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Walter_J_Bro t1_j1a09no wrote

He's earning his keep! Mine like to "help" too, especially the beagle.


Ambitious_Ask_1569 t1_j1a30mj wrote

My Springer and Brit think its amazingly funny to leave sticks of cord wood in the snow. Its lots of fun when I snowblow......assholes.


Antnee83 t1_j1abgow wrote

You delete those quotes right now


raynedanser t1_j1afk63 wrote

I wonder if you realize that you aren't cool or edgey when you comment in a dog-positive post with your anti-dog rhetoric? You'd have been much better off just scrolling and moving on, your poor thing.


ThisOriginalSource t1_j1agelu wrote

You got a good boy there. My boy is missing the opposite K9, bottom left. He still monches on everything though, knowing full well monching is how he lost the last one.


ILuhMeSomeBlackWomen t1_j1atkq6 wrote

That’s a good boy if I’ve ever seen one, and I have, so I’m tellin’ ya…WHOSAGOODBOY!?


indyaj t1_j1b5703 wrote

Makin' toothpicks.


MontEcola t1_j1b59yr wrote

That's your branch manager? I think he is biting off more than he can chew.


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1bvpri wrote

He is a very good boy who deserves all the pats!

(And maybe a game of fetch in the snow)


DidDunMegasploded t1_j1bvy15 wrote

You might not know this, so let me let you in on a piece of insider info that's top-secret, people hate that I know this but I feel nice today:

People call pets their "boys" and their "girls" all the time. The post isn't mistitled at all.


BlueNoyb t1_j1cdhmu wrote

I just had a flashback to being forced to stack wood for hours in the dead of Maine winter. I need to go take a hot bath now.


RisinSon t1_j1deott wrote

I find the kanine helpers make small kindling too. All over the carpet. So helpful! :)


Content_Analysis_938 t1_j1ebly4 wrote

Ha, dogs seem so happy in the snow, I like when they run with their snout buried in the snow like a snowplow!