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Test19s OP t1_iu4vy9w wrote

Vehicles are getting very interesting this decade, as they diversify into living/hangout spaces, software platforms, backup batteries, and even robot/AI companions. I hope this doesn’t further worsen the divide in societies or cut into public spaces. Thankfully there is increasing interest in walkable open spaces that is offsetting the worst of this new age car culture.


FuturologyBot t1_iu50jag wrote

The following submission statement was provided by /u/Test19s:

Vehicles are getting very interesting this decade, as they diversify into living/hangout spaces, software platforms, backup batteries, and even robot/AI companions. I hope this doesn’t further worsen the divide in societies or cut into public spaces. Thankfully there is increasing interest in walkable open spaces that is offsetting the worst of this new age car culture.

Please reply to OP's comment here:


Cr4zko t1_iu51nl8 wrote

Just bundle the cars with a free steam deck included.


icefire555 t1_iu51rfi wrote

I give 0 shits to have games in my car. I want it to drive itself. Because driving is boring if done legally in the us. And most people suck at driving, myself included.


Test19s OP t1_iu52ar5 wrote

The point is that as driving becomes more automated the driver will have more freedom. There are already Level 3 highways in Germany (Mercedes at least).


icefire555 t1_iu52kdv wrote

In the us the entire older generation would need to die or leave office before that is even considered. Honestly I think it would require a generation to grow up with it. As most young people don't trust it


onthefence928 t1_iu55sbn wrote

get ready to start seeing gpu specs in your car's option's list.

want the upgraded infotainment? gonna have to pay for the latest nvidia card at triple markup!


Affectionate-Grand99 t1_iu5i0e5 wrote

As much as I love car games, I don’t want companies to have that much control over us; if we keep going all in on recreation and stuff like gaming, I doubt we’ll be motivated to do much else. The more we game the less (personal opinion) we innovate. I don’t want to get stuck in a loop of recreation, even if it does sound fun.


icefire555 t1_iu5ktxo wrote

Yeah it's kind of funny that he said that. Because I also have no bus routes near me. Because I live in America, home of not public transportation.

I do have a bus stop, but in the 5 years I've lived here it has never been in service.


Rynox2000 t1_iu5s2sr wrote

Cars will eventually adopt subscription and advertisement business models. :-(


HereInTheCut t1_iu5vol3 wrote

The last thing modern drivers need is another distraction.


TerpenesByMS t1_iu63hl3 wrote

This is the direction we are headed, though.

In a few generations, people will be willingly plugging themselves into "the matrix" in order to save money on resources.

I want to be wrong, but given our increasing addiction to digital infotainment and the reasons behind it this is the logical conclusion.

Think about it: you log in to a frigging dreamland that is more convincing and thrilling than reality could ever hope to be, thanks to top-notch brain-computer interface and digital consciousness modeling. The option to simply never log back out would be appealing to many, especially if system safety and uptime had great track records. We could always spin up humanoid robots to pilot, as in Surrogates.


Panda_Mon t1_iu63um0 wrote

  • This would be another nail in the coffin of physical buttons on dashboards. I love physical buttons on dashboards.
  • If there are no cloud saves so I can play stardew valley on my PC at home after a 4 hour binge while driving back from grandma's, this is mostly pointless.
  • This only helps passengers until the stupid car drives itself. Passengers who already have access to smartphones with loads of ported games and emulators already.
  • If they only offer games through wireless download as the article suggests, you can bet your ass its gonna be a monthly fee to play the downloaded games even when you only need the data to download it once (they will act like its an online game by making constantly updating leader boards and a newsfeed and shit)
  • Controlling with your phone while not looking at the virtual buttons on the phone is going to be impossible for complex games. If it doesnt have full controller support its limited to 4-button games and so why even play tetris on a 14 inch screen when you can play genshin impact on an 8 inch screen.

This is pretty excessive and reminds me a lot of Car Thing by Spotify. Its so much expensive hardware and software for something I will rarely ever do.


