Submitted by CQU617 t3_yblepx in Pennsylvania
sx70forlifexx t1_itgztk2 wrote
Lmao Why is this guy not chined up in a cell
Annahsbananas t1_ith49vx wrote
Can the DOJ arrest this orange face painted Clown now?
I'm tired of reading about his dumbass literally every day
CertifiableNormie t1_ith68y6 wrote
Duh. But only if republicans lose.
JusticeBeaver94 t1_ith75io wrote
Unless Republicans win, of course.
Alternative-Flan2869 t1_ith8hud wrote
His rallies have speakers calling for the destruction of voting machines - where is the FBI?
yeags86 t1_ith9m2g wrote
Hopefully getting warrants to search his other properties for stolen classified documents.
Sufficient-Lab-5769 t1_ithag2o wrote
“The FBI is corrupt.” - my parents 😣
SuggestAPhotoProject t1_ithbsr5 wrote
But also, BlUe liVEs MAtTeR!!
BeltfedOne t1_ithcaos wrote
Just not the Capitol Police... /S
ckge829320 t1_ithd4aa wrote
What standing does this private citizen fuck face have to do this? When does this nonsense just get ignored?
yeags86 t1_ithd6w8 wrote
Thank god my parents pulled themselves out of that rabbit hole. At least partially.
Sufficient-Lab-5769 t1_ithdat5 wrote
How did it happen? My brothers and I are desperate here…
Er3bus13 t1_ithedqn wrote
Pieboy2121 t1_itheikc wrote
whoisbill t1_ithesgp wrote
Please share how. My parents are beyond lost.
IamSauerKraut t1_ithgg6s wrote
Will no one rid us of this disgusting toilet?
IamSauerKraut t1_ithgjyp wrote
They are not totally wrong. Case in point: Comey.
IamSauerKraut t1_ithglv0 wrote
yeags86 t1_ithjjs8 wrote
If I had to guess, they slowly realized how much of a fucking moron and grifting asshole he is.
Their only remaining child (my brother died 6 years ago) not talking to them for almost a year might have had something to do with them figuring that out though.
yeags86 t1_ithjlan wrote
See above!
Hikaman t1_ithke99 wrote
I love how every single entity that brings charges,looks into or anything about this long time known criminal is corrupt. If he is so innocent then why isn't every lawyer in the US trying to get him as a client? This would be a career making case for lawyers. Instead they avoid him like roaches from raid.
timbrelyn t1_ithkn0a wrote
It was undergrad, not the MBA program. I’m 💯 certain he cheated like he has at every other challenge in his life.
Unique-Public-8594 t1_ithmoyb wrote
Has a bigger asshole ever existed? Because I’m not sure.
(Hoping smug & arrogant Ivanka is reading this sub)
Reynard1981 t1_ithryr5 wrote
Good! Everyone should want a fair election. What’s wrong with making sure there isn’t any fraudulent votes and/or cheating from either side?
If you’re against this, you literally oppose a fair and balanced election.
So far there’s at least 12 unintelligent morons who oppose fair elections. I’m sure there’s more in here and I’m willing to bet they don’t even live in this country.
momlin t1_ithxaiq wrote
My son saw the light - how? Two words: Mastriano and Oz - said that they are total morons.
momlin t1_ithy69x wrote
I think many of us are repelled by anything attached to Trump, not against fair elections, anything to do with him is corrupt.
MacDynamite71 t1_ithyfe3 wrote
Conservatives that’s ya’ll boy
[deleted] t1_iti03v4 wrote
Top_File_8547 t1_iti422v wrote
Strange how voter fraud is only against Republicans but the only ones caught committing it are Republicans.
[deleted] t1_iti4kw9 wrote
Hanker2022 t1_iti4sjb wrote
Just fucking indict and arrest him already!!!
No bail - remand.
[deleted] t1_iti5raq wrote
ItsjustJim621 t1_iti7bfw wrote
Heads I win
Tails you cheated
[deleted] t1_iti9ems wrote
HughCPappinaugh t1_iti9frz wrote
Yep. The Republiqans who are elected have nothing to do with fraud.
SeaPoem717 t1_itic3jf wrote
I’ll be there to support him! There is nothing wrong with challenging election results.
ChrisTheHurricane t1_iticmfi wrote
Philadelphia kicked his ass once already. Hope they're ready to do it again.
ActualPopularMonster t1_itigp42 wrote
I will never understand how anyone born and raised in PA could vote for a carpetbagger from Jersey.
