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t1_j6eiqoj wrote

Why did the other guy ask if the first guy had $20? Shouldn't he have given the guy $20 instead?


t1_j6eq4hg wrote

He wasn’t offering him a solution for $20, he was saying if drunk dude had $20 he could say it was given to him as an excuse.


t1_j6g507s wrote

Wouldn't it be $40?


t1_j6g66ir wrote

Why would it be $40?


t1_j6g68pe wrote

Because 20 + 20 = 40.


t1_j6ghd8k wrote

Drunk puked on himself. Guy said ‘you got $20 here’s the plan’. Drunk shit himself on the way home and improved the second $20. So the drunk had $40. But guy isn’t psychic. He just gave him the $20 plan and so that’s all he asked about.


t1_j6g863b wrote

Is this one of the "woosh" things?


t1_j6g8ds6 wrote

If he was asking the guy if he had $20 and not giving him any more money, where did the other $20 come from?


t1_j6g8vkb wrote

The other guy asked, "do you have $20?" and then told him what to do. So he used his own $20 (actually $40) to convince his wife that another dude puked on him (and also pooped in his pants). Maybe he swung by an ATM or something.


t1_j6ekly3 wrote

Why would he give him his own money in real life?


t1_j6g7rw4 wrote

He was saying “hey dude if you have 20$ on you, just say someone else threw up on you & show her your 20$ saying it was given to you as an apology” not requesting 20$ for advice.


t1_j6gnsjf wrote

The guy puked on his own suit, the guy next to him was offering his advice on how to get out of trouble.