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ozzgift t1_iyd1nos wrote

There was a post the other day about this and the concensus was look for smaller mom and pop pharmacies and see if they can help. also you can use the search feature to see if there has been any new info or tips


fridaysareforambien t1_iydebwp wrote

I used to get my adderall rx filled at Gary Drug on Charles St. in Beacon Hill during one of the other shortages a few years back, worth a shot calling OP!


randomlurker82 t1_iydgji1 wrote

I used Gary Drug a couple times years ago, would second this! It's a decent local business, I remember really liking the pharmacist too (unsure if it's still the same person).


LivingMemento t1_iyes660 wrote

The new pharmacist who has no idea who you are or what else you take is only available at CVS. Real pharmacies are owned by pharmacists.


TheAVnerd t1_iyezo0f wrote

Repping Gary Drug also. I live outside of the city and would travel in for my kids medications because Gary Drug and all the folks who work there are top notch. It started when one of my kids needed a compounded medication, and literally no major pharmacies within 30-40 miles of the city could fill it. A good friend recommended Gary Drug and we try to use them for everything now. Plus they have those good Sunkist fruit gems that are kind of hard to find anywhere else.


ObsessedWithPizza t1_iydto4o wrote

Thank you! I will check them out if I have trouble! I’m in the same boat as OP lol


HIS_FATTY_PUBIS t1_iydznms wrote

As an added bonus they have lots of niche beauty stuff if that’s you’re thing


psychicsword t1_iyenoqt wrote

The problem is that I would need to get my RX completely rewritten. My CVS location can't even transfer it to another CVS location let alone a different business.

These laws are ridiculous and we need to lighten up a bit.


bostonchef72296 t1_iydeu0o wrote

My fiancé has been filling his adderall instant release at cvs in Allston no problem


SchatzMoney t1_iydvboh wrote

There is a huge shortage nation wide regarding this medication.


randomlurker82 t1_iydgcuq wrote

I was using Capsule, the delivery pharmacy, for my adderall and they always had it. They bring it to you for free too! I've also had good luck with Express Scripts but that might take longer. I hope you can find it soon, going without adhd meds for any period of time suuuucks.


weasel999 t1_iye3co8 wrote

I believe the shortage will continue until 2023. Adderall distribution reached its federally imposed maximum for 2022.


psychicsword t1_iyentn3 wrote

> Adderall distribution reached its federally imposed maximum for 2022.

WTF? Why is the maximum allowed to distribute based on anything other than the actual number of people prescribed the drug for ADHD by licensed doctors?


weasel999 t1_iyeojvq wrote

Because it’s a controlled substance. They didn’t take into account the increase in diagnoses and increase in prescriptions- they idiotically just keep the limit same as last year(s).


smc733 t1_iyf89c4 wrote

Because the DEA needs to justify their useless existence.


loudwoodpecker28 t1_iyfb114 wrote

Or maybe they should stop prescribing this shit to more and more people who don't need it


smc733 t1_iyfb5aq wrote

What are your qualifications to make such a claim?


loudwoodpecker28 t1_iyfelsz wrote

My doctor prescribed it to me as a teenager because I wanted it to help me "study". All I had to do was say I had trouble concentrating and then I had a script good for 30 20mg pills a month.

Didn't take too long for that to develop into one hell of an addiction before I finally quit cold turkey a few years later. Really fucked up my life for a bit. That stuff is essentially cocaine in pill form. I know some kids really do need it but there are wayyy too many 18-25 year old kids taking it for not the right reasons.


Columbus92 t1_iydarms wrote

Just did at CVS in Chestnut Hill last week no problem.


Latter_Juggernaut_56 t1_iydsq8j wrote

I know someone who has been getting adderall instant release (not XR) and they are just fine. I didn't know it was this bad in MA


Historical-Brief2414 t1_iyemxba wrote

That’s like saying “oh you wanted apples? I found oranges”. It’s not like you can switch without a change in function….


Latter_Juggernaut_56 t1_iyevn96 wrote

I never said that, If you read my last sentence, I didnt know it was this bad in Mass, because there are literally pharmacies near colleges with high volume and I never ran into this problem. And I would think IR would be in demand too, bc not everyone wants XR, surprise


Ok_Fact4397 t1_iyefl9h wrote

Often ever since COVID, at both Walgreens and CVS I’ve had to wait a day or two after sending in my prescription due to apparent shortages. Prior to 2020, it was usually ready the day of. Keep in mind though that I’m on Dexedrine, which is way less commonly used than Adderall. Perhaps the mixed amphetamine salts have been much simpler to get.


