Submitted by Ariledweight11 t3_119u8ok in GetMotivated
Xywzel t1_j9onaj4 wrote
On the other side of the coin, you can't ever do today again, either.
shifaci t1_j9orpyb wrote
What a delusional advice.
OrangeFortress t1_j9otnxz wrote
Except for when the thing that makes your day bad is your full time job.
B4SSF4C3 t1_j9ov5tk wrote
Sooo… “Today is tomorrow’s yesterday”?
melonsqueezers t1_j9oy5g5 wrote
Yes it will be worse
MMVI-1981-MMVI t1_j9oyfex wrote
Every day is the same fucking miserable state. Yesterday is today. Today is tomorrow.
realestateross98 t1_j9p1heg wrote
I like this - it helps throw off the weight of a bad day to better prepare for what’s next, good or bad.
ChalupaCabre t1_j9p2rzn wrote
I have seen documentaries about people who are trapped in the same day over and over again… they have labelled this condition “Groundhog Day.”
It’s a terrible affliction… just be happy you don’t have this ailment.
FPSMAC t1_j9p3lla wrote
I disagree because it implies that you need to accept living your life is a hassle.
PocketHusband t1_j9p4zpg wrote
This has honestly gotten me through the week so far.
Pansonic_ t1_j9p5beh wrote
I don't agree, what if every day is a bad day? No one knows what people have to deal with.
[deleted] t1_j9p7aiy wrote
gw2maniac t1_j9pbw29 wrote
Guy named today
xPlus2Minus1 t1_j9pfckp wrote
Yo but every day is the same I literally have to do the same day everyday over and over and over and over and over and over and this will not change until I die
Days and nights aren't actually split by anything but our perception of them, it's all one continuous existence
Lemonsoyaboii t1_j9pfrhv wrote
What a bunch of bullshit wow
sp_40 t1_j9pi12i wrote
Tomorrow may not be.
Easy either.
TheAres1999 t1_j9piqsh wrote
I just read that to the tune of All Star by Smashmouth
card_lock t1_j9pkxj9 wrote
Real motivation, thats some real shit.
majorbummer6 t1_j9pmf3r wrote
This makes life sound like a dreadful marathon of suffering. Neat.
pikab7uu t1_j9pnftv wrote
today is no different from yesterday, and tomorrows gonna be the same.. this advice is stupid
rubberducky1212 t1_j9pnvuh wrote
As someone who has been through terrible trauma, this is good to remember. I never have to do that again.
Fabulous-Wolf-4401 t1_j9pppkl wrote
I broke my front teeth right off about 3 weeks ago in an accident, the only appointment I could get was this morning. I'm shit scared of the dentist. Yesterday about this time, I was trying to stop everything in my mind being about the dentist, and thought 'by this time tomorrow, your appointment is over.' It helped me get through last night and this morning. It seems like a similar tactic.
pakZ t1_j9pq08c wrote
"Tomorrow may not be." Great! Thanks! Who cares if today was shitty when it's the end of the world, right?
DrStoeckchen t1_j9puqwg wrote
Correct. Why do all these "motivational quotes" have to be so negative? Is rhis for people who have such a miserable life that they need to take the smallest straw, just to feel a little bit better? Why not something like: "Maybe today was a bad day, but tomorrow could be the best day" or "You survived the day and what didn't kill you makes you stronger for a better future" Or anything positive? It just makes me feel miserable how anyone could think his life is so bad that THIS kind of quote makes him feel better... I mean it just means his mindset has already given up, before seen this quote...
RealDrag t1_j9puvw8 wrote
You can't do tomorrow either. You can only do now.
FPSMAC t1_j9pynta wrote
I guess now that I read it again that quote is used for when you are already having a bad day. Like if you have to go to the dentist for a sore tooth or something
Mobile_Appointment8 t1_j9q4fdg wrote
AlexandriaA7X t1_j9q7h5s wrote
But today is everyday
Kai-xo t1_j9qdy8x wrote
I needed that, thanks!
relobasterd t1_j9qht9l wrote
And that's why I'm planning on resigning next month.
572473605 t1_j9qhy6f wrote
You did today, but just wait until you see what tomorrow has in store 😂
uvaspina1 t1_j9qjfr2 wrote
I tried that with my prison roommate and he said it didn’t help
Mr_Epimetheus t1_j9qjijw wrote
However, tomorrow could be significantly worse.
