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NagoyaR t1_j2sg7bm wrote

I'm over 500 lbs but i would not lose weight with 3000 kcal per day. And i also would not have enought money to buy food to get to 3000 a day. Healthy food that is.


EduOjeda55 t1_j2sjusf wrote

If you are really 500 lbs you will absolutely lose weight eating 3000 kcal a day, even if those kcal are donuts. The health impact of carrying that much weight is way worse than not eating a perfectly balanced and healthy diet.


Ghost_Of_DELETED t1_j2sva2d wrote

You'd be surprised, I was 450+ (maxed out the scale) last year. An average day without exercising, sitting in my truck for 6-8 hours and walking less than 5k steps burned roughly 4k calories a day.


EduOjeda55 t1_j2tanwh wrote

Not surprised at all. At those weights the energy expenditure just to maintain that size is crazy.


DaredewilSK t1_j2snvyk wrote

At 500 lbs you burn 3k just breathing man. No way you wouldn't lose weight.


luew2 t1_j2uiack wrote

You don't even need to eat healthy food, you can lose weight eating pizza, as long as there are fewer calories eaten vs burned you'll lose weight.

At 500lbs you need to be eating 4k calories a day to maintain weight even if you're not getting much exercise, you'd easily lose at 3k


ph1294 t1_j2slcae wrote

How many calories are you currently eating per day?

Can you walk me through how you calculate those calories for a single meal?


NagoyaR t1_j2sosol wrote

Right now i'm actually not counting calories. I did and then stopped. I wonder if i sometimes just cut to many corners and actually eat not enough for my body to lose weight.


ph1294 t1_j2sp3ph wrote

That is almost certainly what's happening. (you are almost definitely eating too much)

If you like, you can share your previous days meals with me, and I can give you a calorie range. But if you're not cooking your food yourself, and if you're not weighing it (or at least basing estimations off prior known weights/volumes), it's highly likely you're eating more than you think.

If you can't even list everything you ate yesterday, I can all but guarantee you overate.