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snowmaninheat t1_j406omf wrote

I had some colleagues back in the day who did transportation research, and there’s a lot of good evidence to suggest 0.05 is a more appropriate threshold. That said, I’m anticipating a lot of pushback here.

Edit: check that time stamp.


SparrowAgnew t1_j406xad wrote

Are there really that many people in the .05-.079 range that are causing accidents?


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j40arix wrote

I agree too many drunk people out there. I came across one a few days ago.

What for most people that would probably limit them to 1-2 drinks? Depending upon body weight and height. I'm talking about a standard sized not over weight 5'-6' individual.

In high school I lost about 10 of my graduating class to drunk driving. They decided to get hammered after graduation and got so drunk they ... Let's just say none of them lived. I still miss some of these people today. Don't believe me I will scan my high school yr book and create a post. I ain't lying. Because I was a good friend with one of these individuals.


Capable_Nature_644 t1_j40aw8c wrote

They really need to crack down on drivers doing 12+ over the speed limit.

They really need to crack down on the reckless drivers zipping between cars only to save 30 seconds in the long run...

These people are the ones really causing all the accidents.


ChilliAztecans t1_j40lsat wrote

I've worked with DUI's in the past and a lot of people showed obviously impaired judgment until they're closer to 0.03% BAC.


ComradeDre t1_j40rg82 wrote

Why did you dig up a year old article?


Old-AF t1_j40ujbs wrote

I guarantee those people that died of drunk driving had a blood alcohol content of more than .08%. Why don’t we enforce the law we already have instead of making new ones that also won’t change anything.


Radiant_Resident_579 t1_j415dzo wrote

Prison population must be dropping since they legalized weed. Gotta keep those jails full.


benadrylpill t1_j416idt wrote

Why is it so hard to just not drink at all if you're going to be driving?


XoomBF t1_j417rl3 wrote

Meanwhile a Benton County Judge is on his second DUI


notsure2223405 t1_j419uhg wrote

Just legalize online sports betting if you need additional revenue that bad.


DeaditeMessiah t1_j41glfu wrote

Because many, many social events, even religious events, involve imbibing small amounts of alcohol. If we're going this far, we should also make it illegal to eat in your car, listen to the radio or talk to passengers.


DeaditeMessiah t1_j41gvd8 wrote

All the laws. Get the cops out there dealing with the difficult shit like assaults and homeless drug use, and not provide them with new ways of fucking with otherwise harmless citizens.


AlexTheLess t1_j41i3fe wrote

Keeping the transit systems open until *after* bar closing would really really really help with stopping drunk drivers.


Careless-Internet-63 t1_j41k79t wrote

Just about anyone who's not a super heavy drinker who's used a breathalyzer and is honest would probably agree .08 is too high of a limit. I've been surprised when I've used a pocket breathalyzer out of curiosity and was still under the limit even though there was no way I would have even thought about driving the way I was feeling


airwalker08 t1_j41kukv wrote

This will increase arrests and prosecutions but do nothing to reduce drunk driving.


VaeVictis997 t1_j41nk27 wrote

So one beer if it’s the kind people around here actually drink?

So without vastly expanding public transit in a way that simply won’t happen, this is either going to lead to a vastly higher number of DUIs, and/or cops starting to ignore people being over the limit, at their discretion.

Because it’s not like cops are having two bud lights on a night out.


DeaditeMessiah t1_j41nrzp wrote

.08 does that. If you redefine drunk, the question is circular. Set it at .0001, you'll find even more "drunks".

There would need to be some strong science on this to convince me, and so far all I see is hysterical moralism, and by God, we're full up on that at the moment.


VaeVictis997 t1_j41nvlr wrote

Even in cities the transit shuts down before the bars. In anyplace rural, there is no transit.

Tossing someone in jail because they had 3 IPAs over the course of an evening at a friends house and then drove home on an empty road at 1 am is absurd.

That’s part of it, there is a huge difference between trying to manage city and highway traffic and a country road where you won’t see another car.


benadrylpill t1_j41odke wrote

Who said anything about banning? It sounds like you literally cannot avoid alcohol if you are around it. There's nothing wrong whatsoever with the suggestion that if you're driving, just don't drink. Nothing. You have self control or you don't. It sounds like you don't.


[deleted] t1_j41oeg0 wrote

How about keep the limit the same. First DUI, mandatory year suspension of driver’s license. Second DUI, mandatory 90 day jail sentence and 18 month suspension of license. Third DUI, mandatory year in prison and lifetime revocation of license.


rubix_redux t1_j41otfo wrote

The actual question that needs to be asked is: Does data suggest that moving the needle down by .03 will cause less accidents?