Radack1 t1_itigqil wrote
Oh, it is. And I'm sure theres dirty agents in there working on the side for some person or other. I hope, and so far have been proven at least partially right, that there remain enough good agents and officials for the major wrongs to be set at least better than they were. They did go for trump, and that's a start. It would be nice if they would expand that a little. And im sure both parties have done stuff, but republicans have been the most blatant about it so I have no issues with the FBI focusing on them for now
Plane_Vanilla_3879 t1_itih04g wrote
Pennsylvania is better off with democrats
ActualPopularMonster t1_itih0kt wrote
Can't we just launch his fat traitorous ass out of PA and back to FL?? Someone come take Grampa back to the Old Folks Home.
rovinchick t1_itih821 wrote
There are some Democrats commuting fraud, too. But overall it's all so small in the grande scheme of things.
[deleted] t1_itihasb wrote
[deleted] t1_itihidc wrote
momlin t1_itikbpg wrote
Agreed, I was born and raised in NY, only in PA for 10 years, but I would never vote for him and Mastriano is just plain bizarre and disturbing.
ActualPopularMonster t1_itimnb1 wrote
We get a fair amount of people from NJ and NY that like to come to PA because it's a quieter pace of life. I'm okay with that, we have a lot of love.
But PA should be represented by someone who actually lives here and has a stake in the future of the Commonwealth.
FlimsyGarlic1 t1_itip8ku wrote
I hope he comes here so we can piss on him.
[deleted] t1_itit274 wrote
Mor_Tearach t1_itiwwuz wrote
Florida doesn't really want him. It was yet another story we only heard briefly ( can't imagine why, it's not like he operates like a dimwitted mafia boss ).
Anyone remember press getting an interview with his neighbors down there?. They fought REALLY hard to keep him out of there, you got the idea he'd slime up the neighborhood- which he did. Then he had to sign something stating that place would NOT be his home- which it isn't. ' X ' number of days he's allowed to be there .
FBI didn't raid his home. It's his temporary perch. And yea, stay the hell out of PA you elderly orange flounder.
Mor_Tearach t1_itixt51 wrote
Raising my hand for 13. And holy hell really? Some orange scam artist actually PREDICTING he's gonna sue if Fetterman wins means we're supposed to assume it was rigged? Sure?
Also sure, 10 generations ago my family didn't live in PA. Gotta get on that whole citizenship thing
[deleted] t1_itixzd7 wrote
Cogatanu7CC95 t1_itj03cn wrote
no standing and this bull will be ignored once our government finally stops being afraid and labels him and his follows as the traitors and terrorists they are. till then, he and his sheep are gonna keep on trying
Cogatanu7CC95 t1_itj0gk6 wrote
there is when all you're doing it for is to grab power and have ZERO evidence. that just makes you a disgusting traitor
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itj1v7l wrote
rollingstone? lol as of right now many republicans look to be winning.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itj1xs3 wrote
actually if you do research and not watch the news both sides do the same thing fraud wise.
kellyb1985 t1_itj2qt8 wrote
Don't assume he's an idiot for doing this. This is clearly to erode confidence in elections in favor of republicans. The next obvious leap they'll make is to either hold sham elections or no elections at all. It's deliberate and it's malicious.
Top_File_8547 t1_itj30hz wrote
Democrats do very little fraud. It is impossible to do large scale fraud like the Republicans claim. If you watch returns on election night you see the results come in county by county. You’d have to compromise a lot of counties to flip an election. Not to mention voting fraud in significant numbers is impossible.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itj38dy wrote
Ok believe what you will I could pull up 20 articles showing they do. You will either say you don't trust those sites or the sites lie and or I will get banned from the subreddit that's how it usually goes so do yourself a favor and do your own research and stop being biased I'm an independent I see both sides doing the same thing
MoreOfAGrower t1_itj443o wrote
Lol you are the fake news enemy of the people
Insterstellar t1_itj4ezi wrote
I'm independent too. This election fraud narrative pushed by Trump is just as false as Russiagate was. Nonsense pushed mainly by people with partisan blinkers on.
[deleted] t1_itj64ef wrote
N00dlemonk3y t1_itj7rhk wrote
As a native Pittsburgher, yeah I agree.
It's funny, because my best friend and I are on opposite sides. I never really voted until now (if I vote down here in FL, I'm going Democrat). He and my Dad are Republican, but his Dad is Democrat.
My friend was in it mostly for the business side of things (more money for him, high in the company), though he does not always agree with stuff the republicans follow and gives Biden credit where credit is due. My Dad liked Trump and any Republican, but also likes the business-side of stuff and was (when I was younger) a well-traveled international salesman, so he was never foaming at the mouth like the crazies.
My family is very back and forth but will call out the crazy ones when they see them. But I still shake my head sometimes.
calicoskiies t1_itj7sk9 wrote
Isn’t there something like 1 republican for every 7 democrats? Good luck with that fraud claim buddy..
