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NativeMasshole t1_j7cv6p7 wrote

Worcester Art Museum is great! You could definitely spend 5-7 between there and a tour of the local breweries.


jeepjockey52 t1_j7cvshw wrote

Art museum for sure. Then maybe a brewery and lunch. We have a great food and drink scene but it has to be researched. Mondays are rough because restaurants aren’t always open, etc, etc


cjboffoli t1_j7d1uiw wrote

February might not really be Worcester at its best.


[deleted] t1_j7d5q83 wrote

I live in Worcester and often commute to places like Springfield/Agawam (Six flags and MGM), Mohegan Sun, Boston etc., I need at least a good 2-3 hours worth of entertainment plus a lunch/dinner to justify traveling that far. Honestly it’s hard for me to think of much in Worcester that would do that for me - Maybe a show at the Hanover theater or music at Mechanic’s Hall? A Woo Sox game (during the season obviously)? I also love the Free Play Arcade bar and could probably see myself driving 80 minutes to go there.


dpceee t1_j7d7xck wrote

You know, sometimes I actually think locals are not the best people to ask about this kind of stuff. Locals are usually just living their lives and often pay no mind to the stuff around them, or if they are, they don't think it's too special.

With that being said, I agree with you about the drive. My rule of thumb has always been that I need to stay at a place at least the amount of time the round trip takes.


Buckwheatking67 t1_j7dccf4 wrote

TowerHill Botanical Garden, in Worcester county, West Boylston


jpm01609 t1_j7dfuuk wrote

please just stay away you are not worthy


Eve617 t1_j7dmgfk wrote

Most definitely yes! There's a small museum all about Worcester which is worth seeing. It won't take long to go through and it's pretty inexpensive. You'd be surprised by the historic significance of either the city or things that happened in the city over the ages.There are historic homes if you're into that kind of thing. I find the architecture of the downtown and some of the other areas pretty cool. There are some really beautiful buildings all over the city. Worcester has a big revolutionary war history if you're into that. There's also significant native american history in Worcester that is not talked about very much. Worcester has some outstanding parks and a lot of green space if you're into hiking, walking, etc. You could easily spend a day doing historical touring or a day doing cultural things or even a day at a minor league baseball game and eating your way through the city. It's a big city


FeathersMcGraw-Hill t1_j7dqo3y wrote

Hard to say without knowing what your interests are. Do you have to go to Worcester anyway and are deciding if you're staying longer? If so, there's definitely stuff to do. Coming here in Winter just because? There might be better places to go within 80 minutes this time of year.

The Worcester Art Museum is quite nice.

If you have kids, EcoTarium is great; my son and I go there a lot.

Tower Hill Botanic Garden is nice, but you'll be missing most of it in Winter.


NotLivvvyLoaf t1_j7e1pu5 wrote

Go to somewhere like Boston or p town for a better experience


Weenie_Hut_Jr_ t1_j7ect8v wrote

I’d recommend a few days with all there is to do here but if I had to pick a ludicrously packed one-day itinerary of greatest hits:

  • 8AM: breakfast at one of Worcester’s famous and historic diner cars
  • 9AM: walk around Crompton Collective and Worcester Public Market and grab a coffee and pastry at Birch Tree Bread Co.
  • 10:30AM: visit the incredible Worcester Art Museum
  • 1PM: lunch at Armsby Abby
  • 2:30PM: quick brewery hop from Redemption Rock to Wormtown to Greater Good
  • 5:30PM: dinner at Mercantile or Bocado
  • 7:30PM: ice skating on the common
  • 9PM: cocktails at Steel & Wire which you might recognize from American Hustle
  • 10:30PM: games at Free Play
  • 12:30PM: a few beers at Ralph’s or Vincent’s to end the night

You can also catch a Railers game or show at the Hanover if those are happening while you’re here.

There are people below who think there aren’t good things in worcester. They’re miserable and don’t leave their house and would have the same complaints anywhere else, don’t worry about them.


nickgodd t1_j7endqu wrote

Summer yes, go to a ball game and go out to dinner after and you’ll have a good time. Don’t come here during the winter unless it’s just for dinner. Anywhere on Shrewsbury street is good and there’s a lot of top notch dining in the area.


OrphanKripler t1_j7fj1m6 wrote

There’s not much this time of year. Probably one of the most boring months of the year.

If you come by the 17,18,19th of Feb there’s Monster Jam that comes each year for Valentine’s Day. My GF usually takes me each year and its romantic seeing monster trucks jump around.

There’s the ice skating rink on green street. We have escape rooms. Arcade and pool halls Maybe catch a railers game (hockey) Museums Laser tag but that’s in westborough down the shrewsbury turnpike I think. About 10 mins from Worcester. Blackstone valley plaza shopping Plenty of bars and restaurants of varying quality though. If you want to increase your chances of a fresh and tasty meal wait for Friday or Saturday to eat out.


recruitingstill t1_j7fllzg wrote

There is also a pretty park called Green Hill Park with a Vietnam Memorial that is serene. Also a small/sort of funny “farm” with some animals to observe. I think there is something in Worcester for everyone - depends on your ages and interests. Certainly some very interesting old architecture in different areas as well.


Intrepid_Mood_993 t1_j7fqz6l wrote

Every Thursday night at 7:30PM there's live professional wrestling upstairs at the White Eagle Polish Hall on Green St. The most fun I've ever had for $10 in Worcester!


Naniali123 t1_j7fy55i wrote

Bancroft Tower is pretty cool! On Bancroft Tower Rd. Elm Park is a nice walk, and I think the juried sculptures are still up. Lots of great restaurants - Fatima’s Cafe on W. Boylston St is a fave - awesome samosas, mango lassi, and E. African fare. The kids love Mochi Do - Japanese donut shop on Harding St across from Worcester Public Market.


Mustachi-oh88 t1_j7g0xxh wrote

Summer fun- disc golf, a museum, ball game at polar park… restaurants galore. Winter? GTFO


BrokedownAlice69 t1_j7g2qlh wrote

Everyone realizes that we barely get snow here anymore right? Except for the last few days it’s been 40 or above every day. You can do whatever you want outside right now. It’s like it’s fucking spring already.


CloroxWipes1 t1_j7gw2fb wrote

Excellent response. Would just add the Worcester Art Museum and push off a visit until later March, early spring as Worcester roads with snow banks still abounding is a colossal pain in the ass to drive around.


CloroxWipes1 t1_j7gx831 wrote

I'm usually one of those GAs (grumpy assholes) who was prepared to respond with some bullshit snarky response, but your itinerary was so damn good I've packed that away (will save it for when the incessant, relentless and annoying AF fireworks begin in a couple months).

In the meantime, yeah, Worcester does have some cool shit to do for an out of towner.

Add in the Worcester Historical museum, swap out Armsby Abby for the Boulevard Diner is $$ is tight, and avoid Worcester if there is still snow on the ground and Kelly Square AT ALL TIMES, and you're good to go.


Boxziti t1_j7ib4a3 wrote

Well there is not much to do in Worcester and even in the Summer it isn't the prettiest of city's and winter it is a complete wipe out. So one word answer no.


Boxziti t1_j7ibvlr wrote

ha ha ice skating on the common.. among the tumble weeds blowing down main street. Our museum is ok. You would be better off at the Worcester antiquarian society that is world class. I would not recommenced waking around anywhere.


Boxziti t1_j7m5ojg wrote

ya most likely all city employees... And no not allergic to a good time. I went to school in Main South and that was in 79- 81 and while the redesign of the common area is refreshing I do not see any big difference or any real signs of metropolis. I hope it is packed as you say but some how I don't think that is so.