Also, unless you own a breathalyzer, what is .08 or .05 anyway? Is that actually going to make people drive drunk less or is it going to cause more suffering on the other end because more people are getting DUIs?

Seems like there is bigger fish to fry, like IDK, people who do 20+ over the speed limit every time they drive anywhere.


minaco77 t1_j41pg04 wrote

Agree. What’s the point lowering the limit when you’ve got people who have 3, 4, 5+ DUIs that still have licenses. Increase the penalty so people follow the current limit better. And take away driving privileges when they habitually break the law driving.


airwalker08 t1_j41pohs wrote

I think you miss my point. This law won't modify behaviors. People aren't going to drink more or less, nor will they make different decisions about driving, and alcohol-related collisions will not go down. The only thing that will change is how a person is handled when pulled over. Yes, this will translate into higher numbers in stats, but not real-world behavior.


[deleted] t1_j41q5bz wrote

And also get rid of the fines. There is a financial incentive for law enforcement to never solve the problem completely. If the penalties were more severe and there stood nothing to gain for the state, the problem would be solved really quick.


VaeVictis997 t1_j41q8yp wrote

Right, that was exactly what I was saying. Right now in theory someone who was pulled over for a .05 isn’t drunk driving. With this they would be.

I agree it won’t change behavior. It’ll make the state and a bunch of private rehab companies some revenue, at the cost of a number of ruined lives. And less wealth all around of course, but hey, the private treatment places got their cut.


MikeJL21 t1_j41sa9f wrote

Yeah you can also factor in time, eating, drinking water during your bar visit etc. The threshold for losing gross motor skills due to the effects of alcohol varies greatly among the individual. The best rule of thumb is too always get a ride or uber if you plan to drink. If you're going to drive, moderate your drinking, don't slam drinks, eat food, and sit for a period after your last drink and have water and chill. Alcohol dissipates at a rate of about .02/hr. But take it from someone who has gotten a DUI, its easier to get a ride than pay 5 grand and do jail time.


DeaditeMessiah t1_j41tj33 wrote

I'm offended by non-stop attempts to turn this into a police state where the police don't solve serious crimes. If you don't like ANY drinking, move to Saudi Arabia.

Until then, I want to see facts about how many accidents this would prevent, not more sanctimonious moralizing.


VaeVictis997 t1_j41u42q wrote

It’s not like it’s even a good way of extracting revenue! The state is going to get way more out of someone being employable in the long run. Plus not paying all the social costs.

But someone being a functional citizen and paying taxes makes no money for the prison and rehab industries.


tipsup t1_j41uib5 wrote

I read somewhere that for every DUI ticket, the driver has typically driven approximately 80 times drunk before.


zer04ll t1_j41v5lm wrote

for profit prisons should be illegal. If we could close those then we could make laws and punishments that help society instead of providing capitalists with slave labor. The 14th amendment did not get rid of slavery, it made it legal if you are a prisoner. After the 14th amendment Pinkerton forces were formed to catch black people and immigrants breaking "town laws, codes, statues" in order to imprison them for free labor. This expanded into Police forces. Sheriffs are supposed to be here, cops not so much. Cops are the slave catchers for Americas continual use of slave labor so UNICOR can make half a billion in sales every year. Prisoners produce 11 billion worth of goods every year


wyecoyote2 t1_j41z5mg wrote

Simply is more a support of business by the state as a DUI is big business which employees a great many people. Lower the limit get more money into a business. If they really wanted to have an impact start making the 2nd or 3rd one a felony.


wolf1moon t1_j42bg9a wrote

Here's a article that references a few studies on the matter.

The pertinent metric was a 1.38 incident rate compared to completely sober drivers. It's 2.69 at .08. given the target zero goal, and that . 075 seems like it would still be pretty high risk of accidents, I think this makes sense. That said, a sliding scale of punishment seems to be appropriate imo.


duuuh t1_j42ecyr wrote

The link doesn't give you the original sources and I'm extremely skeptical of these things because so much of the 'information' in this space is driven by Mothers Against Drunk Driving, which is really more of an abolitionist group than anything else.


thabc t1_j42hujr wrote

Let's break down fatal collisions into two categories: those caused by people with a prior DUI and without. If the percentage of those with a DUI is greater than the percentage of the general population with DUIs, we can conclude that it is the punishment and rehabilitation programs that are insufficient, not BAC threshold. Don't let them back on the road until they've controlled their problem (interlock devices are great). Second offenses should be at least a three-year license suspension. And driving with a suspended license should have significant penalties.