SirPercivalChang t1_iyem9u9 wrote

It was several years ago but similar a situation with an adderall shortage, and Inman Pharmacy in Cambridge was the only place around with any in stock. The only issue is that they wouldn't tell me over the phone if they had it so I had to go there in person.


23HourPartyPeople t1_iyen00u wrote

I've had consistent luck at the CVS on Market St in Brighton. Maybe try there if you haven't yet!


PowerStroked64 t1_iye16cs wrote

The CVS in the Target near Union Square has it.


IShitOnMyDick t1_iyejb21 wrote

I just got mine refilled at the CVS on Newbury, but it took a couple of days to get it in


heyitslola t1_iyezcvd wrote

It’s an issue in central ma too


popfilms t1_iyfblih wrote

Got XR at the Packard's Corner Star Market about 10 days ago. Took some prodding but they eventually filled it.


playkateme t1_iyfdbgl wrote

I had my 15 mg filled yesterday at Walgreens in Mission Hill. Good luck. Took me a week to find (I was searching out of state for a few days over thanksgiving no luck there either obviously)


[deleted] t1_iye6eho wrote



psychicsword t1_iyeocur wrote

I have used adderall for over 20 years and it has worked well. I am not switching to some random other drug now unless I suddenly start to have interaction problems with it.


[deleted] t1_iyeqnd8 wrote



psychicsword t1_iyexp4v wrote

If only switching controlled substance prescriptions was that easy. I would have to find a new psychiatrist as my primary care who is only willing to keep my current Rx going because it is low friction and I have been taking the same dose and drug for 20+ years.


fridaysareforambien t1_iyf2swz wrote

Don't forget about prior authorization, everybody's favorite part about getting prescribed a new stimulant


beautifuldyingtree t1_iyfb77w wrote

there is a vyvanse shortage as well! cvs has been out of it for weeks and even capsule is out of my dose atm


bostonvikinguc t1_iyfc6yn wrote

Switch asap, that issue isn’t getting better.


HammerfestNORD t1_iyda8w4 wrote

Can't you use mail service?

Could also check the website for Mark Cuban's pharmacy. Might even find a cheaper price.


LivingMemento t1_iyerwr8 wrote

Berkshire Roots in Eastie. Seed in JP. Pure Oasis in Roxbury. Happy Valley in Eastie. Budega in Dot. Yamba in Central Sq. Any of them will help you find the focus you seek.


-Slan- t1_iye3drh wrote

your kid should 99.9% not be taking adderall xr... do we even want to ask their age

edit: expected to be downvoted, appaling that this many people believe giving kids amphetamine is a safe and healthy options


23HourPartyPeople t1_iyenojw wrote

Maybe consider shutting up and minding your business when it comes to other people's kids? I'm sure OP and the kid's doctor know what they're doing. Your unsolicited advice is not welcome here.


-Slan- t1_iyf4dsi wrote

posting on a public forum and crying about comments is about as karen as you can get

pumping a kid full of high dosages of ampheatamines is not healthy especially when not knowing the long term effects, its one of the most over prescribed drugs for children


frankybling t1_iyemxw6 wrote

because nobody asked your opinion mostly


-Slan- t1_iyf3y9j wrote

sorry facts bother you


frankybling t1_iyfdpaf wrote

you have no facts, you gave an opinion that I disagree with… go back to your safe space


LogisticBlues t1_iye8g8x wrote

Why? Genuinely curious


NEU_Throwaway1 t1_iyedno8 wrote

Because their opinion obviously carries more weight than doctors, toxicologists, etc.


-Slan- t1_iyeb4xz wrote

uhh cause we don't know the long term effects of giving young kids amphetamine.. let alone a consistently STRONG dosage for an extended time period

this should be a last resort for any kid, docs these days are trigger happy to prescribe without fixing the root of the problem (sleep, diet, physical activity)


Ok_Fact4397 t1_iyefvvc wrote

Not sure about pediatric medicine, but I’ve always thought prescribers have been more cautious all around when dealing with addictive medications, e.g. stimulants, opiates, benzos. I had to jump through hoops just to settle on one type of stimulant which has improved my quality of life by a lot. I worry that it’ll be an even bigger pain in the ass once I move states or need to switch doctors.


frankybling t1_iyen8zq wrote

yeah, they actually kind of do know the long term effects at this point


-Slan- t1_iyf4agh wrote

lol the drug was released in 1996


frankybling t1_iyfdif8 wrote

26 years isn’t long term enough for you LOL…