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Odd_Description_2295 t1_ivpd53i wrote

Well the ga is still largely republican. So im not sure if the bill that comes through will be adequate or not.

For example, they need to strengthen medical patients protections.

This has to be first priority.

Next, there is no way republicans will allow homegrown.

But having a cannabis friendly us senator is a big deal


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivpelh0 wrote

In PA, nothing can happen unless the GOP goes along with it. They have the PA house and senate. If they say no, that means no. It’s entirely up to them, just like it was with wolf in charge. Having fetterman in the senate is good at a federal level, but we’re still shit out of luck on a state level unless the GOP realizes it’s not 1950 anymore.


fan4stick t1_ivpfvh5 wrote

The state legislature is still majority republican so it's not gonna happen anytime soon


axeville t1_ivprqrx wrote

Maryland farmers gonna farm it.
Ohio farmers already farming it. NJ NY VA etc.

When the PA farmers realize the value per acre they will demand it. It's really hard to grow at scale (like tobacco level scale) but it's being researched. You might not like the price of food when weed is grown at scale.


DDS_Crentist t1_ivptq3l wrote

If anyone can pull off a faded Ben Franklin in drag it’s Senator Fetterman first day in office


Doug4Prison t1_ivptvjb wrote

Wouldn't growing it outdoors be less than idea since it is wind pollinated and all it would take is 1 male plant from some asshole upwind to ruin a whole crop? I'm by far not a weed or farming expert I'm just a home gamer gardener.


himynaameisjoe t1_ivpw8bs wrote

It has to happen soon. I was in Easton a few weeks back and literally walked across a bridge, into NJ into a dispensary. We’re letting millions of tax dollars just flow into our neighboring states. Fuck partisan bullshit, both sides of the scale like money, and weed is where the money is at.


crispydukes t1_ivpwank wrote

I thought Shapiro was against it...


PatientNice t1_ivpzogr wrote

As long as the R heading the committee continues to believe it is the gateway drug to harder stuff he’ll never release it for a vote. As I mentioned in another post, what do Rs do FOR you? Nothing apparently, and they want all the weed tax money to go to NJ and MD. They will dog whistle their base about high taxes while they throw that one money away. As for gateway drug, do they think beer leads to whiskey drinking? Crazy, yet economically stupid.


randompaaccount t1_ivq2nn0 wrote

The medical program is laughably easy to get into. Go through the list of qualifying conditions, if you have anything on that list you can get a card.


axeville t1_ivq6ypf wrote

That's the genetic engineering that is taking place in various labs. Plant biology is booming thx to crispr and meat replacement industry.

Also crops are insured before planting and commodities exchanges allow futures pricing to control the price variance/ crop risk. All that infrastructure will happen also as part of the scaling. Hemp itself is a byproduct more valuable than cotton as a fiber so the gross value of a plant is higher. But at a $1 a seed the risk of planting acres uncontrolled is too high. But it was once a huge crop in pa for industrial hemp. Even wo the oil aspect of cbd and THC.


himynaameisjoe t1_ivqdl6c wrote

Although… the more I think about… the more I can’t really see any huge issues with it 🤷🏼‍♂️ Already state run ✅ Already used to having purchasers over 21 with ID verification ✅ Tons of Locations already established ✅

I don’t know, doesn’t seem horrible. Plus if they’re doing ID verification before entering, we cut down on underage alcohol sales too. Curious what negatives there could actually be, besides obvious crowding issues.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivqgb8x wrote

That is very helpful, but it still can’t happen without the reps since they have the senate. Having the house should allow the dems to place a lot more pressure on the reps though, which may help get something through.


mongusa011 t1_ivqgtpu wrote

That’s the Ben Franklin statue at U of Penn


Phillysean23 t1_ivqhwoq wrote

Don't you get they'll never do so. They'll just dangle this carrot in front of voters every November. House and senate majority with democratic president and still not legal. What's that tell you


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivqi58o wrote

Yeah, that’s basically what I said. But it doesn’t really change much. They’ve pushed forward multiple weed bills that republicans killed. Sure, they never passed out of the house, but the message is the same—“republicans killed this weed bill.”

I’m glad they took the house. It’s fantastic. I’m just being realistic in that nothing will happen weed wise until the GOP changes their mind. Just the way it is at the moment. Their base doesn’t care about weed enough to change their vote over it no either way, so they can ignore it all they want if they choose to.

