Submitted by Ronnie-Nesbitt t3_zzc6nh in Pennsylvania
So say me and a few friends go and smoke weed im not in possession of the weed someone else is so if I smoke it is that illegal
Submitted by Ronnie-Nesbitt t3_zzc6nh in Pennsylvania
So say me and a few friends go and smoke weed im not in possession of the weed someone else is so if I smoke it is that illegal
You should be ok if you tell them it isn't yours.
I guess not if you both have your weed medical cards.
Ask a lawyer
Recreational use of marijuana is illegal in PA. The chance of you getting caught smoking it in your own home is probably slim unless the police have another reason to visit your abode.
Explain to me how you can smoke weed and not possess it. If you touch it to use it, you possess it. If it enters into your system, you have illegally used a narcotic. Ownership happens when you touch it. Even if it is only your lips on a bong. The moment you inhale, you have taken possession. That is the way the law would look at it. this time.
OP to Cop @ front door:
“Got a warrant?”
Are you stupid, or stoned?
Even with a medical card, combusting (smoking) is illegal in PA.
Sometimes both
It’s still illegal to smoke/combust medicinal weed in PA.
And they’d technically both have to have their cards and be able to show they’re both using their own.
If you buy weed then smoke all of it and then are stopped by the police you are NOT in possession of an illegal substance.
wut? This is absurd logic. Weed isn't a narcotic to begin with. Secondly, 'possession' indicates having the physical drug on your person, which means you could possibly intend to sell it. You don't automatically get charged with possession of open alcohol in your car if you get a dui.
Ask the cops outside
As long as you aren't obnoxious to your neighbors you'll be fine. Maybe burn some candles after. The best thing you can do while getting high is be friendly.
So the medicinal weed stores sell medicinal weed but it's illegal to combust it?
You’re supposed to vaporize it.
This question does really explain a few of the posts on here lately...
A mere technicality lol. When I hear weed I kind of just think of all types of delivery. Yeah, would imagine they both would need their cards as well. I guess the weed that they sell is for vaping it's kind of dry and harsh (told to me by a friend) lol.
These aren't even my pants
I think you answered your own question. You have to possess to smoke. Get a med card, then you can smoke all you want
Depending on where you are, it may be decriminalized locally. Meaning if you’re not doing anything else illegal, they won’t charge you with anything.
Federal law still lists marijuana as a narcotic.
If you are stopped by the police after smoking, you have probably done something really stupid. Once charged, they can test you for narcotics. If the test comes back for substance use, you could be charged. Federal law lists marijuana as a narcotic. As I stated for now.
It is possible. However, it is most likely not probable that anything would happen to you if you smoke in your own home. My question had to do with how you can smoke it and not possess it. It was an existential esoteric statement.
Possession of a controlled substance is the charge for most marijuana arrests. It being in your system or your residence smelling of marijuana could be cause for a search, but neither of which is a crime. They can’t prove what you smoked, how you smoked it, or how it got into your system in these cases. Unless you start doing stupid shit like driving, it’s not illegal to be high. It’s illegal to possess and distribute.
Medical users in the state are technically supposed to vape even their dry leaf cannabis, but few do. Nobody really cares what you do in your home. That does keep them from just smoking a joint wherever they want though.
You could easily take the steps to get your medical card if you wanted. While patients aren’t as protected as they should be, it does make possession legal for them.
Recreational use in PA is completely illegal but many cops will let you go with a warning or something similar to a parking ticket with how its treated lately. Some cities/ municipalities have decriminalized it which makes the fines less and not a criminal offense. If you have your medical card in PA it is still illegal to combust i.e. anything using an open flame e.g. bongs, joints, blunts. but legal to vaporize Any form of edible is still illegal in PA
Kids shouldn’t be allowed to use Reddit :)
If police ask, say, 'I want to talk to my lawyer', and just keep repeating that. Its not an admission of guilt, innocent people get put away all the time because they don't talk with a lawyer. The police aren't your friend, like they say, anything you say to an officer can and will be used against you, nothing you say can and will be used for you.
“I’m confiscating this weed to put into… uh… evidence.”
It doesn't matter what you test positive for.
You still aren't charged for possession of illegal substances unless you physically possess them...and that doesn't mean in your fucking bloodstream.
You can be charged with DUI or something similar if you are operating a car or machinery or whatever. There are probably a slew of other charges for being drugged up and in certain situations....but you don't get a possession charge without having drugs on you.
You still can’t legally smoke it in PA. You can vaporize it and I believe you can make your own edibles.
In order to smoke it you gotta be in possession of it
It's decriminalized in Pittsburgh. Not fully legal, but the blue meanies are pretty hands off about it.
We're living in the stoned age.
"Oh, I do love a man/woman in uniform! I would love if you would paddle me with that billy club of yours, what do you say?"
Go smoke delta 8. You can get carts at any smoke shop.
A word of caution if you live in subsidized housing they don’t recognize medical use or legal state dispensary cards ,they go by federal law where it is illegal , so it’s a hit of clusterfuck , if you have a cannabis card you are supposed to smoke it at home , however since it’s federally illegal your housing manager can and will evict you for smoking or possessing if your caught ( and unfortunately 9 out of 10 times the court agrees and evicts you , I have seen this happen to many times to people and families who are now homeless for following the rules ) .