Dickmusha t1_j9qkpbk wrote
This is dumb theres plenty of times where I have dealt with the exact same issue multiple times days in a row or at random. Its called having a job. lol
Coffeekittenz t1_j9qlww9 wrote
I hope not. I have caught some sickness (probably covid) that gave me body aches, a constant headache, fucking constant fever and I am taking care of my 10 month old. Please never let me live through this again.
Due-Caterpillar-2097 t1_j9qo8yn wrote
Not really no... most jobs have repetition, this only applies to like life experiences and stuff
Heinkel_162 t1_j9qt9t3 wrote
Chavezjc t1_j9qu1f0 wrote
Ever be a chef? Lol. It’s hard to say that
hipster3000 t1_j9qu5gm wrote
This is so dumb. And not even in the meaningless feel good kind of way. Like most problems don't just go away at the end of the day.
LotusBlooming90 t1_j9qu6s0 wrote
I read this this statement somewhere else when I was in the depths of the newborn weeks with my kiddo and man did it help.
[deleted] t1_j9qysc3 wrote
Kytoaster t1_j9qz3if wrote
The fact that I found a Bob's burgers quote in here makes me so happy I could cry.
I just picked up my recently deceased cat from the crematorium and....well...I'm glad I only have to experience today once.
Kytoaster t1_j9qz6yv wrote
When most days are stressful filled and anxiety ridden, average...kind of sounds amazing.
LilacAndElderberries t1_j9r0jhx wrote
Now keep saying that everyday until you're in your death bed 🙃
Fancy_Female t1_j9r21k8 wrote
And if your day is good, "you'll never get to do today again"
Yay. Now feel sad :)
[deleted] t1_j9r3ih5 wrote
PristineIntention176 t1_j9r56ce wrote
I feel best when I finish the day by saying, "thank you, God, for today". It makes me think about what was good in that day. There is almost always something good, even if the day as a whole totally sucked. A pretty sunset, a patch of wildflowers you drove by, a mocking bird singing as you walked across the parking lot. Just try to find one little thing each day that you can be thankful for - I promise it will make you feel better.
ErixWorxMemes t1_j9r5cpv wrote
shit I needed this right now- today I signed my dad up for Hospice care and had to tell family and friends
PristineIntention176 t1_j9r5qu1 wrote
You are the only one who can change it
[deleted] t1_j9r5rid wrote
PristineIntention176 t1_j9r5udr wrote
Need to look for a better perspective
MMVI-1981-MMVI t1_j9r5zrj wrote
Been searching every day all my life.
Any suggestions of how you personally do this?
PristineIntention176 t1_j9r6hpw wrote
I am so sorry.
oh_my_didgeridays t1_j9r95y3 wrote
Also see: not having a job
daiwilly t1_j9r9nm4 wrote
Which is today.......
OggyBoggy t1_j9ra5wc wrote
That good day can never be done again though
Averen t1_j9rbmx4 wrote
Hey you got an unnecessary period in there but tomorrow is a new day. The fact that “easy” isn’t capitalized has me questioning you but hey.. today is almost over
PauseAndEject t1_j9rbskm wrote
Ohhhh god, I'm doing today right now! I'm trapped!
PristineIntention176 t1_j9rclr5 wrote
Personally, and I'm not a therapist or anything, but for me these little tactics help. As I said before, I thank God each night for today. It makes me think about what I'm thankful for. There's always something, even just the way I smelled rain, or the daffodils on the side of the road. The more I do it, the more I remember. I'm up to 20 or more things a day now. Like how beautiful that clerks smile was. I also find one thing each night that "I get to do tomorrow". Like, "I get to wash my hair, shave my legs change my sheets - it's going to feel amazing" or, "I get to make an amazing chicken dinner", or "I get to smile and make someone's day better". Anything. Then that's the first thing I think when I wake up - today I get to... I still have bad times. Sometimes I spend days thinking that my life sucks, and I'm trapped, and I get so angry and cry for hours and days, and then I wake up one morning and think, "I am so lucky to have a nice soft bed - not sleeping on the ground. I can take a hot shower, I've never really known hunger, my body works - I have my limbs - I'm so lucky, I've been such a sissy. So many humans have it really bad. I am so lucky. I need to appreciate how lucky Iam. And that helps me watch more for the wonderful beauty that god sets in front of me each day. And he does. If you just watch. Also, I decided once that I was just going to be happy. Just gonna be happy, that's all. Every time I started to be depressed or feel sad, I just told myself, "nope, I'm going to be happy". It actually worked really well, but after 2 weeks, there was a major family trauma that set me back and ended that experiment. But it worked for a while. Worth a try. Hope some of this helps. Love
MMVI-1981-MMVI t1_j9rczyi wrote
I find myself when I am in a low, at least once a day. Makes it difficult to stay motivated to do anything. It’s very difficult.
