But when she’s not working I give it to Destiny.
Ultraviolent-Ray t1_je0vd8j wrote
As Charity's boyfriend, I say, "Thanks, mate. I don't have to work, now."
reikutohno t1_je117ql wrote
I'm a decent person. I come in Peace.
Pingninja t1_je1h2qv wrote
ohdontmindme_ t1_je1hpmx wrote
this one also burns
Barber606 OP t1_je1hty3 wrote
You should probably see a doctor about that.
EnvironmentalDeal256 t1_je1sdh1 wrote
You should have Faith once in awhile.
Comfortable-Treat681 t1_je1w80f wrote
I laughed. That's a good one.
Plane_Flounder_3715 t1_je1wfko wrote
*insert Ross Get a load of this guy
slamdanceswithwolves t1_je21yr4 wrote
I need to meet someone new. My girlfriend Gravity is really bringing me down.
tamle228 t1_je22thv wrote
I'd like to think I'm doing some good in this world too. I'm always donating to the Save-A-Hoe foundation. These women are so deprived. They can't even afford clothes and have to dance on stage half naked and sometimes in your lap. It feels good knowing I can support them and give them a better future. Anything to help me, I mean them
Cultural_Attitude_42 t1_je294om wrote
I like candy...
superdead t1_je29ojp wrote
Take it, take the whole thing! It's a write-off!
Red-eleven t1_je2cgla wrote
Most here are all about Chastity
peter_the_martian t1_je2ehzn wrote
Or eat Candy some days
Fitter419 t1_je2g05z wrote
I like to spread Joy
Lookalikemike t1_je2i1vx wrote
I been handing cash to Faith, Hope, and Charity for a while myself.
OoooohKay t1_je2iew8 wrote
Charity gets 50%?? She hasn’t given me my proper cut… I mean her pimp. Her pimp hasn’t gotten his cut.
prlugo4162 t1_je2iytp wrote
I come from afar
Errorboros t1_je2j21c wrote
I often have Hope, I enjoy experiencing Mercy, and I welcome Prudence, but I have to be honest:
Faith and Chastity just rub me the wrong way.
Ogodei t1_je2l50o wrote
Rosie Palm and her five sisters?
Ewetootwo t1_je2ll63 wrote
Did you take a pole about that to see if your cash contributions were helping with dance lessons?
Ewetootwo t1_je2lwok wrote
Unfortunately Charity divorced and you have not much to pay your Regret.
lena_vernon t1_je2nmgi wrote
I like to bonk Chantelle
I don’t get the game
redecided t1_je335d7 wrote
Ice is really cold to me.
Spitriol t1_je349fm wrote
I knew a Charity once. I called her Chastity a lot. Drove her nuts.
bhlamb t1_je353g4 wrote
I like getting Up at the crack of Dawn.
[deleted] t1_je38664 wrote
Joel22222 t1_je38it2 wrote
Ever noticed most stripper names are something the person can’t have? Porsche, Mercedes, Dignity.
pickafruit4 t1_je3hm22 wrote
BelloBoss t1_je3j4yb wrote
Candy tastes better from April to June
ReactionOk2953 t1_je3vdrq wrote
I don't like Karma, she bites.
Imakeknives t1_je3vgyr wrote
I literally watched the baseball player say that joke to the umpire on Reddit yesterday
Zlifbar t1_je3wg1u wrote
She’s still not going to date you.
Difficult-Reach-5205 t1_je41a2u wrote
better way of saying philanthropy in spirit
foureyedpete t1_je474tn wrote
Ooof... how are her nuts now?
AdditionalCheetah354 t1_je4iht4 wrote
It’s your destiny to be charitable.
Uluru-Dreaming t1_je4mv6q wrote
I have cum to Hope.
slamdanceswithwolves t1_je4st41 wrote
I’ve heard Karma’s a bitch.
SnooCupcakes9855 t1_je4tr3s wrote
Did you ask nicely?
_Em_in_Em_ t1_je5nmhj wrote
Wow what a decent man... Anyway I just went to brothel and fucked a prostitute.
feedmeurkids t1_je5x2dl wrote
Missed opportunity to say “eat sugar”
Unable_Literature78 t1_je7cdiv wrote
All right gentlemen…put your hands together and welcome to the pole….CHARITY!!!!!!
tlokjock t1_je0v7uv wrote
I heard Destiny is quite the philanthropist too, she's really good at redistributing those funds... to her shoe collection.