Personally, I think it’s only a matter of time until they cave for the money. But the decision is ultimately up to them at this point, or the voters if we vote them all out.


punchyouinthewiener t1_ivqjn6y wrote

And now Maryland just approved recreational via ballot measure. And the US House is poised to hold a hearing next week to work on ending federal marijuana prohibition. PA needs to read the tea leaves on this and stop leaving money on the table.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivqkbod wrote

I didn’t say they don’t. I just said they don’t care enough about it enough to change their vote, which is true. They’re still going to vote for the reps because of guns, culture war bullshit, immigration, SoCiALiSm, etc.


BrushAndFlossErryday t1_ivqo8gz wrote

In theory I want this (I don't partake, personally), but I also visited Las Vegas earlier this year and the WHOLE place stunk horribly of weed with no respite whatsoever. So that kind of made me rethink.


ActualPopularMonster t1_ivqwucj wrote

>Real talk… can we make recreational weed legal now?

It's what Ben Franklin would've wanted! Along with hookers and booze!


RobbersTwo t1_ivqzav1 wrote

This has too happen. Come on politicians, give the people what they want.


SnooRevelations9889 t1_ivqzha0 wrote

It's a good question without a simple answer.

Fetterman's victory, with his strong performance across the state, sends a strong message that his legal weed platform is a winner.

Shapiro is a Fetterman ally, so expect him to look favorably on Fetterman's signature issue.

If the Democrats win the state house (it looks like they will) that shakes things up a lot in Harrisburg.

Lawmakers generally want to keep getting elected, so considering everything above, Republican state senators may decide this is an issue that their views can “evolve” on to appeal to the voters they lost this cycle.

But they might moderate on some other issue instead.

But we can help make it happen.

Contact your state senator and statehouse rep, and let them know you want weed legalized.

Even if your representative don't need convincing, they can show their colleagues data on how much their constituents are demanding action on this.


almost40fuckit t1_ivr1cdp wrote

We can…but expect it to get bastardized for six months to a year with inflated prices and gimmicky bs like NJ stores seem to have. I’m all for it…but I wanna stay with the dispensary I go to, not go to a gas station style store to pick it up. Like if we’re gonna do it let’s do it right and FAIR. Not every damn thing needs to be a get rich scheme!


That_GUY_2660 t1_ivr469l wrote

Well if anyone was going to do it it wil be Shapiro…


Ghstfce t1_ivr62d7 wrote

Honestly, with MD just passing it on the ballot and NJ already doing it, I'd expect PA to follow suit soon. I don't personally care for it, but it's honestly just stupid at this point to be all "Quaker" about it anymore.


c0lin268 t1_ivr7i9k wrote

Bro u went to Vegas of all places obv that place is a shit show. I think if u look at other reasonable places where its legal now like NJ, NY, Virginia ull realize it doesn’t effect peoples daily lives. People are going to smoke whether its legal or not especially when almost all the states you border have it legalized. It’s honestly just a wasted opportunity to make extra tax money off it at this point.


WooderFountain t1_ivra003 wrote

And reverse ALL criminal sentences for weed possession.


facelesstoo1 t1_ivrcupz wrote

Let's see it! Better now then never why arrest people over a plant God put on earth !


Ko-StanZa t1_ivrejdh wrote

Not just weed but crystal and H need to be legal too. Lots of tainted trash I’ve seen come through here with the drugs being legal they can be produced safely and ethically and sold at certain dispensaries. The amount of fentanyl and filthy crystal that has been pouring in from across the boarder is disgusting we are literally feeding the cartel and Americans lives are being lost for it.


Rheum42 t1_ivrh40p wrote

Come on, y'all. Please.

Farmers in the state can be given subsidies which can stimulate local economy. The money can be used to improve the myriad of issues in this state, like education. Maybe we could start tackling the opioid crisis? Or the money can just keep going to other states...


pwnedkiller t1_ivrlnyu wrote

I really think a lot of blame but not all is to be put on Trump. The R party was bad before but he came along and just squeezed the ever loving shit out of them and the worst of the worst came out. Now people are finally waking up and starting to let their voice be heard. I also believe it’s a lot of younger Americans in a long time actually taking a stand and voting.

Abortion was the final nail in the coffin for republicans. They wanted to ban it and they got it but I don’t think they anticipated the consequences.


BureaucraticHotboi t1_ivrqdaz wrote

I’m pro legalization but I want it to be contingent on amnesty for people in prisons for possession and record expungement as well as making room for those people to profit from it. That’s justice, it’s been disheartening to see how poorly other states have rolled it out in that regard. Though coming down to the bottom line it’s better to do it than not


Reynard1981 t1_ivryh07 wrote

Something tells me that weed is all OP voted for.