Thank you for making time for this thoughtful response. It’s a good reminder to think of the things I get to do not the things that I didn’t get to do. I get so stuck in the past and the future and it impedes me from living in the present. I’m attached to my past traumas difficult to move on.
Dyn085 t1_j9rddit wrote
Once you train your mind to seek out positivity then most of the negativity gets looked past
dravenkaneki t1_j9rei0v wrote
I'm gonna walk in St Jude saying that
PristineIntention176 t1_j9rhebu wrote
So, I'm old. You are obviously young, since you typed all of that in like half a second. I just need to tell you that your past (and I have past issues too), are there. They're in the past, but they're there. They are not going to go away, and they are NOT going to move on. You are the only one who can decide to leave those issues behind and move on with your life. You have your whole life ahead of you. Think of all the things you can do! Please just decide to live your life, be who you are, and do all the amazing things you were meant to do.
zentribes t1_j9rin0w wrote
He or she must have said that to this person while breaking up with them. "don't feel sad, you don't have to do today again"
MMVI-1981-MMVI t1_j9rnxti wrote
I’m M42.
Yes I agree. I’ve been told this same thing by therapists, my spouse, and some friends.
I don’t know why I can’t do that. I have teenage children. An amazing partner, and a lot going for me.
Making decisions is difficult. Three years ago I left the Mormon faith. I was born into it. My entire world view has been flipped on its head. A lot to unlearn. A lot to learn.
But my decisions don’t just affect me. They affect my children and wife. I’m terrified to “live the life I was meant to live”. I don’t even know what that is or if it even exists.
Anyhow. Thank you again for your kind words.
ImRickJameXXXX t1_j9rp8jr wrote
Used to!?!?!?
That person was a treasure you found.
firstOFlast47 t1_j9rq3uw wrote
Bruh needed this one after today lol
PristineIntention176 t1_j9rqozj wrote
You're very sweet. I have cousins raised Mormon. My mother's sister married into it. Their live's were hard in our world.
_CMDR_ t1_j9rqxni wrote
PTSD has entered the chat.
MMVI-1981-MMVI t1_j9rrbmu wrote
It’s a very traumatic experience. But I’d do it again. I think.
Sometimes I wish I could go back to the willful ignorance; naïvety.
Be well.
ErgoLolipop t1_j9rrcag wrote
Okay, so I don't want to undermine the message, but I just had a thought :
if we're ever stuck in a groundhog Day situation; would we be considered doing "today" over again many times? Or would it be a different day because the actions taken to improve "today" be different?
EDIT: Formatting
CrowvsEagles t1_j9rsbyv wrote
Today is great. Tomorrow? Never met her.
PristineIntention176 t1_j9rsovc wrote
I'm a nobody, but I think god loves everybody. I personally believe that he only wants us to appreciate the wonder and beauty that he has surrounded us with. That, and to do good wherever we can. To spread love. I wish you well in your travels. I think you already belong to God, and I hope you let his light, love, and beauty guide you. You are in my prayers.
Kytoaster t1_j9rxzcp wrote
I can usually pull this off for one week a month.
I get fairly burnt out trying to "piss positivity" after that.
Sorry_Housing3500 t1_j9rzm4i wrote
That sounds very.... unhealthy
Sit with your emotions people, don't "ignore them"
Sorry_Housing3500 t1_j9rzqxi wrote
Uhhh...Are you in prison for murder? Because that's what it sounds like.
Dyn085 t1_j9s0fmg wrote
It’s not. My initial comment completely acknowledges bad days, it simply acknowledges the positive aspect that it gives perspective to good days.
Nice jump to the conclusion of ignoring feelings though. If you would rather choose negativity over positivity that’s absolutely your choice-you do you, boo 😂
lady_tigger t1_j9s31o0 wrote
As someone who just recently had a miscarriage (first pregnancy), I really hope I never have to repeat that bad day ever again.
