vaclav1234567890 t1_j7f4wrj wrote
Hmmm scp 096 is that you if yes help god heeeeelllp ☠️
zupra_zazel t1_j7fcdx8 wrote
Hello. Thank you for this. I have paranoia and it's hard to explain to friends. This is what it feels like. I sleep with the lights slightly turned on.
Donkeyfetus5000 t1_j7fdse1 wrote
When you try to sleep while facing a wall
Donkeyfetus5000 t1_j7fdtj7 wrote
Go back to YouTube Kids
vaclav1234567890 t1_j7ffoa6 wrote
chlorox_bleach t1_j7fjz3w wrote
brightyoungthings t1_j7fx9hi wrote
You need a cat! They don’t put up with spooky shit!
DiamondHandedGod t1_j7g6o41 wrote
Demon pops up just to see you watching the most vile porn imaginable
MaxStickies t1_j7g7unq wrote
You watching cat videos?
missidkman t1_j7geabn wrote
the ghost is telling you to put down the phone and go to sleep
Ravernel t1_j7ghgga wrote
And whenever you hear any suspicious weird sounds in the night you always definitely know its source :D
Ravernel t1_j7gjhjk wrote
Wow, this just reminded me of my weird nightmares when I was a kid. I was so scared to sleep while facing the wall because whenever I did that there was this huge scary looking owl head in my dreams, that kept screaming and insulting me with its deep voice. Still have no idea why did that happen or where it came from. At some point it just disappeared and I never saw it again.
dahile00 t1_j7guyza wrote
What does “OC” mean in this context?
curiousauruses t1_j7gvxhu wrote
Sounds like a sleep paralysis demon.
AlteredDecks t1_j7gyyiq wrote
Original content
GodLikePlaya t1_j7gz284 wrote
I dont get it... is there sound or something that I am missing?
Donkeyfetus5000 t1_j7h0zsg wrote
I have an irrational fear of barn owls so I can’t imagine how scary that was.
Arcanum_3974 t1_j7h3jca wrote
“Yo, bro.. good shit. Mind if I stroke with you”
MyDickIsAdequate t1_j7h7t2x wrote
My issue with this is you get so used to cats that your defenses are down so the next time you feel a weight in your bed behind you and you look to see your cat at your window, what do you do?
MyDickIsAdequate t1_j7h7x70 wrote
Fucking demons man. Can't live with em, can't live without em.
warmachine237 t1_j7h8z3m wrote
Thats why you never get one cat. Have a bunch of them. That way youre more likely to not see all of them in your vision and can safely assume its just another cat on the bed.
foxaenea t1_j7hant8 wrote
Look at the darkness
dmalvarado t1_j7hcvff wrote
Hehe, this is good
NoCopyrightRadio t1_j7her22 wrote
Yeah and the demon will just leave after feeling ignored, works for me everytime
Lambchoptopus t1_j7hfhp0 wrote
I assume it's my other cat.
jboulas0808 t1_j7hh713 wrote
This is really effective!! Good work!!!
MELLMAO t1_j7hhgms wrote
My boyfriend heard someone walking downstairs at 5 am when he was sleeping over, I told him it was just the dog, not to bother me. The dog was actually in the yard most of the night LOL oopsie
MELLMAO t1_j7hhiev wrote
Maybe they can help
MELLMAO t1_j7hhoh5 wrote
I sleep facing the wall precisely bcs of this. If I see it, it's not like I can do anything, so better to be blissfully unaware and pretend you don't see/hear/sense anything
NjaSlade t1_j7hk7ir wrote
Mind if I stroke FOR you
Superlugnut t1_j7hl3yg wrote
“Oh you’re afraid of the dark haha” no, I’m not afraid of the dark, I just have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up on constant alert to any noises. With a slight light on I can see any difference.
tchap973 t1_j7hmzyo wrote
Ah, the old Dutch Rudder. A man of culture.
pranquily t1_j7ho2zg wrote
Nah this is exactly how I feel, bruh.