Hopsblues t1_j42lk54 wrote

Eating and drinking water do nothing regarding BAC. Time is the only variable. Now taking the time to eat helps, but again, the food does nothing, it's the time that is the key.


iamlucky13 t1_j42okik wrote

I'm not necessarily going to disagree, but I do wonder if that slight reduction in the legal limit really addresses the issue effectively.

Certainly it would be expected that a lower limit would incrementally reduce the rate of accidents, but by how much?

Actually converting the more strict law into results means more strict enforcement. Will it be more effective to focus that enforcement on mildly impaired drivers, or on better enforcement of seriously impaired drivers.

We aren't currently achieving adequate enforcement, treatment, etc of drivers operating over 0.08%...often well over. Will law enforcement even be able to identify drivers a meaningful fraction of drivers operating over 0.05%?

Of course, there's the people like me who will obey the law whatever the limit is, but I already stay well away from 0.08%.

I see someone else posted an article discussing Colorado's law, where they have an 0.08% limit for a DUI, but a lower limit of 0.05% for a less serious charge of Driving While Ability Impaired.

I think I like that idea - there is some level of escalation in seriousness of the violation correlated to increase in risk. We do similar with speeding versus reckless driving.


iamlucky13 t1_j42p2vx wrote

Thanks for the article.

In retrospect it seems really obvious, but I like Colorado's idea of having a less serious charge for a less level of impairment. Making 0.05% an infraction with a fine would still have a deterrent effect. It actually would probably be easier to prosecute, since infractions do not have to proven beyond a reasonable doubt.


MikeJL21 t1_j4320b6 wrote

I never said they had an impact on BAC. Eating and staying hydrated absolutely have an effect on your motor skills and how intoxicated you feel. If you don't believe me, drink until you're intoxicated after a meal and then again on an empty stomach.


rubix_redux t1_j4330t9 wrote

America's public transit that is shitty on purpose + Uber/Lyft prices being unreasonably high during times when people want to go out + not wanting to leave your car at the bar because it might get towed.


HellaEstella t1_j43fi1j wrote

Too bad it doesn’t matter at all since you can still be charged with a DUI even if you blow a .01 it’s the cops discretion.


IKeyLay t1_j43gfsn wrote

I am in full support of this and honestly I can’t see a reason to be against it unless you are an alcoholic. It’s pretty easy to not drink and drive and if that seems like it would be a problem for you then maybe you should take an honest look at your habit


myfugi t1_j43iq24 wrote

I grew up in the Tri-Cities; it’s not so rural you can’t call a cab. I currently live in Pullman, a much smaller town, it’s also not so rural you can’t call a cab.

We (hubs and I) do not drink and drive. At all. Ever. If one of us has a glass of wine with dinner the other is having water or tea so they can do the driving. If we want to drink together we take a cab or walk to wherever we’re going so we don’t even have the option to drink and drive. It’s really not that difficult, and rurality is not an excuse. If your town is so small there aren’t cabs or ride share then you can probably walk to where you’re going. If you’re so far out that you aren’t in a town, throw a party, and drink at home, have your guests bring tents and RVs so no-one drinks and drives.

I get that people like to drink, and public transport in rural areas sucks, but it’s not worth killing someone over.


Xeroeffingcell32 t1_j43q5m0 wrote

The person affected by alcohol consumption is not the same as distracted drivers, the fact you would relate a drug and a communication device shows your age and that you must cope and exist with alcoholic beverages. Ok Boomer.


crunchybitchboy t1_j43q7me wrote

For real. Driving drunk in a car you can kill someone easily, riding a bike drunk you can really only cause an accident, but youre unlikely to kill anyone but yourself in the process, it should be reckless endangerment of self and others rather than treated like youre driving a car


airwalker08 t1_j43r7cy wrote

You've chosen to take it to an extreme and act like the small change being proposed is somehow equal to your extreme suggestions. That is a logical fallacy. My point is that this small change will have no effect. Your suggested extreme changes would have an effect. They are not the same.


