Interested_Party2000 t1_j7aaatn wrote
Yes I remembered the cigarette smell at the one in Canton. Went to it in the 70’s when it was Bess Eaton. Fancy shot donuts. Lol.
JohnnyRockets75 t1_j7apcet wrote
Dixie Donuts in Norwich is my go to.
Maleficent-Cow5775 t1_j7apxcz wrote
How many those locations are open in Enfield
TFA-DF8 t1_j7as5o4 wrote
Its merely the cult following that keeps them open. Quality crashed and burned 10 years ago.
Ok-Shame5542 t1_j7aue0f wrote
Ive never been to the one in Seymour. If you ever come to Hamden, try Whitney Donut. You will not be disappointed!
Exciting_Ad_3510 t1_j7avu5u wrote
It was good many years ago. now Dunkin is just cream with a splash of something in the coffee family. Total waste of money
Earthshoe12 t1_j7aw52y wrote
There are still whole donuts?? The last one I was aware of changed it’s name (although the owners are the same and everything tastes the same). Better than Dunkin by a country mile.
CTdadof5 t1_j7ayl5e wrote
Dunkin’s coffee and donuts are absolute trash. Worst ever. Love whole donut donuts. Coffee not so great.
othermegan t1_j7azaok wrote
So I don’t ever remember Bess Eaton in CT but when I lived in Rhode Island for a stint my town had 2. Breakfast sandwich was pretty good
othermegan t1_j7azg8b wrote
I lived off the flat bread sandwiches in high school. Ever since they got rid of them, I only went if I had no other option. Now I’m gluten free so I can’t enjoy anything there
[deleted] t1_j7azl8n wrote
othermegan t1_j7azn05 wrote
Lived in wallingford my whole life. I remember when Neil’s opened and on treat days our teachers would get donuts from there for us. I live in Milford now and the trip just is too much to justify
keepitupxxx t1_j7b1fgx wrote
Prefer local over any of this chain shit🤔
GameofOhms959 t1_j7b4770 wrote
They need to bring back Tim Hortons
evilestcake t1_j7b7ds1 wrote
Their donuts are the absolute best!! Cherry cake will forever be my favorite…
evilestcake t1_j7b7gis wrote
Oh my gosh their flatbreads were so tasty! I lived off em too
evilestcake t1_j7b7igd wrote
Oh yeah? My family is obsessed with the place!
Gambler543210 t1_j7b9g0u wrote
I miss the whole donut. I used to go to the one in Bristol all the time
Extreme-Cupcake5929 t1_j7baabu wrote
Neil’s is the best imo
onihr1 t1_j7baigp wrote
The real goat was the Tim hortons we had in Wethersfield for a few years.
Kojak80 t1_j7bcvtf wrote
Mister Donut is owned by Dunkin now.
Kojak80 t1_j7bd2oo wrote
Tim Horton’s still exists. It’s Canadian, I found one out in Buffalo (actually a few), their coffee unfortunately is for the birds - but their food is good.
Stop_Already t1_j7bdvwr wrote
Lemon coconut? I’m intrigued! Is it lemon filled?
oenotherah t1_j7bdzbz wrote
Yes! With coconut topping. It is the absolute best.
Such_Current7213 t1_j7be4b2 wrote
I also think they get worse the closer you get to Boston, i used to go to some good ones in NYC then i moved to CT i tried like 5 different ones, horrible. Their training must be some indoctrination camp because they cant do anything different. Ex. If a latte calls for four pumps of what ever flavor and you ask them for two guess what you will get four full pumps probably five.
Stop_Already t1_j7bebcy wrote
Is this the place in Clinton? Now I wanna go!
Dorkknight112183 t1_j7bgwhc wrote
I’m obsessed with Honey dew donuts, to the point that I looked into opening a franchise here in northern Ct because it would stand out and make a killing in the land of Dunkin. But sadly they want way too much money. They put Dunkin to shame.
PreviousReaction2 t1_j7bo832 wrote
Yes! The crushed ice! Tank size!
CaptainAlliance t1_j7brzje wrote
The entire donut???
Aggravating-Agent670 t1_j7bvnho wrote
I loved whole donut in canton! I remember Eaton hardware too....I miss those days!
Aggravating-Agent670 t1_j7bvp83 wrote
ange2386 t1_j7bwob2 wrote
Dankmemes8188 t1_j7bx97r wrote
No we dont... Whole donut has always been awful. CT needs more small coffee places.
AhbabaOooMaoMao t1_j7bzenc wrote
boneimplosion t1_j7c0k81 wrote
I mean, it's a fast food operation, right? Temper your expectations accordingly.
Dunkin, like many things that are famous, is famous for being famous, rather than for representing quality.
KarlaKamacho t1_j7c1ygp wrote
Shit. So much for quality of product.
rainbowarmpit t1_j7d1cxw wrote
Fuck yeah!
All hail the all chocolate 🍩
Funny_stuff554 t1_j7dmgax wrote
Yes and no, their toasted bagel twist and grilled cheese with bacon sandwich tastes so good and they are like under $6 dollars
burnout524 t1_j7dq0n0 wrote
Did this about a year ago and haven’t looked back! Between my wife and I both working from home now (and neither of us stopping at DD on the way to the office) and my Ninja brewer that does Hot, Iced, AND cold brew, it’s saving us a ton!
Granted I’m one of those who does like Dunkin and will treat myself on an occasional weekend.
But then again, The Whole Donut > Dunkin.
wakinupdrunk t1_j7eduup wrote
I love Whitney Donut, but their drive through and parking lot are a nightmare.
Thermite1985 t1_j7gj0ih wrote
Love that place
TFA-DF8 t1_j7hw9hv wrote
You need to get out more.
Funny_stuff554 t1_j7hzjmy wrote
interiorcrocodemon t1_j7j42nh wrote
You think that's bad, try Starbucks. I'm a big fan of dunkin coffee
Nyt_Owl t1_j77sjgz wrote
Perkatory stores make some solid coffee choices as well.