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ThatOxiumYouLack t1_j9t8apg wrote

Cool website. It would be cool if it showed all muscles a selected exercise benefit.


wirecats t1_j9tjubn wrote

I have the app on Android but I wish it showed calisthenic exercises as well


sadmansamee t1_j9tl61o wrote

There are apps as well for this website, works cool


Hoohadingus t1_j9ton0w wrote

You have like 200 muscles this a bad way to do it


Mattie725 t1_j9tuik3 wrote

Nice idea!

Now draw all the different heads of all the muscles! I want to know how to target that outer quats :D

Also, just watching the ROM on that upright row gave me a shoulder impingement!


Iwantyou2thromeaway t1_j9tw33n wrote

I've been looking for something like this for a very long time. Thank you for sharing


ElmiraKadiev t1_j9twztl wrote

Too bad there seems to be no workout for the private regions


Drekalo t1_j9tzcp8 wrote

It doesn't let me select groin or dick, no good.


Successful-Dig2818 t1_j9u013x wrote

Pro tip that this website doesn't have: for thick forearms, try rock climbing. It's fun, it works your back too, and after the first 15 minutes your first time there, you'll experience an otherworldly forearm pump.


uduwar t1_j9u238b wrote

Cool, going to give it a bash!


Suspicious-Service t1_j9u2f6j wrote

Does anyone know of a similar app/website, but after inputting what I did, I want to see a pic of a person with muscles colored in if I worked them out. Maybe it resets every week or something, and I can visually see that I haven't targeted my forearms or something


Luize0 t1_j9u6ruw wrote

That is actually a really good website. Honestly, love the fact you can choose the equipment


Badaxe13 t1_j9udhrx wrote

This is exactly what I've been looking for. So Simple to use and easy to understand. Downloaded the app.


OrSomeSuch t1_j9uhi7a wrote

For people that don't already know, the brachialis runs from the inside of your elbow to under your biceps (the muscle on top of your arm that you thought of as a kid when someone said show me your muscles)

So if your biceps look like a lonely tennis ball on your upper arm you need to build your brachialis to make them look longer/fuller


AnonOldGuy89 t1_j9ujc0b wrote

It's a nice concept but the site itself isn't totally up to date. Squats are listed as the first glute exercise, and squats are really not that great for glutes.

Separately, seated leg curls aren't listed for hamstrings, and there's evidence that those are superior over lying leg curls.

Still, the site seems like a useful resource for beginners, though.


Slapbox t1_j9uloke wrote

Cool site but the fact muscles are grouped so broadly together is detrimental to it's usefulness for something like physical therapy where you really need to target a specific muscle.


Slapbox t1_j9um1pl wrote

You're downvoted, but not really wrong. I respect the work put into this, but displaying only 20 broad muscle groups is insufficient for the complexity of human physiology.

It's a good site for someone who's never lifted though.


MuscleWikiAlex t1_j9up037 wrote

Hey Donny, we weren't expecting the level of traffic we received due to this post, and we were in the middle of releasing an update when we got hugged. You shouldn't have any issues with the site now.


MuscleWikiAlex t1_j9up76b wrote

We're working on a, "advanced", bodymap with just this goal in mind of supporting more specific use cases where someone may be working around injury or wanting to target a very specific muscle.


PokebannedGo t1_j9uwnms wrote

Agree. I selected pectoral muscles and assumed it would say pec fly. Yet it says bench press. Yes, bench press is going to work out your chest, but very few people are going to be able to work out their chest with bench press without a lot of time working on the other muscles to get your chest as the limiting factor.


Hoohadingus t1_j9v0xjt wrote

Lmao i always get downvoted on reddit because I use mobile so i talk kinda casually and also as far as social medias go nowhere has a worse hive mind/ group think phenomenon then reddit


CaffeinatedGuy t1_j9v20us wrote

Right? It should limit to exercises where that muscle is the primary and others are secondary. I'd like something that lets me target specific muscles, shows me the other muscles used, and gives an approximation for how the load is distributed across all the used muscles.


PokebannedGo t1_j9v9402 wrote

I'm 6 ft 135lb and I can pec fly 135lb for 8 reps.

I don't try to bench press, but I very much doubt I could bench 135lbs. It's not because of my chest muscles but because of stabilizer muscles and all the other muscles required to bench press.

A pec fly machine targets your pectoral muscles specifically. Lifting the 135lb is basically all pectoral muscle with the machine.

So if I didn't do the pec fly machine and just benched like 70lbs I'm not going to be pushing my pectoral muscles to their limits. I will be failing to get the weight up because of the other muscles.

Have you ever done a bicep curl machine? You can curl a lot more weight on it rather than trying to free weight curl. It's the same idea.


MapleSyrupFacts t1_j9vhzsw wrote

Aren't most people who are looking into this on a website just beginners and looking for the basics for a home gym? Alex has said he is working on more advanced muscle groups pages but do you think your average Redditor would get overwhelmed by posting those pages instead of this one first ?


