Submitted by valeradio t3_z9uzuy in RhodeIsland

Hello everyone!

We just moved to RI a week ago. Our family had to get away from the turmoil in our country.

We're safe now. Currently staying with my aunt at a one bedroom apt for a couple of weeks. No housing, no car, no job and no docs (SSN, DL, etc.). But pretty good English (I dare say).

A random guy told me I should post here to see if I can get any advice, contact or direction from the local Reddit community. That indeed would be great! Hey, even a word of encouragement at this point would mean a lot!



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Ok_Huckleberry6820 t1_iyiuwv1 wrote

Good luck! I dont have any advice, but am glad you are safe now!


SnooDrawings7662 t1_iyiz7wx wrote

Congratulations on making it to safety!
I'd say. .get out and get to know the area and your neighbors.
Make sure you get your paperwork in order - any documents, immigration status, citizenship or residency papers.. that's pretty important. Alas, I don't know how to provide any guidance there. It helps to establish residency.

Things are getting a bit colder now, but it is still nice here.

If you get a chance - you can check out Waterfire -
It'll be a bit chilly, so dress warmly, but it it's a good way to meet the community.


HistoricalDocument11 t1_iyj2fyf wrote

I don’t have any guidance to provide, but happy you are safe now. Knowing English will certainly help you out, your post was well written. Hope things get easier for you and your family!


pvdella t1_iyj65xc wrote

Welcome to Rhode island! There's a good community here, don't let the cold exterior fool you, people can be kind and helpful :) Having English is a good start, especially when looking for work and resources. Some things I would check out:

Dorcas International- an amazing agency that helps with resettlement, employment, immigration, etc

Local library branch- all you need is an address and it seems your family member has one. From there you can access workshops, computers, printing, etc all for free. And the librarians I've met are wonderful and can connect you to other things in the communities.

I don't know where you are coming from, but there are many churches, community groups, and more where you can get connected to other folks who share your background. Chances are there are people who have gone through the same steps already!

Feel free to dm me if you have more questions too


valeradio OP t1_iyj788l wrote

Thank you!

I've already been to Dorcas. Unfortunately we're not eligible for anything. No Medicaid, or food stamps. I am glad we tried but it only means we have to work harder which is a good thing.

I am sitting in the library right now! Sweet people. Warm place.

We have already been to a church last Sunday. We met the sweetest people ever and got some real help and emotional support!!!

It seems like we're doing everything right so far!

Thank you!


goofyburrito94 t1_iyje68k wrote

Welcome!! Are there any specific questions you need answered? Happy to try my best! Sincerely, a born Rhode Islander living in Newport :)


valeradio OP t1_iyjgu6p wrote

Thank you for the offer!

I would appreciate if you gave me your opinion on whether it is a good idea to look for cheaper housing in Newport than in Providence at this time. If it is low season in Newport right now, I would assume. Do I sound logical or not really?


TheOldestMillenial1 t1_iyjn3ky wrote

Welcome to RI! I'm glad you and your family are safe here and that you met some nice people at your new church. Wishing you all happiness and health! 🥰


Shanbear16 t1_iyjtd7w wrote

Just a note about getting a library card - you'll need something with your name and address on it to show you live in RI. Usually this is a form of ID, but a utility bill or piece of mail should work as well.


pieceoffit t1_iyjv54n wrote

This entire thread warms my heart. Truly glad you and your family have made it OP, and welcome. I hope you find all the help you need. It seems you have the English part down quite well! Sending you all the good vibes and let us know if we can help.


buffymiffington t1_iyjv646 wrote

Another option - Senator Jack Reed’s office (or other elected officials). They all have constituent services teams who can help connect to resources.

The United Way of RI also has a lot of outreach help.

Refugee Dream Center is another good resource

Good luck, and welcome to Rhode Island!! It’s a wonderful place, and I hope you and your family find peace and happiness here.


grem111 t1_iyjwh31 wrote

Hey, good luck. If you end up looking for housing in/around the Olneyville neighborhood, I can connect you to some good folks at the Olneyville Neighborhood Association, we might be able to help you get housing.


Tyrson69 t1_iyjzlq2 wrote

Welcome! You’re gonna love it! Where are you now about?


TwinFinTriggerFish t1_iyk0n18 wrote

Welcome to RI. Just be decent and you won't have an issue here. If you are in the west warwick area I'd be glad to give you tips of you gave me a region you are from


vodkanipples t1_iyk0pir wrote

I'm not trying to pry into your personal information but more details could help. Things like what country are you from or your ethnicity ( if different from country of origin) , maybe your religion, age, number of people that need help with housing and employment.
These details can help others point you towards the help you need. Share as much as you are comfortable with, just my opinion. I wish you the best of luck. And will post any ideas I can think of.


go_orange t1_iyk1tq3 wrote

I can’t add much beyond the great resources listed but I can say welcome to Rhode Island! We’re happy you’re here and hope you find the peace and opportunity here you’re looking for!


pombe t1_iyk4ndf wrote

What visa status were you let in under? That will largely determine whether you can apply for a SSN/work/etc.


