Submitted by MisterBiscuitz t3_zl8f3a in Pennsylvania

I’m intrigued. Does this license plate say:

Greek girl Greek grill Greasy grill Greasy girl?

I made up a whole backstory sitting in traffic that it says “greasy girl,” and the driver is a hard working single mom on her way home from her job as a mechanic.

Or maybe she isn’t a mechanic and she just doesn’t shower.

Maybe she’s Greek too.



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Mijbr090490 t1_j041ama wrote

Grease Girl? Maybe a lube tech or really loves John Travolta.

Had a good one pass me the other day. Giant lifted pick-up weaving in and out of traffic. License plate said COMPENS8. Wish I could snagged a pic


fenuxjde t1_j0485ff wrote

I see that car in front of the Lancaster train station a lot too!


JAK3CAL t1_j0488v8 wrote

Gsomething Rec (recreation?) Girl


Dispatcher12 t1_j04afmi wrote

I'm still trying to figure out if the truck I saw with ILV TNA was declaring someone's love for Tina or someone's love for T & A.


ReezyRebellion037 t1_j04hbx4 wrote

Maybe Gracie Girl? Could be the owners name/ nickname or in remembrance of a pet or loved one?


Traveler1987 t1_j04jl21 wrote

Maybe Greasy Girl sells industrial lubricants. …and industrial lubricant accessories.


jrc_80 t1_j04l2q0 wrote

Greasy Girl. She covers herself in grease every night to wind down at the end of a long day.


BrittonMittens t1_j04lbeb wrote

maybe that's how she thinks Greek is spelled?


ErinGodzilla t1_j04n8bl wrote

I, too, love playing this game. My dad had plates 'RDGWLKR' for Ridgewalker and a friend asked if his name was Rodger Walker. (My last name is not Walker, not that family always has the same name.)

I vote greasy girl. Perhaps a mechanic.


amp_atx t1_j04o101 wrote

I saw the vanity HERPOOH today and I’m still trying to figure out what that one means


ssgtjimbo t1_j04w4s5 wrote

She like anal! Plain and simple!


Rcxandom_stars2 t1_j04xr81 wrote

Why tf y'all, posting random people licence plates?!


truej42 t1_j04ywxo wrote

Genital recreation girl


alberthere t1_j04z74m wrote

General recreation call girl…?


tuenthe463 t1_j050zv5 wrote

The other day I saw a car where a woman had added her own vinyl hardware store sticker letter to complete the idea she was trying to convey. I'll bet the police just love that


SomePaddy t1_j0517ld wrote

Public place, and the license plate isn't being connected to the identity of the person who owns or is driving the car. Person saw thing, person took pic of thing, person asked question about thing. No biggie.


Excellent-Advisor284 t1_j053q5m wrote

Sebum, deep pores, people tell her she has that glow and she responds "thanks but I'm not pregnant."


MommaOats-1 t1_j05420s wrote

Looks like it could be "Gracie Girl"


sewerrpunk t1_j05vx0e wrote

a bit of a portmanteau and a little abbreviation;

G(reat) Rec(tum) G(i)rl


Jasole37 t1_j05xk35 wrote


George Resets Every Count Geoge Relaxes Liberally


H0FG t1_j06g0ty wrote

Gaping rectums eat cocks gapings really lovely


luckyincode t1_j06jo53 wrote

Greek Girl. Either ethnicity or in the industry. Possibly just proud of both.


Dispatcher12 t1_j06lxei wrote

I used to drive to Delaware for work every day and frequently I'd have this guy in front of me with a plate that said GONOVER. I had this whole theory in my head that he'd had some sort of near death experience, that he'd "gone over" or something equally profound and life changing. One morning he turned into the cafe in Greenville where I was headed for coffee and I thought here's my chance, I'm just going to ask him. So I said hey, I'm behind you most mornings and I am just so curious about what your plate means. He goes, "oh, like, when I was in college? We'd say, like, I'm going to the cafeteria, you gonover?". That was it. That was what he paid extra for to put on his Saab.


singbowl1 t1_j06w2wf wrote

Greasy Girl (see trailer park boys)


LowNo5584 t1_j06wqt3 wrote

Saw on at a local WalMart. "NTWERKIN".





FlamingoGram t1_j07xj3f wrote

Grease Girl - loves the movie "Grease."


carrigan_quinn t1_j08elvy wrote

I'll ask around lol haven't been up in TC for awhile but I know a bunch of people from Bloss and Mansfield

Seems like something one of those weirdos would do 😂

Edit: damn, no one I know has that plate nor knows who has it, guess we'll never know the true meaning!


wagsman t1_j08qjal wrote

Greek Girl and Greasy Girl are my top 2 votes.