Submitted by buckeyebaby t3_za4ea2 in baltimore
Nick Mosby has consistently proven he isn’t looking out for the city of Baltimore and I feel like this pension bill he tried to shove through in response to term limits should be the last straw. How many voters are in Baltimore city? How hard would it be to get a petition signed by 20% of qualified voters to recall him? If we allow him to continue as our city council president for the next two years I have no doubt he’ll spend that time finding new creative ways to leverage his position for cash instead of making the city a better place to live. Our city officials have been robbing Baltimore blind for years, at what point will we say enough is enough? I’m so done watching Baltimore get progressively worse because of garbage leadership.
Animanialmanac t1_iyk4vb9 wrote
Can we recall council members? I thought initiative that didn’t make it to the ballot. We voters have to petition our own council representatives to recall Council President Mosby. The councilwoman for my area is Phylicia Porter, she voted for Mr. Mosby’s bill in the first round of voting and didn’t vote at all in the next round. From what I’m learning from neighborhood meetings Councilwoman Porter moved to this part of Baltimore only a year before the election, so she moved here to run for the office. I don’t think she would listen any petition from residents, especially not a petition to recall Mr. Mosby over a bill she voted for.