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t1_ivjk0s8 wrote

No heat November. Still going strong


t1_ivjit3w wrote

Wife almost turned it on was it last week? Or week before? I caught her and suggested she make a batch of cookies instead.

Still going strong!


t1_ivjyc3o wrote

Wife is from Florida and is the breadwinner, so the heat first went on in early October, to my everlasting shame.


t1_ivnc5bp wrote

We trust that as penance you're drinking even more iced coffee than usual.


t1_ivjnmdh wrote

The heat isn't going on until I can see my breath.


t1_ivjzc8y wrote

Heat’s included in my rent price, I turned that shit on in September


t1_ivkyab8 wrote

Please don't ever complain about rent increases.


t1_ivl8u3d wrote

Oh because a wee bit of heat in the fall will be the cause of widespread rent increases as other redditors literally compete for the right to be the most uncomfortable in the cold months.


t1_ivlrdp6 wrote

Oil is teetering around $6/ gallon and prices are estimated to go way over that. Minimum delivery is 100 gallons. I usually do between 3 and 4 deliveries a year in the winter months alone. Are you starting to get an idea of the cost? I don't charge my tenant utilities but every oil delivery I wish I did. You should be thankful and not wasteful is what I am saying.


t1_ivlvno7 wrote

The thing is, I didn’t set it to 79 and laugh since September 21st.

It’s set to 60° except from 7am-12pm and 5:30pm-12am where it’s set to 75° to warm the place up when it needs it most. Maybe there’s a better way to set the schedule but I’m not just blasting heat.

Please don’t assume I’m being malicious when I said “I turned that shit on in September.”

I’m not being wasteful, I’m just living comfortably as outlined by the terms of my lease. I’ll do so without need for judgment, thanks.


t1_ivjnyt0 wrote

Holding strong here. Considering the weather so far it's been easier than ever. At this rate I might be able to hold out until the New Year.


t1_ivjkguc wrote

Yo waddup! My oven heats the apartment well. Lol


t1_ivlcton wrote

Glad to see another fellow cheapo poor on here, respect


t1_ivlkk46 wrote

Back atcha. It’s a good hack. We use it to cook most nights, use it to toast bread for breakfast, and use it to heat things up if there is a chill. We live in a mostly square apartment that’s a little tight. It works wonders. Gotta sneak by somehow, right?


t1_ivn30so wrote

I used to do this all the time before I had pets. It worked great! My oven was across the kitchen from the bathroom and my cheap apartment didn’t have heat in the bathroom, so that’s how I did it.


t1_ivjlpwb wrote

I had my air on last night. No heat being turned on here.


t1_ivjzgmg wrote

I almost put my air conditioner on last night... regardless, it's still in my window, a week deep into November...


t1_ivjvv7j wrote

I live in an apartment building, so I'm halfway to turning the a/c back on. Between the heated basement, heated halls on two sides, and presumably my upstairs and side neighbors using heat, I may not have to turn it on for another month or two.

Thank you neighbors for donating your expensive heat through the shitty walls.


t1_ivjmx8u wrote

Last two days had my ac running again, didn't think that would come back on before the heat. But I will need to turn on the heat thanksgiving week when I have family visit. They always complain it's cold in my house haha. I just wear warm clothes inside and use an electric blanket in the living room and heated mattress pad in the bedroom. Works great.


t1_ivjqx7d wrote

It's too warm for the heat. Yearly goal is to make it past Thanksgiving before I turn mine on. Not sure about this year yet.


t1_ivjx080 wrote

It was 74° the other day, no way am I turning on the heat. Also I live in a 4th floor apartment in an old building, my neighbors will provide the heat 😅


t1_ivjlzr2 wrote

I go through a tank of oil a month, so I haven’t turned that on yet. I also have wood stoves, definitely using those way more this year to offset since cord wood didn’t get impacted really.


t1_ivjooed wrote

Growing up we had 2 woodstoves as our main source of heat. There is something about walking into a nice warm toasty house heated by wood. Its like a different heat if that makes sense.


t1_ivjp8su wrote

It is, it's radiant heat!


t1_ivjpnuz wrote

I didn't know the right word to describe it. All of my friends loved coming to my house after a day of sledding or snowball fights. We would all hang in the room where the woodstove was.


t1_ivjq3gt wrote

Right in front of the stove where it’s 120°! My kids do the same thing now.


t1_ivjpzab wrote

100%. Especially after coming in from snow blowing or something, you can’t beat a fire!


t1_ivjrtas wrote

I'm wondering how long it will be before the firewood guys figure out they can charge more and get away with it, just like the oil guys did.


t1_ivjrywl wrote

Typically you buy wood by the cord and would buy enough for the season. So most people would have already bought and wouldn’t need to think about getting more until next summer/fall. Hopefully all of this craziness is over by then.


t1_ivjpwgw wrote

Same here! I ran a space heater in my kids room a few separate times but I haven’t touched the thermostat. After the first electric bill with the rate hike I refuse.


t1_ivjwhmi wrote

I cheat. I haven't turned on the house heat yet, but I've got a couple of smaller space heaters I've run a handful of times so far.


t1_ivjwr76 wrote

I am still sleeping with windows open, screw the heat


t1_ivjxb66 wrote

Heat? I had most windows open yesterday it was so hot.


t1_ivju186 wrote

I live on a second floor of a 3 family house, had to put the heat one 1 night, but other than that, i benefit from the first floor heating and my apt stays between 70-74 degrees. Im sure our days are numbered though .


t1_ivk3rax wrote

Does unintentionally count?

