Submitted by Teanaway99 t3_zw0wwm in Washington
pa_jamas360 t1_j1s8vc0 wrote
Yep, we live in a society. They aren't showing they want to get along so I have no issues with a send them away for good.
sweet_n_salty t1_j1sayvz wrote
As someone working security for a central wa PUD, good luck getting bean counters to give us money to be proactive. Nobody ever thinks it will happen here until it does.
jamesbong0024 t1_j1sbgpw wrote
This isn’t vandalism. This is terrorism.
AshingtonDC t1_j1sbljd wrote
we spare no expense to hunt and stop foreign threats but let the domestic ones right in to do as they please
chromecod t1_j1sehna wrote
This could possibly be an act of domestic terrorism and all the local news is airing a bunch of puff pieces. Guess they need to send out their investigative reporters.
Icy-Analyst5870 t1_j1sg93u wrote
Toppot35 t1_j1sgce6 wrote
I wonder if any had video surveillance
VGSchadenfreude t1_j1sh6ne wrote
Which bean counters? The actual culprits at the very top or the poor saps who do all the actual grunt work?
[deleted] t1_j1shzqa wrote
Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sijfe wrote
And what point do legit patriots start providing armed security around substations. I’ll volunteer for a shift
[deleted] t1_j1sin6w wrote
farcical88 t1_j1sjio1 wrote
Is physical security beyond perimeter breaches something covered by policies or on the radar of most PUDs? I mean I know you said finance won’t allocate for it but is it on the minds of others?
thedeadthatyetlive t1_j1sk7k6 wrote
Unfortunately because security was not a concern for most of these pieces of infrastructure, securing them would probably be pretty expensive. Between the publicity and damage to infrastructure however, there could be enough pressure to spur something. While IP cams may not be sufficient to defend such substations from gunfire, it might have been enough to make IDs in these cases. I don't want to discuss specifics of site security with you, seems like that information probably shouldn't get spread around right now, but do you know if security is the responsibility of the power companies or the government in these instances?
thedeadthatyetlive t1_j1skfnr wrote
Thing is, how do you tell if the groups guarding the stations aren't just casing them? Seems like a good job to have if you want to ruin one.
duseless t1_j1ski8s wrote
To what end?
[deleted] t1_j1sklvz wrote
HoneyDutch t1_j1sl5pk wrote
This is happening in Florida too. The substation by my house was vandalized and cut off power for a few hours. Surprised these aren’t more heavily protected. It is literally out in the open middle of nowhere, “guarded” with an 8ft fence.
Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sm2k7 wrote
Come on, man.
sweet_n_salty t1_j1smcyk wrote
Top. We’ve been asked multiple times and provided multiple estimates and recommendations, even 3rd party security assessments and when it comes down to it, we’re always told there’s no money anywhere to be found.
vogeyontopofyou t1_j1smlse wrote
Great, now we will have amateurs with their taticool toys stumbling around in the dark. Go cosplay elsewhere please.
manos_de_pietro t1_j1smm58 wrote
Create chaos.
sweet_n_salty t1_j1smpdf wrote
It’s definitely on some of our minds, and people are interested, just not interested to be anything but reactive to anything. We’ve got some large buildouts planned for the next 5-7 years, and nobody wants to put an extra 5-6k in a 3 million dollar project for access control and a few cameras.
[deleted] t1_j1smz80 wrote
Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sn8ak wrote
We’ll all be in the dark if they keep doing this. I’m not suggesting we stand around like meal team 6 MAGATS, but a simple group of people sitting around drinking your favorite herbal tea at a substation would thwart this.
thedeadthatyetlive t1_j1soy14 wrote
You don't think that's a possibility?
eatmoremeatnow t1_j1sq48o wrote
I agree.
I do not know who did this and if it is political or whatever then it is a terrible crime.
However, a lot of these in WA are very close to homeless camps and I can't help but think that there is a real possibility that this is nothing more than drug addicts doing shady things.
Levonorgestrelfairy1 t1_j1ssxbt wrote
You really going to spend 8 hours in the middle of nowhere freezing, with possibly not even a portapotty without pay? When you are a sitting duck for anyone in the brushline?
Hanse00 t1_j1stjja wrote
Investigative reporter.
Pretty sure all the news outlets just share one these days 😂
Hanse00 t1_j1stokp wrote
5-6 k per 3 million? Geeze, I’d personally foot the bill for that shit. Infrastructure is the most important thing we all share.
dandydudefriend t1_j1sudh8 wrote
So they’ll send the National Guard to BLM protests but domestic terrorism affecting critical infrastructure gets nothing so far?
CliftonForce t1_j1suf7b wrote
The domestic terrorists are generally born here.