I_Do_Stufff t1_j9vp6go wrote

This site doesn’t even work, after I click on a muscle group it gives me an error for the page


stackered t1_j9vspva wrote

good for beginners I guess, but just looking through they didn't actually optimize based on studies for each muscle, they put large compound movements which hit many muscles at the top of each list. so tread with care on this and definitely don't base your workout on targeting single muscles unless you're an advanced bodybuilder targeting a lagging muscle, in which case you don't need this because you already know what works best for your body and what works in general... so yeah, cool but not that good or useful tbh


byyourleavesir t1_j9vxdjl wrote

Bigger chest is function of training the whole pectoral. Put the opposite hand over one of your pectorals (left hand right pec).

Now use your hand to push down on a counter top (dip) and feel which part of your pec flexes compared to if you were to push against a wall (push up) compared to closing a door (pec fly).

You need to do multiple different types of exercise to get your pecs bigger and not looking... Weird...

But if you just want a thicc chest go for bench. If you want to look like the rock you need to bench, fly, dip, duck, dodge, and dive your way to mass.


PokebannedGo t1_j9vz47v wrote

Muscles are all about work.

If you went to the gym and only did bench or only did pec fly, you'd get a larger chest with pec fly in the same amount of time. Because you're putting more work into your chest.

It's pec fly, big chest small arms, bench, small chest big arms.

But that's not saying that bench can't give you the same chest eventually

Because, when you get good at bench, you can focus on benching more with your chest, working your chest out more than you would if you're a beginner or novice using mostly your arms and shoulders to lift.

Best is to do both if you want a complete body


vyrelis t1_j9w1j7z wrote

I assume you defaulted to featured? Chest flys are on the featured page if you scroll down, and is featured for most categories other than bodyweight, plate, and barbell (for female at least)


flubluflu2 t1_j9w6qjj wrote

This AI will replace fitness instructors


PokebannedGo t1_j9w7fwp wrote

I just clicked on the chest. It was set to male.

It does have dumbell incline chest flys as the third one.

But once again, that's a compound exercise that works out a lot more than just your chest muscles


PokebannedGo t1_j9wdzvw wrote

No problem

Most people hate on machines, so keep that in mind

Your muscle is only going to get bigger if you push it

If I could bicep curl 100lbs on the bicep machine, my bicep isn't going to grow until I can bicep curl 100lbs+ in free weights. Bicep curling free weights of 75lb is working out other muscles in the arm but not going to make my bicep any bigger because it can already curl 100lb. I wouldn't be able to curl 80lbs not because of my bicep but because of the other muscles required for the free weight.

The debatable part is that you shouldn't be able to bicep curl 100lb and not be able to pick up a 50lb dumbell and curl it with free weights. If you're spending your time working out, doing a complex exercise can be more beneficial. Also you're working your stabilizer muscles which you can't on a machine.

Machines are a tool, and you have to be smart with them.


somewhoever t1_j9wt2us wrote

Hopefully granular as in:

what flat, incline, and decline bench targets;

ability to individually select anterior, lateral, posterior, and supraspinatus shoulder;

and options to target each muscle while choosing what one has available for use (barbells, cables, dumbbells, band-assisted, body weight...).


vogueboy t1_j9wwidr wrote

Installed the app. Great work! Hope is gets improved constantly.


STG_77 t1_j9x3pmo wrote

Whoops! - 404 Looks like you found a broken page! Please contact us and report this. Thanks!


bobcatt t1_j9xqmrw wrote

Great site! thanks for the tip.


NinjoZata t1_j9xtnxy wrote

(Educated) Shot in the dark cause I'm not an exercise guy, but if you're referring to your vastas lateralis since it originates deep to the hamstrings on the femer and only crosses the knee, j don't believe it does anything except knee extention like the rest of the quads, so I'm not sure how you'd hit just it without everything else. I could be wrong tho. During massage I isolate it by flexing the hip to help lax rec fem. But I assume it's just as activated as vmo? I just know which side is which lol

Biking is really great for vl and vmo, so maybe there's something to that?


veddie25 t1_j9xwe2b wrote

Didn’t have something like this?


Mattie725 t1_j9yut4r wrote

Haha it was just a random muscle I thought of. Using only one head of a muscle is indeed basically impossible. Your nervous system will always activate a full muscle, but depending on certain angles you could get more of the load to certain parts :)


Successful-Dig2818 t1_ja4q27v wrote

Hell yeah, love to hear it! I actually like that it's broken down into basic exercises rather than 100 ways to target tiny differences in muscle groups. Great tool for people who want to cut through unnecessary bullshit that causes beginners to overtrain, undertrain, focus on the wrong things, and get injured (there's a lot of it)


croco-verde t1_jac0hq6 wrote

Love it!

Do you plan to crowdsource the exercises / videos? Could be curated by the site admins / or the community based on some sort of voting / rating. Because there's so many exercises you can do for a muscle, I think having the variety provided by a community would be great