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OctoberRust13 t1_j0gzhnm wrote

its Elon Musk


I have his exact GPS location if you want it


huh_phd t1_j0h3pcl wrote

Trucks hauling the buddy cianci pasta sauce


OutlandishnessNo7283 t1_j0hadkm wrote

We are all important travelers that deserve our own bus motorcade 😊.


WrigleyBum23 t1_j0hi52z wrote

Probably the Patriots head to TF Green to fly to Las Vegas to play Raiders.


winter-14 t1_j0hjdi2 wrote

Guy Fieri (nee Ferry) is going to Olneyville for gaggers. 3 buses for hangers on, 1 for hair gel, another for his ego.


FjordExplorher t1_j0hjtga wrote

Might be that midget porn star dancing at the Cadillac Lounge this weekend.


sazpaz77 t1_j0hwqbh wrote

Could be college bball team


toothlessalien t1_j0i143g wrote

It was media and family for the patriots that flew out today


FunLife64 t1_j0i2mmb wrote

It’s people from Warwick coming to do Xmas shopping at Providence Place. Pvd is a dangerous place after all.


FjordExplorher t1_j0iezyr wrote

For the people asking, I think it already happened. I heard the ad once on HJY, and that was it. No info on the Cadillac Lounge web page. I think they've got bigger and breastier things on their minds, and laps.


emcarlin t1_j0ifao7 wrote

It was the New England Patriots


_CaesarAugustus_ t1_j0igas9 wrote

You’re not quite right, are you? Like, we’re all telling you it’s got nothing to do with Biden in particular, and yet there you are crying about it anyway. You’re the one bringing it all up while everyone else was just having a laugh. Cue your martyr ploy and all. Have fun.


Fameless t1_j0ill35 wrote

Considering it's RI it could be literally anyone lmao


theebomba t1_j0isukd wrote

Market Basket has it. I got it on a whim for the novelty… Damn, is it good. A little pricey, but by far the freshest/tastiest jarred sauce I’ve ever had. Get it!


[deleted] t1_j0l8v9z wrote

it’s Allan fung’s anti-weed brigade