Submitted by tundraportal t3_xvkfzq in RhodeIsland
FnordMotorCorp t1_ir1luy8 wrote
Wait they made a second one?
whatsaphoto t1_ir1mcqa wrote
Loved the overhead shots with Pell Bridge in the background!
Orangeisthenewwhite t1_ir1tu7f wrote
The cemetery in EP, Federal Hill and Newport, benefit street.
What threw me off was there was a part of the movie where they literally were in Newport and then edited the movie where they casually walked to a different part of Newport, when it in fact was Federal hill. Lol
whatsaphoto t1_ir1wto5 wrote
Yep! The majority of filming took place in Lincoln, East Prov and Newport, however there were many shots towards the ending that were reshot in NY.
Yak54RC t1_ir1wyob wrote
Good to know thanks
Jared_Sabatelli t1_ir1xwfr wrote
Bro Newport
zjanderson t1_ir1yaxk wrote
Cumberland too I think.
JasonDJ t1_ir20899 wrote
Which Cemetery in EP? I might know some people there.
AnyankaDarling t1_ir21ele wrote
The Walgreens on Atwells and Newport during the festival scenes.
chaoticnormal t1_ir23amv wrote
I saw the movie trailers outside St Michael's church in Bristol too.
JimmyHavok t1_ir2932j wrote
Just heard a conversation about it this morning. Several people had seen the filming as well.
JimmyHavok t1_ir29g02 wrote
Lived in LA for a while, chase scenes on non-connected streets are pretty common.
Touch_Me_There t1_ir2b040 wrote
The outside Walgreens / flying away scenes right after are on Atwells Ave in Providence.
Inevitable_Yellow_93 t1_ir2ccrf wrote
Yesss Lincoln, RI LaSalle Academy
SirSkelton t1_ir2cl2f wrote
Part of it was filmed at Moses Brown inin Providence. I have no idea what part (haven’t seen the movie yet) but one of my coworker’s wives works there and said they were filming at the school last year.
RudeNarwhal8 t1_ir2cm7h wrote
This article has a good list
continue_Banca_3223 t1_ir2e5pa wrote
i have not watched it, but I bet very few actors from RI were hired! They "whoever the rich politicians are," need to bring the film tax incentives back so more films can be done here. Who was the brain surgeon who canceled the tax incentive so that all the film jobs go to Boston and their surrounding areas who???
I remember the one year i worked a lot in stunts and acting in RI was 2005/2006. Never again I either have to go to NYC or Boston (better than traveling to NYC)
radioflea t1_ir2fqfi wrote
That’s Hollywood for ya!
radioflea t1_ir2fynj wrote
Haha! Lakeside-Carpenter Cemetery.
XBlueNetwork t1_ir2galr wrote
I’ll probably get downvoted for this, but the sequel wasn’t great IMO. Besides the witches, I was surprised Max and the other two major characters weren’t brought back in any capacity.
radioflea t1_ir2gdtc wrote
I’m not sure why so many people verbally shit on the movie, I thought the Walgreen’s scene was quite funny.
radioflea t1_ir2gi3q wrote
In the cages you go.
chatendormi t1_ir2if18 wrote
Yes! Chase Farms, the Walgreens on Atwells and downtown Newport all very obvious
PipeLayer2016 t1_ir2j80k wrote
The whole forest was a sound stage in the Armory on the west side. The majority of the shots were likely filmed there.
PipeLayer2016 t1_ir2jl8p wrote
Some times you age out of a movie, and that's ok. My daughter loved it, and would definitely debate your opinion.
PipeLayer2016 t1_ir2kaar wrote
I bet = talking out your butt. Lots to be made beyond actors.
continue_Banca_3223 t1_ir2ksk5 wrote
I can talk . Its called freedom of speech? is it not? I am not from the USA, but last i heard you still have freedom of speech. Besides bringing more films to RI, means jobs for a lot of actors that can help them feed their families and pay their bills. Just so you know. I still would love to know who canceled the film tax incentives. Cause they sure bring in minor players from other states even filming in Boston
glass_star t1_ir2m6ju wrote
I clocked the oyster bar sign immediately and my boyfriend refused to believe me because the street signs said “Salem”. I had to google a picture to prove it and he still was like “maybe it’s a chain” like no… it’s called PROPS and SET DRESSING lol
JasonDJ t1_ir2mi27 wrote
Next to Newman church? Damn, no family cameos.