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itj98y4 wrote
That's right down vote me without debating me that just means you have no argument therefore I win the debate
[deleted] t1_itjbkc6 wrote
scotticusphd t1_itjey91 wrote
If you do research (i.e. read Twitter) and not watch the news (i.e. ignore sources that have editorial standards and verify information before publishing) you can just make shit up and say whatever you want to believe.
Kitchen-Awareness-60 t1_itjfvx4 wrote
This is awesome
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjg69z wrote
You know whats funny when I someone on the left being in court or arrest for fraud the national news is silent. but if some one on the right does the same it blows up every where. this is how I do my research I see a story look up info see who is reporting it see what parts they leave out see what parts they get right. go and research the points they leave out so what news agencies left out said points. these are key point s watch all the news and see who lies hides and tells the truth.
steelceasar t1_itjk7er wrote
>go and research the points they leave out so what news agencies left out said points. these are key point s watch all the news and see who lies hides and tells the truth.
Who is all the news? How do you know what was "left out"? You have already admitted that no one believes you when you post "evidence". Is there a reason for that do you think? What you are describing sounds like you are actively seeking out what you want to hear. That is called confirmation bias and explains why you have apparently bought into the voter fraud nonsense.
Old_Moment7914 t1_itjkt9h wrote
Toilet is clean I was more thinking a spitton at the start of tuberculosis next to the front door of a bar ! The house I grew up in looked like a farm house on steroids it was built to be a hospital for city dwellers to recover from TB in the clean country air.
Dude-in-the-backrow t1_itjla4x wrote
Hopefully he strokes out sooner than later.....POS.
Old_Moment7914 t1_itjlx7q wrote
He allegedly got his undergrad degree from Wharton when they were inflating grades to save people from Vietnam , of course trump had already saved himself with hone spurs . My family used to be high up at the school he transferred from Fordham University several of his professors noted he was dumb as a stump , and always trying to manipulate people into doing or giving him things he was not entitled or earned .
Old_Moment7914 t1_itjmbjv wrote
The closest trump ever got to an MBA was being in someone’s office who actually had one .
DubC_Bassist t1_itjpzmr wrote
He is Thornton Mellon.
[deleted] t1_itjqqj5 wrote
joefred111 t1_itjqtlt wrote
>I could pull up 20 articles showing they do.
Do it, you won't!
scotticusphd t1_itjrka1 wrote
This is all utter nonsense.
Bill Clinton's impeachment was enormous news. Rob Blagojevich was huge news as well. Al Franken stepping down was on the front page of newspapers.
If you stop getting your news from Twitter and actually read the news you can get details on criminals from the left and the right, but it requires you to not be a functional illiterate.
It sounds to me like you have a victimhood complex from hitching your wagon to a grifter and are looking for excuses to deflect from your poor judgement in backing Trump.
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjxbp7 wrote
not talking about bill clinton atm its 30 years ago let it go. rebut the facts i jsut posted
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjxf9v wrote
my eyes are wide open most people here are the ones who only watch 1 or 2 networks or get news from sources they only agree with. I get news from all sources and see what facts they are hiding.
thegreatdimov t1_itjycuq wrote
Great . Now post all the evidence everyone ignores, so i, the person on the sidelines can be educated
thegreatdimov t1_itjyfqh wrote
Which are ?
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itjzhju wrote
as i stated before i use to do this all the time. people will just puff chest up and pea cock and say I dont believe that article or site or it isnt that big of a deal
[deleted] t1_itk21qw wrote
[deleted] t1_itk22f6 wrote
Greedy_Principle_342 t1_itk6i0f wrote
He needs to get over it and go play some golf.
yamethkiryu t1_itk8dnh wrote
Hope it’s true- waits to be downvoted
Blexcr0id t1_itkiq5r wrote
Into the sun?
sashslingingslasher t1_itkl7dm wrote
There was a story on the front page a few weeks ago about a democrat getting convicted of voter fraud.
Relaxedtiger330 t1_itklek7 wrote
If he’s not in the contest why is he involved oh excuse me it’s a great fundraising technique,scream I see cheating donate to help me fight it MAGA to the rescue lots of money coming in,whether he finds any is irrelevant do this in battleground states that are predominantly white and MAGA ton of money. Hey that will work Ch Ch Ch Ching 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑
ScottClam42 t1_itkng1w wrote
When you challenge the election before it takes place (like trump has now done in 2016, 2020, and now this midterm) all you are accomplishing is erroding confidence in our democracy. There IS something wrong with that
[deleted] t1_itko2pe wrote
scotticusphd t1_itkodpf wrote
You didn't post any facts. I just see rambling opinions.
[deleted] t1_itkoe1y wrote
HahaWeee t1_itkot5c wrote
"You don't know her she goes to another school no she doesn't have a cell number either but we're totally hooking up"
Seriously though instead of just whining people are mean post your evidence for us to examine. At worst you can feel validated when people "puff chest up and peacock" and dismiss it.