Kookiiikawaiii t1_j7hoe9c wrote
Is this PewDiePie
SardonicVampire t1_j7hstis wrote
Ghosty is just tryin to tell him that his screen is too bright and he'll never fall asleep that way.
zupra_zazel t1_j7hu0qv wrote
Thanks for the tip I've considered pets before :)
NoTeaNoMotion t1_j7hvf4n wrote
Yeah, I am too much of a coward to look, what is happening there ?
[deleted] t1_j7hx9ng wrote
iamdino0 t1_j7hyij2 wrote
:( )
branswag_briggs t1_j7i1d1w wrote
I thought this was Joel Haver
Nowraidond t1_j7i1ih8 wrote
Awwww...buddy just wants to see what you're watching!
tslnox t1_j7i1je1 wrote
Until you hear the noises from the kitchen, look up...
And you see the cat sitting on the window sill.
OhLookACastle t1_j7i2hun wrote
Nope, because kitty starts freaking out first, guaranteed. Half the time I follow kitty’s lead when we hear a funny noise or see a funny shadow. She’s the paranoid one, not me.
Mr-frost t1_j7i2n6g wrote
Make a horror movie mann
LeeroyM OP t1_j7i2skx wrote
I'm hoping 2023 will be the year I make my short horror film.
Worried_Bass3588 t1_j7i34am wrote
Fkn awesome…watched this 4 times waiting for something to happen
Mr-frost t1_j7i3xuz wrote
Aw man make a full blown one
LeeroyM OP t1_j7i45zj wrote
No budget unfortunately.
Moz_13 t1_j7iap2w wrote
"Hey man what you watching?"
Dredmart t1_j7iezsl wrote
Wait, what happened after that? Lol
Affectionate_Bid2880 t1_j7if9bi wrote
Except when you pull yourself out of sleep paralysis (after feeling your cat jump on the bed and climb on your chest) and your cat is downstairs 😨
Wish_on_a_dying_star t1_j7ihunv wrote
Hey you got games on your phone?
Real_RUBB3R t1_j7ihv8o wrote
N0rthWind t1_j7imqg2 wrote
Apparently, a giant owl is a common enough nightmare that there's a greater demon that's pretty much exactly that (Stolas)
indierose27 t1_j7iovs6 wrote
I do too. This why I have my bed backed up against the wall.
YANFRET t1_j7iqxo3 wrote
YANFRET t1_j7irddz wrote
I cant sleep facing a wall. I need to sleep facing the door or the way out of a room. I wonder why i need to do that…
YANFRET t1_j7iriwm wrote
INDIG0M0NKEY t1_j7ispgw wrote
At an early age probably third grade I would fall asleep facing the wall because if whatever it was would make it to my room I’m dead anyways and I don’t want to see it.
This fear went away and I developed a fear of the darkness outside windows at my moms in the country. Would literally run past windows. Now I keep all my blinds down pretty much all the time. As a 33 year old
TheBoyAintRightPeggy t1_j7iwghx wrote
black_brook t1_j7iwxwz wrote
You win.
Sassyfracas t1_j7ixx0b wrote
treat it like a cat
Illinois_Yooper t1_j7izgda wrote
As long as you don't mind randomly getting punched in the face while you're sleeping
Puzzleheaded-Ad-1378 t1_j7j0jiy wrote
Oh hellll nahhhhhhh
ejusdemgeneris t1_j7j0m5s wrote
This was me trying to sleep after recently watching Skinamarink
haikusbot t1_j7j0n6v wrote
This was me trying
To sleep after recently
Watching Skinamarink
- ejusdemgeneris
^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^Learn more about me.