Oh they’ve moved inside now. There’s one posted at every exit.
That’s a Schedule I psychoactive you’re dabbling in there, Chief. You trying to throw your life away at a young age?
Republicans are missing an easy House win next term by decriminalizing cannabis. Even the former gop leader, john boehner is in the cannabis business.
If you grab a bag of weed and then put it all into your bloodstream (smoking, eating, etc) and then somehow the cops come to your house, they can't charge you with possession since you dont actually have the physical item that the law forbids possessing.
Being under the influence of Marijuana on your own property doesn't seem to violate any law/statute that I'm aware of as long as you aren't operating any type of vehicle (car, lawn mower, scooter, skateboard, etc).
The closest thing that I can fathom you possibly being charged with is Public Intoxication or Disturbing the Peace, but even then, it would require an extraordinary type of circumstance. Pretty sure you will have no issues being high in a recliner inside your house. Dlbeing drunk in your house isnt illegal right?
Stay right where you are. The police are on their way.
>Any form of edible is still illegal in PA
Technically untrue. RSO syringes, tinctures and THC capsules are sold in mm dispensaries. It's only provisionally true given that in popular usage, marijuana "edible" refers to something like a laced brownie or cookie. Those are banned in PA in an effort to protect the unsuspecting from accidentally ingesting the drug.
Is it 2004? In your home? Is someone gonna answer this guy lmao I smoke weed at work
Smell isn’t legal just cause for a search in PA anymore.
Honestly, in most States, the mere possession for personal use is not something police want to concern their selves with unless they really want you or they’re trying to get something else and that’s the gateway.
what youre talking about is considered ‘ingestible’s’. stupid silver lining thing PA does. edibles are illegal
Medical marijuana is legal
Who cares? If you’re in your house or someone else’s house and not being idiots you will all be fine.
Nice one cop
If it’s in your home ultimately you’re responsible for whatever is going on. Including letting someone in the house with weed
What to say when the police pull you over!
There needs to be some sort of regulation before opening the flood gates, my wife works in a hospital and they see cases daily of thc toxicity. I think many people think it’s all the same when there are varying levels of potency.
Once you have smoked all of it, as long as you're at home and not driving they can't get you.
Its legal to be used medically. Pretty easy to apply for and receive a card if you want to be able to use weed and not worry about cops
Edibles that are food based (require you to chew) are illegal to sell but you can freely make them yourself.
you should move to Alaska from what i hear both are legal for some weird reason 😆😆🤦♂️🤦♂️
So it’s illegal, but I’ve noticed many cops have stopped caring. Like 2 years ago I had an insane roommmate who called the cops at 6am on 4/20 because he said we had hidden cameras in the bathroom and his car. Police did bust down my bedroom door and ripped my extremely hungover ass out of bed just to ask me if I had cameras. I had bongs and weed out in the open and they legit said they didn’t care about it. Maybe that’s just because they violated my civil rights and this was their “you get a pass”, but that’s my experience.
Are ingestibles not eaten? Ingestible/Edible... a rose is still a rose if you eat it regardless of any govt newspeak.
How many cases of alcohol poisoning do they see?
That's not a good argument against thc legalization.
Edibles are not illegal. There's nothing stopping you from buying materials from the dispensary and making your own. They just can't sell them
Answer basic questions though like your name. Not sure if you need to give your address but it would have limited harm towards you.
When they begin to ask questions about what were you doing, or where you were going, you can kindly decline by saying I'm not going to answer any other questions.
If things do get worse for you showing that you were cooperating with the police by showing ID and giving your name only benefits you and answering nothing else is completely in your favor. Even if you're being questioned as a witness you don't need to answer questions with ones that could be incriminating to yourself. Don't self incriminate.
I used to work in a hospital too, and there were tons of people admitted for alcohol-related reasons. Drunk driving accidents/injuries, detoxing from alcohol which can be fatal, organ damage due to long-term alcohol use, alcohol poisoning, etc. I could go on. Alcohol related deaths kill more people than any drug, way more than weed, but alcohol is allowed to be legal. So with your reasoning, alcohol should be illegal, right?
Depends. In Philadelphia, laws are just suggestions so you should be fine. Elsewhere I'm not sure.
The police have a habit of lying. I have not said anything yet they claim I said a bunch of shit. That is why you need a lawyer. Never trust a policeman when he is working the job.
Trust me. Get a card, you can smoke all you want
Even if you have a medical card, actually smoking it in a bowl, joint, bing, etc. is illegal. You are supposed to use a vaporizer. However, if you’re smoking in a home, it’s very unlikely you’d get caught.
So you support going back to prohibition?
Alcohol can definitely be a problem and kills a bunch of innocent people everyday. I just dont think making the same mistake twice makes sense, government regulation is a daily part of our lives why can’t consumer knowledge of what your actually ingesting hurt.
MissionRevolution306 t1_j2app8k wrote