[deleted] t1_j1sv2ah wrote
westsound_bestsound t1_j1swhoo wrote
> 5-6k
Like average per camera cost maybe
[deleted] t1_j1swlw0 wrote
westsound_bestsound t1_j1swpc0 wrote
Where you gonna find the other several thousand volunteers?
bedlog t1_j1sww7e wrote
open season on domestic terrorists, i am certain they are reading these posts too
monkey_trumpets t1_j1sx0tb wrote
Can't wait until our power goes out. Though maybe they're done with Pierce Co since they already hit it in three places.
Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sx52f wrote
No. But goddamnit this is fucking frustrating that a few dipshit MAGA fucks can fuck with thousands at a time and it’s treated so nonchalantly
Gwtheyrn t1_j1sy1bq wrote
In an attempt to harm people. MAGA/GOP has decided that if they can't win the culture wars, they're going to sow chaos, death, and destruction. There's going to be a lot more right-wing domestic terror attacks in the country and especially in blue states over the next 10.years or so as Christian Nationalists find themselves increasingly politically sidelined in these areas.
Levonorgestrelfairy1 t1_j1sy94j wrote
There not much we can do, thats why they hit these targets.
We need to throw the book at any we might catch and clamp down on those breeding these lone wolves. But sociecity is held togeather on the idea of a common good/interest, broken people who don't want to play by those rules have dozens of targets around them they could attack. We can't protect it all unless we go full ai drones.
Gwtheyrn t1_j1sz4zo wrote
Lone wolf stochastic terror attacks are hard to predict, but this stuff has caught the attention of the FBI and Homeland Security (once they're bored of shooting brown people). The people they catch involved will face some lengthy sentences. Not as much as stealing a few million from a billionaire because priorities exist.
Hecho_en_Shawano t1_j1sz6hg wrote
The problem is that our “protectors” are significantly sympathetic to the rightwing cause, so they’re not going to vigorously pursue or protect against future attacks.
[deleted] t1_j1t4y1x wrote
[deleted] t1_j1t529l wrote
[deleted] t1_j1t6q5v wrote
[deleted] t1_j1t7w37 wrote
VGSchadenfreude t1_j1t8sk1 wrote
As a low-level “bean counter,” I feel you! Lost my last job because the CEO decided I was “too pushy about getting stuff turned in on time.”
I was the only AP person for both sides of the company. I was trying to not only make sure their bills got paid on time, but also cleaning up the mess their ridiculously high turnover had caused. It was literally my job to be pushy about paying things on time!
They fired me by phone the day before my replacement started. I had zero warning that they were even considering getting rid of me.
But joke’s on them! They caught me right in the middle of a massive overhaul of their AP filing system (four years of electronic AND paper files), and gave me no time to wrap things up, so that whole area is a fucking mess.
SeatlleTribune t1_j1t97ah wrote
the bad guys are white so it cannot be called such thing.
SleazieSpleezie t1_j1taiy4 wrote
How many people were killed in that attack?
Baiken31 t1_j1tbdpa wrote
Just the perpetrator of the crime.
bedlog t1_j1tc5y5 wrote
i dont care if it's Bigfoot knocking out power
Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1tc7ow wrote
idk man after that democrats and even a lot of far-leftists weren't embracing Willem Van Sponsen, and even the ones that did embrace him quickly forgot about him. CPAC literally did say "we're all domestic terrorists now" to the applaud of thousands and made heroes out of Rittenhouse, and will continue for years to celebrate them and their tactics. Likewise, Michael Roehler shoots a Proud Boy in Portland and gets tracked immediately and extra-judicially murdered in a driveway in Lacey, and meanwhile all the far-right crazies who shot and ran over protestors take weeks to track and maybe get a several month trial with a lenient sentence if they were unlucky.
to y'all, when it's the far-left, it's obviously terrorism, no two words about it, we can't debate this otherwise we're all terrorists too and are part of the antifa network and are paid actors.
but when it's the far-right, we can't point fingers and gotta let the details and facts come in, and you're toootally just an independent thinker with no connections.
stop being a useful idiot, tool.
Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1tcmx3 wrote
CHOP is the new Red Munich scare. NSDAP constantly referenced the Bavarian Soviet years after it and revolutionary left-wing violence ceased, all to justify or at the very least excuse new rounds of right-wing terrorism far greater in scale and effect.
[deleted] t1_j1tcsfv wrote
[deleted] t1_j1tdflt wrote
Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1te3fq wrote
I feel like a conversation would be the long way to find out what you said quite concisely. it would be a waste of time to reconfirm what, as I can now tell, I quite correctly assumed.
