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mercurysnowman OP t1_iu902oa wrote

i know i should because that's the right thing to do but they severely lack maturity and would probably not take it as well as you did.

you might think im being presumptuous here but I've been through something similar before and i know from experience that confrontational approach does not work well when the person in question has a very childish way of thinking and even more childish way of responding


Chronically_Happy t1_iu96na1 wrote

I humbly suggest you may use this time to reflect on why you find yourself in this situation. What about that personality type draws you into relationship with them? Could you identify that behavior sooner to prevent this inevitable conflict?

I wish you peace. :-}


Grownuppieceofjizz t1_iu96u5c wrote

Do they take your advice if you give it, or are they just using you as a sounding board?

It’s a tough one if you want to keep the friendship. Boundaries are important in friendships just as much as they are in relationships.

I guess you could just limit your time around them where possible and hope they get the message.


mercurysnowman OP t1_iu988d0 wrote

yep. sounding board. they just want to engage in the most unproductive of conversations, ALL THE TIME.

and yes that is the plan, limiting my time around them and basically avoiding them till they get the hint.


Kat121 t1_iu9r7yg wrote

“Hey, we have talked about this person, this issue, this feeling a lot and none of my previous advice seems to be helping you. It may be above my pay grade as your friend to help you. It might be time to talk to an adult or a professional a about this.”

Turn the conversation towards their agency to make a change instead of focusing on what others are doing to them or how they feel. “That sounds terrible, what do you plan to do about it?” “There is nothing I can do, I am a powerless victim.” “That can’t be true, try to brainstorm a couple of ideas no matter how stupid. You’ll feel better.”

Also, there is a form of conversational “grey rock” where you kind of tune out and just reply “cool, bummer, or wow” to everything they say, offering nothing of yourself to the problem. It’s kind of a defense against the black arts reserved for people that just do not take a hint about over-sharing.


Vio94 t1_iubflr6 wrote

Soooo how is cutting them out of your life not an option? I hope you're actually getting something out of this friendship.


bart416 t1_iucnz85 wrote

>and yes that is the plan, limiting my time around them and basically avoiding them till they get the hint.

They won't get the hint, all it will do is make you seem more absent, slowly increasing the distance between you two, cutting them off slowly or frustrating them to the point where they cut you off. This method never works and might achieve something you don't want.

Before you do anything in particular, ask yourself: Does your friend even have anyone else to talk to about the issue at hand? Why is this so important to them? If you want someone to back off in terms of complaining it's often a good idea to look at the reason why they're complaining to you about something or someone.


pineapplecatlady24 t1_iu9uvs1 wrote

My mom is the same way it sounds like… I just stay away from topics that are triggering, avoid asking questions about conflict with them, just respond to things with 1 word answers that you don’t want to talk about any further or try to change the subject. Basically keeping the peace as much as you can. And also if that person is making decisions in their life that a obviously bad for them but they don’t want advice or want to change then learn to accept that you don’t have that control and if anything happens to them it’s not your responsibility in anyway because that’s not your life.


Spe333 t1_iubgruz wrote

“I think you need to talk to a professional” and recommending therapy isn’t a bad thing. Maybe word it how you think they would take it better?

But a good friend will tell you when it’s time to seek help. A great friend will push you to do it.