25Bam_vixx t1_ivrz2vr wrote

Have you not learn from putting a hat on status and losing World Series lol


unenlightenedgoblin t1_ivs17am wrote

We’re more behind the times than checks notes Missouri on this issue


vaxinate t1_ivs5n99 wrote

Not exactly, but It at least creates a situation where the democratic reps In the house and Gov elect Shapiro can hold bills the republicans in the senate want to pass hostage as leverage to negotiate.


vaxinate t1_ivs7pfc wrote

I think Democrats taking the house dramatically speeds up the timeline.

Democratic reps will have more leverage since they can effectively block anything Republicans want to do with control of the Gov’s seat and House. The majority of our neighboring states will have legal cannabis within the next 18 months or sooner, giving a huge percentage of residents access in neighboring states. If Democrats pass a bill through the house with bipartisan support (they will definitely find at least a few GOP votes since there are a few on record supporting it), and the governor says he’s going to sign it, it seems like the Republicans in the Senate will look pretty stupid if they refuse and let all that revenue go to other states.

You’re right though, It does ultimately come down to how much GOP state reps are willing to hold their breath, do nothing and hope for a more positive election cycle in 2024. I am new to the state and don’t know exactly how petty republicans in the state senate are, but given how this election shaped up, that seems like a bold move. 66% of PA voters want it passed.


SendAstronomy t1_ivsjef7 wrote

It's what Ben Franklin would have wanted.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivsmmbh wrote

I agree, but remember that’s been the case for quite some time. The majority of people wanted it, the governor pushed, dems pushed it, and they still didn’t budge. I like to be optimistic, and I like to keep reality in mind as well.


Designer_Scallion718 t1_ivsu84v wrote

What I want, more than anything, is home grow! SB 1024 will be voted on soon, and will it pass?


themollusk t1_ivt79r6 wrote

They're going to have to bend sooner or later. With Maryland legalizing out on Tuesday, roughly 3/4 of PA now borders a legal state. The lost tax revenue is going to be into the gajillions.


tellmeaboutyourcat t1_ivtfepv wrote

My husband won't get a card to treat his anxiety because of this.

He doesn't own a gun, has no plan to ever own a gun and doesn't even like guns. But his dad is a gun enthusiast so he doesn't like the idea of limiting his options.... 🙄


eSJayPee t1_ivth45o wrote

I'm not a user but would love to see it pass. If there is a tremendous upside in tax revenue, maybe sales or income tax can be lowered a tad.

Let's get this through!


SnooRevelations9889 t1_ivu2y1l wrote

Evolution only happens is response to a changing environment.

If they think they don't have to change to survive politically, they won't.

This week's election results are a pleasant surprise to Democrats, but to Republicans, they are a stinging rebuke — out of the clear, blue sky. Some are realizing that, if they want to keep getting the free steak, liquor, and companionship from lobbyists three nights a week, they're going to need to adapt.


Unusual-Might-471 t1_ivu599m wrote

Only matter of time get people locked for pot out of jail throw charges out lock up real crimals like trump and family and also trump crooked friends to.


vaxinate t1_ivu71ry wrote

Yeah I’m more or less with you. It’s always good to be realistic. It’s still going to be an uphill battle, but I still think the changes I pointed out put a light at the end of the tunnel that was nonexistent or at least tough to see before.

One more point though: the current MMJ program was passed through our GOP run legislature in 2016, so saying things haven’t budged at all under GOP control doesn’t feel totally accurate. It seems like they will move this sort of legislation when the right amount of pressure is applied.


ILikeMyGrassBlue t1_ivu7m1h wrote

I’m just talking about recreational. They’ve had multiple opportunities, even bills from within their own party, and they refuse.

The speaker of the house cried on the floor when the medical bill was passed, so they didn’t even have the whole party’s support then either. And they only passed that because the program is a blatant corporate cash grab. When they do inevitably decide to legalize rec, it’ll also be a corporate cash grab lol. It is inevitable though.


vaxinate t1_ivuantc wrote

Yeah idk. The two don’t exist in their own vacuum. I think the 2016 bill is a pretty good sign that the GOP’s obstinance on rec cannabis won’t hold for too long under pressure, but who tf knows what that means in time units at this point.

We’re basically on the same page just at different points on the optimism/pessimism gradient.