My furnace got fried in August when my home decided to randomly pulsate unregulated electricity throughout and killed nearly all electronics. The part needed to fix it isn’t coming until February because of supply chain issues. Oh, and the furnace was brand new- got it installed last winter when the 30 year old original one crapped out.

I’ve been using a space heater during cold nights the past month because I have a 1 year old who is still too young to sleep bundled in blankets.


t1_ivjr2oa wrote

The heat has been on here for a month or so. It also reduces humidity, and I like my house dry.


t1_ivjy3ib wrote

I started to have doubts - -

Then I realized someone left a window open


t1_ivjz1ef wrote

Haven’t needed to honestly. Between the morning sun in our front window and the stove in the kitchen at night, our house has stayed comfortably warm!


t1_ivjztil wrote

Haven't needed it yet, was sweating the last 2 days


t1_ivk3voq wrote

I turned it on twice for an hour each time. Not what I wanted to do but our house was under 50 inside and showers needed to be taken. Luckily old cast iron radiators stay hot for a long time.


t1_ivkfxtz wrote

At this point I’m trying to hold out until December with this mini heat wave.


t1_ivkgijo wrote

I bought 2 cords of wood for the wood stove. It's going to be 70 all winter now. You are all welcome lol


t1_ivkhefi wrote

I have electric heat. I'm not turning it on until it gets below 50 in my house!


t1_ivkjzoz wrote

Turned the heat on back in late October just to test out my Ecobee (thanks for the rebate RI Energy) haven’t used it since. No heat November!


t1_ivkq70f wrote

My thermostat is set at 58, the boiler has come on just a couple of times so far this year and only for a few minutes, enough to let me know it's ready. But my wife has a radiant heater in her home office that has been getting some work so I'm technically out.


t1_ivkr535 wrote

Still running the AC on occasion. Not trying to holdout. Just haven't felt the need to run the heat other than testing it after it was serviced.


t1_ivkuadf wrote

I think today may be the day I break the streak!


t1_ivl5jsu wrote

I have a heated blanket! Not touching that mofo until there's snow on the ground...or if my kitties seem cold.


t1_ivl8czx wrote

I turned it on for about 20 minutes to make sure it was all set, but nothing else. I came reallllly close during those few cold days a while back!


t1_ivlckou wrote

I won’t turn it on until after thanksgiving, it’s the cheap poor person in me


t1_ivlh7fo wrote

So thankful we decided on heating with wood. One of the best home decisions we ever made before building(20 yrs ago).


t1_ivlk6ag wrote

Y'all should turn on your heat today to make sure it's working.


t1_ivltjzd wrote

I'd be in the club if I lived alone. Sadly my wife and kids don't share my high tolerance for cold. When I did live by myself, I kept the heat at 64°f all winter unless I had a guest over. Waking up in the morning was the only hard part.


t1_ivlwxgm wrote

It was off for the last several days. Now I have it on, but turned down to 62.


t1_ivlxgpp wrote

Shoot, I still have a couple windows open.


t1_ivlznb7 wrote

Checking in for no heat yet! AC on yesterday afternoon, windows open today. For us, my kids will get less for Christmas if I have to fill the oil tank.


t1_ivm9qg6 wrote

not till after turkey day at the least


t1_ivmbp1o wrote

If I didn't have plumbing to protect I don't think I would ever turn it on.


t1_ivmhsuk wrote

I’m still running the AC. The cold never bothered me anyway.


t1_ivmjxs1 wrote

If it were up to me the heat would still be off but my man is thin blooded. Ugh


t1_ivmwu4w wrote

I wrote on the thermostat’s left side “more presents” and the right side “less presents” so the rest of the family consider putting on a fuckin sweater


t1_ivn3emk wrote

We haven’t turned the heat on the past 2 years in our 3rd floor apartment. We still have windows open.


t1_ivnbe18 wrote

What a stupid point of pride. I work my ass off to make the temperature in my house whatever the fuck I feel like. I won't be uncomfortable in my own house.


t1_ivnqn33 wrote

It’s on in one zone but set to 60 degrees, does that count?


t1_ivo8dte wrote

For better or for worse I let google control mine, been on a few times, but keeps the house 60 at night. You don’t want your pipes to freeze it’s much costlier than heat.