PipeLayer2016 t1_ir2mnml wrote
You can speak, but also be criticized. Freedom of speech works both ways. You can only expect to be a regular film actor in 2 of the 50 states in this country. If you think that will happen in RI or even MA, you are not planning your career very well.
continue_Banca_3223 t1_ir2mv7v wrote
I have been doing stunts and acting since 2004. LA, NYC and Boston, and at one point RI. Is very nice when i don't have to travel far. Plus commercial and print work mostly in Boston of course, NYC. No, you don't have to be in NYC or LA to make a living at this. Times have changed except in RI. My question is, Why don't they bring back the film tax incentives? It would help the entire state, minor shops, actors wo are minor players etc.
babith t1_ir2q6bx wrote
La Salle Academy
babith t1_ir2qg3g wrote
That’s not what freedom of speech means…
SirSkelton t1_ir2r8eq wrote
Did you respond to the wrong comment? I’m not sure why you responded this to what I said.
babith t1_ir2rgzt wrote
It was filmed at La Salle…
SirSkelton t1_ir2ron7 wrote
It was filmed in multiple places. That’s literally the point of this thread.
AnyankaDarling t1_ir2vmb9 wrote
I really enjoyed it! I found it really entertaining for what it is.
NIPPLE_MONGER t1_ir2yw0i wrote
Hocus Pocus 2 made me late for work twice because of that location lol
radioflea t1_ir30ere wrote
Same! To be fair people didn’t like the original in 1993 at first so it looks like history is repeating itself.
pombe t1_ir31fyi wrote
They were shooting at the Walgreens on Pitman in the east side too.
PipeLayer2016 t1_ir35xnz wrote
Call your state representatives and ask them yourself. They are generally happy to hear from constituents. If they don't listen, vote for people who will.
Lovelyone123- t1_ir36u5m wrote
FunLife64 t1_ir38qkr wrote
Didn’t they film at Wayland Walgreens? Maybe both.
bradshaw1992 t1_ir39l0p wrote
They filmed at both schools. I watched them film at both. Like, it's not one or the other.
lilmissmartypants t1_ir3ktkn wrote
Yes! I can! Grew up in Lincoln, lived in Newport for over a decade and now live in Providence. This meme was LITERALLY me, for the entire movie😅
LurkingProvidence t1_ir3nq7h wrote
The mayors house was the historical society on benevolent street in prov.
I had fun will probably watch it again next Halloween. Just cool seeing ri stuff in a movie tbh
helloryanholmes t1_ir3tiks wrote
Too real
EpicBettaFish69420 t1_ir3vfbb wrote
I live right next to chase farm in Lincoln so it’s pretty cool to see that place in the movie
butters19961 t1_ir40z2w wrote
Oh fuck me this is why there were so many hocus pocus 2 Instagram posts. Gonna be honest completely forgot it was filmed here.
ZestyclosePage8395 t1_ir59hnf wrote
Your boyfriend likes to argue with you dump him he's a dick
RandomChurn t1_ir5b827 wrote
A good number were shot on Prov's East Side using a sightseeing trolley they trucked down from Salem and parked in front of the Aldritch House / RI Historical Society on Benevolent & Cooke. (They changed the street signs to Goody & something)
I grew up next to Salem MA and now live here near where they were shooting. This neighborhood looks quite like Salem, architecturally. Just much quieter and stripped of all Salem's crowds and chintzy tourist shit.
The shooting they did here in Oct could never have been done in Salem: it is MOBBED throughout the month of Oct every year by Halloween / witch fans.
It was fun having the movie people here for months off and on and seeing how it was done.
Yak54RC t1_ir5dey8 wrote
Oh man thanks for the info and it totally makes sense not being able to film in Salem. I don’t go too much into east side so nothing seemed familiar in the movie. Thanks again
rhodyjourno t1_ir5kysk wrote
Great advertising strategy for Saje Kitchen on Atwells Ave in Providence with their banner in the shot across from the Walgreens scene.
ConfidentCoward t1_ir5xswq wrote
Seeing my old high school on Disney+ is surreal
monique1397 t1_ir1ldnl wrote
The Walgreens and The Oyster Bar on Atwells were big ones for me!