HazelDiorxo t1_j9s5526 wrote
sffffargalbootoo t1_j9s8r4u wrote
Wow, do you think every day is different? That sounds like a good life. Most real problems don't go away in a day.
TheGreenHaloMan t1_j9sivpx wrote
For some, it's different because people are experiencing different levels of tribulations, and thus, they may require different approaches to get them moving.
Finding the "smallest straw" when things have constantly been bleak is something you need to do sometimes because hyperbole of motivation can just set you up for disappointment. What happens when tomorrow isn't your best day? What if you don't survive tomorrow because your depression finally consumes you from whatever that next push is? It could be the "final" straw for your will.
The smallest straw isn't to be viewed as "negative," and if anything, it's the opposite. It exists for people who are just scraping by, and that little glimmer or glint is more believable than being promised the sun, especially when you've been promised that before and it has become trite.
Majukun t1_j9sk1xf wrote
That girl of yours never dealt with depression I see...
0ush1 t1_j9sp3qt wrote
I’d rather have only good days and never appreciate them if that was the only two options, but realisticly there are greatfulness excersises so you could still be appreciative with only good days. I dont wish for natural disasters so i can appreciate a roof over my head.
West_Plum_4607 t1_j9st406 wrote
Makes me feel sad that I have never dated anyone with quotable speech like this yet. 😭
Fickle-Copy1446 t1_j9sv7bs wrote
This quote doesn’t make sense. It makes today a bad thing. If tomorrow is a bad day, but it’s not today, why would that be any different then tomorrow being today and still being a bad day?
DarthMaggi t1_j9sykcv wrote
Good luck!!!
BuckRogers87 t1_j9t0uh9 wrote
The only easy day was yesterday.
xPlus2Minus1 t1_j9taz8h wrote
How is this a response
TakeItToFacebookDick t1_j9tobil wrote
>as I said before, I thank god each night
_mister_pink_ t1_j9tsncs wrote
This is the mentality that got me through raising a new born. Every day is a day in the bank!
xPlus2Minus1 t1_j9uy0w5 wrote
I know that and it's too much for me, it's hard for humans to comprehend but I don't want this and I shouldn't have to endure it so others don't feel uncomfortable
PristineIntention176 t1_j9w1y2s wrote
I apologize for my comment. I don't know your situation, and have no idea what you've been through. It was wrong of me to presume to address your feelings. I'm sorry you're in such a dark place right now. I hope you can find your way through it, and I hope things get better. I'll be thinking of you often, I'm sure. Lice to you and those you care for.
PristineIntention176 t1_j9w223n wrote
Love, not lice. So sorry*
PristineIntention176 t1_j9w25ce wrote
Love, not lice* so sorry
PristineIntention176 t1_j9w2858 wrote
So oooo sorry
Sorry_Housing3500 t1_j9w3it9 wrote
xPlus2Minus1 t1_j9ysky4 wrote
Thank you, that's extremely mature of you to say, very very few people in this world have the emotional strength to acknowledge and accept that level of someone else's pain in the way that you just did. I truly appreciate it.
Please don't worry about me too much. If I don't find peace in life, know that I will find it in death, and to me in life, that is a relief. Just thinking about it lowers my blood pressure. I feel more calm just knowing there's a way out. If I first my eyes and picture it, it's the most genuine smile I can muster-- the sadness is thinking of those left behind. But at they've told me for so many years, I need to put myself first, and it seems like that will end up being what that means.
HurryExtension5332 t1_j9zou0x wrote
On the other side of the coin, you can't ever do today again, either.
PristineIntention176 t1_ja158gi wrote
I had to upvote you, man. That was great. Thanks for the laugh.
PristineIntention176 t1_ja1f4qo wrote
I hope not. I hope you can find happiness in life. Or at least peace. I'm not qualified to advise you, certainly not to judge. Please think of those that love you. I don't know if you're a parent, but you're certainly a child of someone. I've always heard parents say, "I'd die for my child! Or I'd kill for my child!" And I always think, sometimes the hardest thing is to live for your child. Don't know if this relates, don't know why I said it. I wish you the best.
Dyn085 t1_j9ohwcl wrote
Without the bad days for perspective we could never appreciate the good days because every day would just be average