At best you can strongly back up your argument
HahaWeee t1_itkoxhv wrote
He has the magic R
PM_ME_MURPHY_HATE t1_itkph89 wrote
> His rallies have speakers calling for the destruction of voting machines -
PM_ME_MURPHY_HATE t1_itkpl1j wrote
> there is when all you're doing it for is to grab power and have ZERO evidence. that just makes you a disgusting traitor
Quick! Go lock up Nancy Pelosi! She's a disgusting traitor for challenging election results with zero evidence!
Stahlhalter t1_itkwlcr wrote
This is a gay leftist group I can see 😂🤦🏾♂️
ActualPopularMonster t1_itkxiff wrote
>Into the sun?
Sure, wherever, as long as he gets yeeted out of PA somehow. Philly is gearing up for the World Series, they do the need Trump's bullshit right now.
ActualPopularMonster t1_itkxo44 wrote
Yes, but Fetterman has the magic D - and women love a guy who stands up for our rights. Democracy all the way!!
CQU617 OP t1_itkysta wrote
Monalisa9298 t1_itl0hb5 wrote
I’m in PA and it’s fascinating. My phone rings multiple times every day with political polls. One comes up as DYNATA and if I answer , it is a push poll every time—not really a poll but a propaganda dump. Insinuating that the 2020 election was stolen. References to globalists. They are trying hard, these people.
Big_Page_2845 t1_itl0t9h wrote
Two words… Hillary Clinton.
Big_Page_2845 t1_itl13q2 wrote
Perchance, Did you have a Hate has no home here sign on your front lawn before the 2020 election?
organicgirl811 t1_itl4524 wrote
Why does he think he is still relevant? He lost 2 (almost 3) years ago and he’s still whining.
X_PRSN t1_itl4s9a wrote
I don't oppose fair elections. I oppose lying about fair elections with the intent of making stupid people turn violent. And that's exactly what Trump is planning to do.
He will take bogus claims to court where they will get thrown out, just like 2020. He will then double down on the lies that the courts threw out, just like 2020. He will hold rallies and tell ridiculous lies like how boxes of ballots got dumped in a ditch or river. He will misrepresent video footage of ballot counters just doing their jobs. Just like 2020.
Donald Trump is a traitor and if you support him and his lies, so are you.
X_PRSN t1_itl4yxj wrote
Do you think there's anything wrong with lying about election results?
linkdudesmash t1_itl7hzl wrote
Philly do the right thing… I know you can do it. You do it every day anyway.
thegreatdimov t1_itl7n66 wrote
His argument is that he looks for sources that validate his beliefs. He doesnt post evidence, he just he doesnt believe ppl he disagrees with. That's not evidence, hell it's not even a claim.
thegreatdimov t1_itl7u8a wrote
You saying you check many sources is not evidence. You have to post the articles you read that contradict whatever other article ppl prop up.
All you said is you go to many sources. Thsts not evidence
False-Letter-2557 t1_itleda1 wrote
Can we Move on. We do need to tighten mail in ballot rules though, especially chain of custody.
Jsingles589 t1_itlh396 wrote
Let me translate this for everyone:
“Only lives that agree with me and are in my cult matter.”
[deleted] t1_itlju8n wrote
yeags86 t1_itllj4r wrote
I don’t do political signs. Even if I wanted to it would be frowned upon due to my wife’s profession.
jabberwonk t1_itlsgx5 wrote
And because of these threats and BS all poll workers have to have a mandatory 2-hour in-person training class before 11/8. Mine is tonight and I guarantee it's going to be mostly about not giving any of the GQP poll watchers anything to latch on to.
wjruth t1_itltypu wrote
I'm afraid if he dropped dead, it would provide a segway to his kids taking more power.
Reynard1981 t1_itnzsbj wrote
Lmao your comment screams misinformed. Holy hell, can you people be that gullible to believe the propaganda fed to you by the liberal media? I guess stupidity really does run ramped through democrat voters. No wonder why you people fall for the misinformation fed to you, you can’t even think for yourself.
[deleted] t1_itnzy01 wrote
RUIN_NATION_ t1_itocns2 wrote
Madame_Hokey t1_itu53cq wrote
Drives me absolutely bonkers someone can claim to know what’s best for my state and people coming from Jersey. Y’all are right across the state line, if you liked it here that much you’d actually move over here.
ActualPopularMonster t1_ituicn5 wrote
They can move here and live here all they like - just don't fuckihg tell me what's best for my State. We aren't New Jersey and we don't want to be.
pa_bourbon t1_ity0qg7 wrote
They challenge the races where they lose. But the same ballots and processes are used for the races that they win. Odd how the fraud is only limited to the parts of the ballot used to defeat republiturds.
fenuxjde t1_itgynoe wrote
Can you challenge an election from prison?