TBizzle123 t1_j1te8yk wrote
Did they catch someone?
dandydudefriend t1_j1tezne wrote
Still doing that bit, huh?
PortlandSolarGuy t1_j1tfiu3 wrote
Brought to you by Pfizer
exstaticj t1_j1tfu0y wrote
I used to work with a security company that did remote view networked camera setups. 5-6k is completely reasonable for a substation retrofit. Plus when the camera detects movement, an alert can be forwarded to the security team so that they may determine if the threat is credible or not and respond if necessary.
The technology is fairly straightforward and intuitive. The power companies all have qualified technicians that are more than qualified to do the install. If the companies negotiated directly with Honeywell or another manufacturer, the price could reduced significantly as the two companies reach a long term agreement.
Video is inexpensive. They can alert the entire security team within seconds of detecting motion. Response time is critical and this is key. Not some CSI wanna be high powered enhance camera. Save those for the new builds. The retrofits could be quite cheap.
I can't believe we live in this timeline. I can't go to the store to by a gallon of ice cream without passing several cameras trying to cite me for a traffic crime. Once I arrive at my friendly corporate megamart, I am even under more surveillance. They even go so far as to show me my face on a large screen suspended from the ceiling. When I finally get to self checkout the final camera, complete with facial recognition, is designed to ensure that I can be prosecuted if I don't ring up my $5 ice cream. No expense was spared in making me a compliant little citizen.
The nationa and state levell power grid though? We just don't have the money
vogeyontopofyou t1_j1tg95q wrote
I doubt it.
warbeforepeace t1_j1tirgj wrote
A single station maybe. 3-4 in the same metro across 48 hours would be u likely.
[deleted] t1_j1tkr0h wrote
aeo1us t1_j1tkvdc wrote
You wanna bet that the bad guys aren't white disenfranchised American citizens who love Russia? Because you'd lose that bet.
[deleted] t1_j1tkxu7 wrote
aeo1us t1_j1tky1z wrote
KING5 said they were reviewing some video evidence from a previous attack.
dzolympics t1_j1tl17g wrote
Found the antifa member.
[deleted] t1_j1tlu00 wrote
zapp91 t1_j1tmp59 wrote
Hey, you tried. Give yourself a pat.
TommyScrew0857 t1_j1tmt1o wrote
So what is our plan Folks?
jamesbong0024 t1_j1tnc2m wrote
Just some lone wolves with mental health issues. /s
HeyitsyaboyJesus t1_j1to5ij wrote
Start guarding with armed guards.
TemetNosce85 t1_j1tw4cs wrote
A white supremacist manual is circulating around that details how to commit these terrorist attacks
TemetNosce85 t1_j1tw79l wrote
> This could possibly be an act of domestic terrorism
It absolutely IS one. Right-wing white supremacists are circulating manuals on how to commit these attacks.
TemetNosce85 t1_j1twb5e wrote
FBI have already shown that manuals are circulating that detail how to commit these acts. There have been about a dozen of these attacks since these three people were arrested.
TemetNosce85 t1_j1twf4f wrote
FBI have already shown that manuals are circulating that detail how to commit these acts. There have been about a dozen of these attacks since these three people were arrested.
[deleted] t1_j1u5244 wrote
Big_Influence2660 t1_j1u6jft wrote
Are you pro-fascism?
Big_Influence2660 t1_j1u6na9 wrote
Proud boys, boogaloo boys, and umbrella boy aren’t left wing. And neither are the vast majority of cops. Hope this helps!
Do you think police should be able to murder black people with impunity?
Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1u6s7d wrote
what does antifa even mean in your bled out, shriveled brain? I feel like I can't even respond in the affirmative or negative to that, because your understanding of...things, is severely detached from reality, so no matter what I answer you've made up your mind about me and already have a devilish picture inside your head of me wearing all black and wielding a molotov or something. oh, and let me guess; another shitty joke about how I probably wear a mask
Fickle_Revolution383 t1_j1u71un wrote
he doesn't post or comment about anything else other than "antifa bad" and "masks bad", so is it really so much "effort" on his part as it is muscle memory and a covid-induced fugue state?
[deleted] t1_j1u7kbs wrote
[deleted] t1_j1ua4hz wrote
[deleted] t1_j1uaco0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1uazc0 wrote
[deleted] t1_j1uibav wrote
Pookells t1_j1ujjza wrote
Where were the good guys with electricity? They would have stopped this! 😁
Pookells t1_j1ujru3 wrote
If Culp been elected governor, he would have called this the “loving act of patriots”
Blueprint81 t1_j1ul4el wrote
Member? You don't need a membership to oppose fascism.