Test19s OP t1_iu64bjt wrote

The universe as we know it simply isn’t built to allow for real adventure, and with resource scarcity becoming a thing again it probably makes sense to use a combination of VR/AR and robots to minimize strain on food / energy / water / raw materials.


AREssshhhk t1_iu65l7b wrote

I love to game when I drive. And if I ever have to live in my car cuz rent is way too high, this will be perfect


Republicans_r_Weak t1_iu67jcf wrote

Wow. Car dependent society has officially reached peak stupid.


fucker4208 t1_iu6cvn9 wrote

Am I the only one that doesn’t want self driving cars. It seems with each and every piece of innovation we are continually killing the human experience including the risk factors and control that make life authentic. No, I don’t wanna have even more time to mindlessly scroll on my phone while a robot drives me places. I want to be in control and think critically to make decisions for myself.


Prestigious_Main_364 t1_iu6dtzr wrote

This is hilariously dystopian. Now you no longer have to despair as you pass by the homeless being beaten by police for being homeless, instead you can enjoy a lovely walk in a 1:1 recreation of Ancient Rome. Elysium DLC out now for only $29.99!


AdmiralKurita t1_iu6x9a1 wrote

Ash Ketchum also didn't have to go school and he lived off of government services, since he can sleep at Pokemon centers and get food there. I guess that allowed him to live a life of adventure.


ryanjoe82 t1_iu7j7fe wrote

Yes, because we need more distractions for drivers 🤦🏻‍♂️


Shakes2011 t1_iu7jsc8 wrote

Why would I want to sit in my car to play video games?


jormungandrsjig t1_iu7mvje wrote

New cars where I live cost more than the average workers salary and discounts are offered to those paying cash only. I can see car ownership waning, especially among people living in high density real estate where it's very expensive.


Norseviking4 t1_iua28b6 wrote

The buss is filled with strangers and many struggle in this situation (myself included) due to social anxiety, fear of getting sick or any other reason people may have. The bus is not the answer for everyone

I have not been on the buss regulary for like 10-15 years and i dont plan to change this if i can avoid it ;)


cjeam t1_iuaz0f8 wrote

Your alternative would be a taxi then.

Which is going to be expensive yes, so is a self-driving car, and not everyone is going to be able to use a self-driving car either.


Norseviking4 t1_iub8kge wrote

Taxi is way to expensive yes also not needed since i have no problem affording a car. I drive a prius hybrid due to keeping the environment in mind and the next car i hope will electric. I doubt my next car will be selfdriving but i hope the one after the next one will be.

When selfdriving becomes normal many people might have the car work as a taxi when its not needed by the owner. This might reduce the price of transport alot, making it easy and cheap enough for people to be able to drop car ownership if they dont want to. (you would just order a ride through an app and it will collect the nearest selfdriving car that is awailable)


chadenright t1_iuc4c5s wrote

I take it you've never actually tried to commute via bus. More often than not, you're standing nose to elbow with fifty other people in a 40-person bus.

Hope you can sleep standing up.


OutOfBananaException t1_iudfibw wrote

Seems something has already killed your creativity. There are plenty of superior alternatives to driving cars, to drive critical thinking and 'authenticity'. Being stuck in traffic is hardly the apex of human experience.


No_Opening_5128 t1_iue8atf wrote

The dumbing down and infantilization of humanity continues. You can’t sit still for half an hour without playing vIdEo GaMeS?


fucker4208 t1_iufxk1n wrote

If you choose to use public roads you choose to accept the risk of coming into idiots like me. Life is inherently dangerous, that’s what makes it fun. I wish people still could accept this fact and just enjoy the very short time we have here without being so concerned about longevity… in the end we all get the same thing (yes I do care about human life, I choose to speed on a motorcycle because it’s more fun and safer for others. I just think that society has started caring wayyyy too much about safety.) my official stance is anti safety I guess


icefire555 t1_iuiomjz wrote

That's cool. But most people feel that driving to places like work or groceries, would be a fairly boring task. I own a motorcycle to enjoy driving. But other cars, speed limits, and traffic all can make things a lot less fun.