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Patient_Customer9827 t1_j7beyrc wrote

What fast food do you even want?

I don’t shop at club stores so I could care less about a Costco.

MB Shrewsbury is a 5-10 minute drive and on the bus line. Wegmans is a short drive and super overrated. Hannaford is fine but you’re not really missing anything as someone who has shopped there before.

All of these things rank levels below affordable housing for people and better infrastructure/transportation. I don’t have kids but I’d rate the requests above about children’s activities ahead of corporations.

I personally drive 13 minutes to Oxford MB and do some local shopping at Maker to Main.


KadenKraw t1_j7bgztr wrote

Costco would be nice none nearby and Bjs are all 20+ minutes.

You might not use club stores but they are great savings for families.


CoolAbdul t1_j7by3wt wrote

> and Bjs are all 20+ minutes.

that's what your mom says


KadenKraw t1_j7c12ch wrote

Good my mom taught me to always put 100% in anything you do.


Patient_Customer9827 t1_j7ck6vs wrote

Fair. Though I do live 10 minutes from the Auburn one and 18 from Northboro. There was a Sam’s Club in Worcester but it wasn’t profitable for them. I’m guessing there was a high demand for it.