[deleted] t1_j1uqu7a wrote
Lost_Sasquatch t1_j1usban wrote
It doesn't actually matter, since they would either have to
A) Commit the act on their shift, immediately outing themselves as the culprit.
B) Return later, but oh, look at that, there's someone else guarding the power station.
MinuteMap4622 t1_j1uswp3 wrote
This like the rest where test runs. Luckily the morons doing this aren’t smart.
VaeVictis997 t1_j1utkj0 wrote
You think that dozens of people across the country are just randomly all deciding to attack power substations in the same way?
This is absolutely a coordinated attack by right wing terrorists. If this was a bunch of Muslims doing it, every TV talking head would be breathlessly talking about this novel new method of terrorism and of terrorist organizing.
Crimson7Phantom t1_j1utukt wrote
Security seems breached all too easily...
chromecod t1_j1uwvz3 wrote
Well you have the King 5 investigators.. and and of course there's JESSY JONES !! What a joke
schrod t1_j1uyghb wrote
The way to round up these people is to offer large awards for information, and have highly publicized standing awards for information on any of this type of behavior. Also post standing huge jail sentences, penalties such as seizure of assets and other fines. Tell them ahead of time that due process is minimal.
Attacking electric supply is dangerous because we rely on electricity for lifesaving systems let alone heat, and food preservation. It is unacceptable to allow this to happen.
luna1108 t1_j1uymlv wrote
Or Russians who are trying to dismantle Americas infrastructure.
dcazdavi t1_j1uyxlp wrote
even if they're caught; the police are sympathetic to their plight.
a LOT of them have to be arrested before a good enough apple is involved to hold them accountable.
[deleted] t1_j1v0svo wrote
[deleted] t1_j1v2uf8 wrote
Teanaway99 OP t1_j1v3z0g wrote
Well, the damaged substations and outages weren't in Seattle, Chief. They were in rural Pierce County which is way south of there. Next time pull out a map and act like you know what you're talking about.
MalyutkaB t1_j1v4j9n wrote
Always near military installations.
Teanaway99 OP t1_j1v6l7z wrote
Lol. Ok you go with that man. Watch out for the space lasers.
MalyutkaB t1_j1v7aoc wrote
I was in for 10 years and this is pretty average about what people would talk about doing. I think you underestimate how much soldiers, at least combat arms, really end up hating government heavily.
Not ssying it was soldiers but there was FT Bragg in NC where the last one that made news and now this one.
Teanaway99 OP t1_j1v926v wrote
Yeah, but you're just extrapolating into a conspiracy theory that has no evidence behind it at all. The fact is that we don't know and won't know until law enforcement releases information. It's all mental masturbation until then.
MalyutkaB t1_j1va2ic wrote
I can agree with you on that.
LOOKITSADAM t1_j1vd845 wrote
How do you not see the blatant hypocrisy of what you said within one breath?
LOOKITSADAM t1_j1vdb7g wrote
HARSHING_MY_MELLOW t1_j1vg74k wrote
Actually that's me, Mr. Antifa.
TemetNosce85 t1_j1vgj2v wrote
Lmao. FBI very clearly has evidence and we have other attacks, like the one on the drag event, that show it is right-wingers. Quit being delusional and accept reality.
[deleted] t1_j1vhj3d wrote
HARSHING_MY_MELLOW t1_j1vij3f wrote
Is antifa in the room with us right now?
should_be_writing t1_j1vj75q wrote
Kinda surprised this hasn’t happened before as substations are particularly vulnerable to basic/ low budget attacks like shooting certain parts of them, arcing their high voltage lines with a drone or other drone and non drone related attacks. All this information is extremely easy to find even on YouTube.
I guess it’s taken this long for our country to be this divided. Conservatives will say all Trump did was be a little mean and mostly funny but his derisive words and support have consequences. Not saying our country wasn’t fucked before (remember Ferguson in 2014?) but there is a radical minority (albeit a large minority) that has been empowered by Trump and other grifters.
Cmdr_Starleaf t1_j1vqv3f wrote
100% this
[deleted] t1_j1vr57x wrote
Cmdr_Starleaf t1_j1vrdsf wrote
I stated the attacks were coming from the fringe right on r/SeattleWA and was downvoted.
ThurstonHowell3rd t1_j1w0qhy wrote
Or maybe assaults, then batteries.
A_Drusas t1_j1w4xhx wrote
That's because that sub has a ton of fringe right people on it. Many with zero connection to Seattle or Washington.
[deleted] t1_j1we9r8 wrote
are_we_there_bruh t1_j1s8hlx wrote
Hope these domestic terrorists are arrested asap and jailed for life