Submitted by Final-Cause9540 t3_zm722l in Futurology
In the field of AI, there is a strong push to use data to predict future events. We see this now with algorithmic trading, in particular. Many of the most powerful computers in the world are focused on weather prediction (which has gotten incredible over the past 2 decades). As AI gains in capability, the ability to extend further into the future with increasing complexity should be expected. Theoretically, with a powerful enough computer (many, many years from now), you could accurately predict any future event.
I’m fascinated with the idea that this same predictive capability could be used to view accurately into the past. Why can’t we feed data into a powerful supercomputer and look back, into the past of history, to gain a better understanding of humanity and civilization?
Senzin_ t1_j09eovq wrote
I think you're confusing simulations with AI (which barely, if at all, exist)