Akestrel1987 t1_iyk4pm1 wrote

Once you get paperwork and identity taken care of I can suggest applying at Bradford Soap Works (West Warwick) as they are always hiring. Electric Boat is also hiring but i think you need to be a us citizen due to federal contracts


goofyburrito94 t1_iykbbsf wrote

Newport will always be more expensive and harder to find an apartment than Providence, regardless of the season. For the most part it’s a very pretty, very touristy area with a lot of college kids. Apartments anywhere in RI have been more expensive lately.

Speaking from personal experience, I’ve always found my apartments on Craigslist and have had great luck. Just be careful of any posts that don’t include pictures, want money from you before letting you view the apartment, or just seem too good to be true. I’d say that in Providence, the cheapest rents will generally be about $800 for a 1-bedroom. My first apartment was in Lincoln, RI and was $725 for a 1 bed, but that was back in 2013.


SeaStarFlame t1_iyki59h wrote

Have you tried applying for benefits thru here or speaking with some type of advocate for your situation? If you're in Providence, I believe they are more lenient about getting benefits to immigrants.

If you're in need of food, there are food banks in every town. You'll need proof of address so try to get an official piece of mail to an address in the city- phone bill, something from the state, anything but junk mail.

Churches also have food banks. You can contact any location of Saint Vincent de Paul and they'll usually give you a box of non-perishable foods.

During this cold season, there's also locations that give out winter coats and other things. Try finding more info on that.

Housing in very expensive in RI right now, like most places. Do what you can to make it through the winter with a roof over your head. There are shelters but they're not all pleasant and mostly just have beds for men during the winter. There are very few beds in the whole state for women.


BMorris2526 t1_iykn6ym wrote

Beautiful state, but the government is dysfunctional. High taxes, deplorable infrastructure, low performing schools and a nearly bankrupt capitol city. Pick another state.


NoellaChel t1_iyktb70 wrote

Unfortunately it takes some time. I am shocked Dorcas won’t help you sadly don’t qualify for most social programs like food stamps for 10 years after arrival. I am not going to pry but honest I would Look into agencies or cultural centers that you identify with as they may help


Historical-Classic43 t1_iykzyrl wrote


We have great fishing when the weather turns back up, shit , we are still catching .

Learn the way! Or we can show you !

Hit me up


FluffusMaximus t1_iyl2zlv wrote

Hey, welcome! I’m glad you’re safe. I hope you find what you’re looking for and get on with a new life.


keevisgoat t1_iyl42xz wrote

If your paperwork is Straight Providence housing is hiring


valeradio OP t1_iyl648z wrote

We are a family of three. My wife, my 9yo daughter and myself. I am 43. I am Asian. My wife is a Russian with a Ukrainian last name. Russian passports. Evangelical Christians.


valeradio OP t1_iyl6nmo wrote

I understand where you are coming from with this point of view. But I am not quite there yet to see that picture. It is not my first time here. I came here before as a guest and I loved it. But in any case I have to be here now. I can't leave.


valeradio OP t1_iyl6peo wrote

Wow. Thank you for all the kind words!!!


Tyrson69 t1_iyl7o8h wrote

You’re Evangelical! Excellent. There is a Church in West Warwick RI. Christian Hill Community Church. Get in touch with them. They walk the walk and will hook you up with some basics. But there’s also a couple of folks that can help with the permanent stuff.


Jmac3366 t1_iylstq9 wrote

Not to pry but what is your work status currently? Once you have a ssn a drivers license will be much easier to obtain. Unfortunately you will probably need to drive in the majority of the state. I read in your comments that you are an evangelical Christian has a pretty good list of options available in ri. For cheap housing and eventually cars I would look through Craigslist and Facebook marketplace.


Distinct-Ad5751 t1_iylxu9a wrote

Welcome! I’m glad you’re here and safe.

Newport is expensive. You might have better luck in Westerly / South County.

Please join Nextdoor if you can, and Facebook for Buy Nothing groups. They can also help with immediate needs (clothing, furniture, etc).


artaintfree t1_iymid2c wrote

I think that way sometimes also but it’s a pretty little state. There’s never enough money in the general budget for roads, so we had to wait for the federal infrastructure bill; the politicians seem like idiots (sometimes). It all has to do with duplication of the systems in the tiny 39 cities and towns. 39 governments in this tiny state


netwirk t1_iynlqej wrote

Go to Onlyville get a couple of Gaggers and some Coffee milk. You're welcome.


pombe t1_iz3dwpu wrote

What do you mean? I assume you flew to the US and went through customs, with your Russian passports. "Undocumented" would be like sneaking across the Mexican or Canadian border.


valeradio OP t1_iz3l9bu wrote

That's exactly what it was. Had to flee. Religion, charges for just doing your work as a journalist and unlawful conscription. It was a hard decision and a horrible journey but we're here. Safe.


Ada57 t1_izjy3c2 wrote

Welcome to our little state.