^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")
AFatz t1_j7j0x22 wrote
The military made me extremely paranoid about intruders. If I'm in a room, I HAVE to face the closest entrance, or at least have it in my eyeline.
kangareddit t1_j7j2ivp wrote
dO yOu hAvE gAmEs On yOuR pHoNe?
xelle24 t1_j7j2m9z wrote
Some years ago one Memorial Day weekend I was in bed not long after midnight and heard what I thought was my two cats bouncing around making noise downstairs. When I heard a loud sound like "fwhoomp" I realized that it wasn't the cats, so I got up and when I stepped into the hallway (my bedroom is at the back of the house), I could see a bright, flickering orange light from the front windows.
I ran downstairs and looked out the first floor front windows to see that the house across the street was on fire.
Long story short, everyone in the house got out safely, the house had to be torn down mainly due to water damage from the firefighters putting out the fire, and the verdict was that the fire started in the front porch furniture, possibly from a passerby throwing a firework, more likely a lit cigarette accidentally dropped or left by one of the residents, and the "fwhoomp" I heard was the smaller fire reaching and igniting the gas meter in front of the porch.
It took me a while after that to be able to assume a noise in the night was just the cats.
ice12916 t1_j7j5jyn wrote
This is incredible. Reminds me of some shots from Hereditary where it takes your eyes a second to adjust to the dark and then you notice things. Very well done
Legacy-ZA t1_j7j9hxq wrote
Ghosts/Aliens = Demons
Call on the name of Jesus Christ to help you.
[deleted] t1_j7jbrl5 wrote
Glum_Reference_2753 t1_j7jbv91 wrote
Or you squeeze it so tight and give it kisses it runs away from you, annoyed
Glum_Reference_2753 t1_j7jc1kp wrote
Or scratched
BillMPE t1_j7jcjx4 wrote
Why do I always see these just before bedtime?
stolichnayayaya t1_j7jejwt wrote
“What are you doing, step-demon?”
CCrypto1224 t1_j7jjj99 wrote
Hope Mr. long mouth likes porn.
Ruthless_Entity t1_j7jkkzu wrote
Mom said it’s my turn on the Xbo- OOP
ScorchReaper062 t1_j7jvfqk wrote
This is why you put the litterbox in your room too.
Me and my cats have the dankest silent but deadlies, being a ghost here means having to put up with awful smells all the time. You'd have better luck haunting a sewage dump.
EdgelordMcMemester t1_j7jya1n wrote
the cosmic owl but evil
MyDickIsAdequate t1_j7kiy3b wrote
Build an army.
MELLMAO t1_j7lplyy wrote
Nothing, I just ignore the sounds and co-habit with ghosts
admiralbreastmilk t1_j7m7ff9 wrote
Just at night though, right? You still let sunlight in?
admiralbreastmilk t1_j7m7iwx wrote
INDIG0M0NKEY t1_j7migto wrote
A few windows will get opened up but I don’t like people seeing into my house where I’m just sitting on the couch it feels odd
[deleted] t1_j7mohl2 wrote
MyDickIsAdequate t1_j7nyek2 wrote
Lol so scritch it's chubby lil cheeks
Sir_Loafer t1_j7odcap wrote
Must have smelled his breath
Sassyfracas t1_j7qfgbx wrote
Elo_Solo t1_j7wvvsu wrote
What my sleep paralysis looks like
Cardo076 t1_j85lcck wrote
For all we know this actually happens to everyone every night.
micro--man t1_j87ejid wrote
That is eerily similar to a recurring nightmare I kept having growing up. It would have been fine if the details of my house weren't so exact
[deleted] t1_j8awhet wrote
they are nocturnal as hell tho, and will wake u up in the middle of the night.
but honestly WAY better than having a demon look over ur shoulder
Parqcxsm69 t1_j96er38 wrote
[deleted] t1_j96etk7 wrote
JoyTheGeek t1_j9xm3in wrote
Satan. Satan made this.
LeeroyM OP t1_j7f48cf wrote
Reposting in better quality. all my info here.