IKeyLay t1_j440fnp wrote

“It’s like they set you up to fail” drinking and driving is 100% a choice that shouldn’t be blamed on anyone but the driver. There is never a situation where you would HAVE to drink and then drive. I get your reasoning on why it would be nice but you are only setting yourself up to fail if you can’t figure out how to go out without drinking and driving. Nobody else is to blame at all


IKeyLay t1_j442kiv wrote

I wonder what the mortality rate of these accidents are tho compared to drunk drivers. That’s probably a more important factor than just number of accidents. I would rather have a dozen fender benders from someone rushing rather than a drunk T boning me in an intersection one time


ricobravo82 t1_j442tyq wrote

Not completely true… I’ve blown a .078 after one beer and felt completely fine. While other times blown far less, closer to .04 or .05 but felt completely inebriated from being more dehydrated and not eaten. We’ve also tried like hell to hit exactly .08. Took 3 IPA pints to hit .082 but had previously eaten. It really depends on the person. Source: lots of friends and family as police officers who like to have fun with breathalyzers.


VaeVictis997 t1_j4436rr wrote

It’s what you need if you actually want it to not happen.

We can moralize all we want about it, but that’s the reality. If it’s the only possible transport method, people are going to do it.

We should also acknowledge the reality that the risk of driving tipsy alone on a country road and on I-5 are not remotely the same. Neither are good, but the risk is not the same.


IKeyLay t1_j443g07 wrote

It could be argued that people are less likely to “risk it” when the limit is lower. I have seen people convince themselves that they are fine even if they get pulled over cuz they only had a couple drinks. If the limit is lower then people might rethink their ability to stay under the limit and try to drive anyway


IKeyLay t1_j443vy7 wrote

Yeah but driving yourself while drunk is almost never the only option(very very rare and circumstantial). If it is the only option then your own choices brought you there and not the lack of public transportation. Just because the odds of an accident are lower from less cars on the road doesn’t mean it’s a reasonable thing to do.


dp3166 t1_j444iw3 wrote

Yes you guys need more money


IKeyLay t1_j444m2n wrote

I’m not wishing they were better. I’m saying I agree with lowering the limit and increasing the punishment. I think it’s stupid all the time and needs consequences. Pretending it’s anyone else fault is a waste of time in my opinion.

People tend to do the right thing when not doing so has real life consequences. Kinda reminds me of the video I saw where a guy was standing on the curb near a puddle and people drove through and splashed him. But when he was holding a brick in his hand then people drove around the puddle to avoid splashing him


zer04ll t1_j447tdo wrote

And you missed the part where I responded to the fact that they shut down buses late at night... you can move along these are not the droids you are looking for.


Nappyheaded t1_j44isr1 wrote

Lets raise it to .18... this is ridiculous!


IKeyLay t1_j44u7lf wrote

Still not an excuse to drink and drive. The way I see it is the money they make from DUIs is just an extra tax on the idiots. It doesn’t bother me because I don’t drink and drive.


BabyWrinkles t1_j44yuxs wrote

I think maybe put differently: how many individuals pulled over or tested after an incident are blowing between a .05 and .08? I don't know many folks who are brethalyzing before leaving the brewery and going ".09, darn, gotta wait another 30 mins."?


Rocketgirl8097 t1_j452jwz wrote

What I want is the same penalties for sober, negligent and wreckers drivers as drunk drivers. There are far far more of them and they don't have to have SR22, interlock, or any of those other penalties.


IKeyLay t1_j46wvix wrote

A lot of things bother me in terms of the government lacking but regardless of that I think drunk driving is not excusable. This whole thread is people talking about how public transportation is the reason people drive drunk but I think it’s lack of education. Only stupid people drink and drive :)


Paid_Corporate_Shill t1_j474f7a wrote

I don’t disagree with you that no one should drive drunk, I just think if we can do stuff that makes people less likely to make stupid decisions then we should. Kind of like how no one should steal your stuff, there’s no excuse, but you can make it less likely to happen by locking your stuff up.


IKeyLay t1_j478jeb wrote

I’m not against better public transportation systems and I think they would help. But I also think that is a completely different conversation from the OP. Better transportation is a passive way to tackle the issue by making it easier to go get drunk somewhere besides home.Lowering the blood alcohol limit is a direct way to tackle the issue by lowering the allowed threshold creating more direct consequences. I know people who got DUIs because they only had one or two drinks and thought they were under the limit. If the limit is more difficult to stay under then less people will try and more people will be held accountable when caught

Kind of like how no one should commit murder so we make it illegal with no wiggle room to create direct consequences. People are more likely to do the right thing when there are direct consequences and not just more access to make the right decision.


yourlocalFSDO t1_j47ys3k wrote

.04 is really only a limit for pilots in name. It's prohibited to fly for 8 hours after consuming alcohol or while "under the influence of alcohol" which pilots are taught includes hangovers. If you can drink, wait 8 hours, not be hungover, and still blow a .04 that would be a hell of a trick