JustUseTheWordMmmkay t1_javitzy wrote
I’m interested to know what fast charging is here. Anything over 5w like the ones we had for ages? Also want to know if Apple will cap the speeds if using the £100+ cables they already sell.
Snakeeyes1991 t1_javjo9q wrote
One law towards universal cables and companies already found a way to bypass it.
AlanBall74 t1_javjv0z wrote
Standard apple shite, locking you to their (overly priced) peripherals, best move I ever made 7 years ago was ditching all Apple products! If you gave me one tomorrow I'd sell it the next day!
synthdrunk t1_javkexf wrote
EU shouldn’t be afraid to go after them for spirit of the law.
D3ADSONGS t1_javkt3c wrote
I can't wait to get the Apple Cable Pro and get Apple Care for that too
656666_ t1_javkvt0 wrote
Yep, they stole that feature from android.
GreyJedi56 t1_javllvu wrote
Apple fine, we can all have one connector but no fast charging except with ours.
Your elitism and need to have an iPhone make this possible. Break free stop supporting their terrible practices.
whatistheformat t1_javnl20 wrote
Right? This is right out of Apple Support guidelines.
HuggLyfe t1_javnvdt wrote
But how can you stand to be outside of their "ecosystem"!? 🙄
AlanBall74 t1_javo13u wrote
Quite easily, I love going off grid, and I don't like big brother watching over me, that's why I deleted all social media 🥸😜
[deleted] t1_javolbe wrote
FuckedYourSandwich t1_javorjg wrote
> I don’t like big brother watching over me
Personally, I think you’re a coward. Take me for example. I invite big brother to monitor everything I do because listening to endless conversations about which one of my wife’s co-workers did something stupid today or what activities my kids have to go to has definitely caused some of those big brother types to at least rage quit, if not commit suicide. Your life is just as boring as mine (sorry - delusions of grandeur aside, we both know it’s true) and yet you’re not doing anything to weaponize your mundanity.
0000GKP t1_javppat wrote
I’ve used nothing but third party cables to charge my iPhones for the past 15 years. Every one of them has had the Apple certification. Every one I buy in the future will also have it. Every well known brand name has it.
Substantial_Boiler t1_javppb7 wrote
Some Android phones also do this by the way
speculatrix t1_javqm0s wrote
There's been substandard cables but a cable that functions to specification will work fine in every android phone that also meets the spec.
[deleted] t1_javqtka wrote
speculatrix t1_javqxdn wrote
It's usually because the cable, phone or charger are not designed or made correctly
Drill-Jockey t1_javr3gw wrote
But… but apple bad
Light_x_Truth t1_javraye wrote
Let's see what happens.
Substantial_Boiler t1_javrzqz wrote
No, it's because makers like OnePlus force users to buy only their proprietary chargers and cables to have access to their advanced fast charging features
WeRAliens t1_javszxk wrote
Why do people still buy Apple. The only Apple I bought was a ipod and I knew right away I'll never buy Apple again.
[deleted] t1_javt6pc wrote
madmanjoe420 t1_javtnrp wrote
I get full warp charge speed on my OnePlus using generic usb-c. As long as the block and cord are rated to handle 65w or more
[deleted] t1_javulvj wrote
[deleted] t1_javur0l wrote
[deleted] t1_javutuv wrote
[deleted] t1_javuwx2 wrote
yoranpower t1_jaw1bo2 wrote
But they won't need the apple certification anymore. That's the hole thing. Got an android charger? Great! Charges your IPhone now as well. If it's slower, then it's Apple to blame.
Skeptic_Sinner t1_jaw1s1w wrote
I have an android and it can fast charge from any adapter/cable that is powerful enough , what are you talking about
656666_ t1_jaw2qw1 wrote
Some android phones need specific cables, otherwise their quick charge won’t work.
Fijian96 t1_jaw6c4o wrote
Isn't Samsung, who's been using USB since the inception of their mobile phones, doing the same thing? I'm pretty sure you need a Samsung cable or dock to access fast charging. Not saying the practice is good, but I don't think Apple is the first to do this.
LeapIntoInaction t1_jaw6cwe wrote
Right. You have to use decent cables, not the minimal-level older designs. This is not some kind of vendor lock-in. You can use any cable that supports modern standards.
GreatAndPowerfulNixy t1_jaw6zij wrote
You don't understand how fast charging works, do you?
[deleted] t1_jaw7qdm wrote
roox911 t1_jaw8blw wrote
Sassquatch0 t1_jaw9mrd wrote
No - OnePlus gives you a bonus if you use their charger. But they don't penalize you for using someone else's.
It's like this: buy the OnePlus charger, and you get 200% charging speed! SuperVook ftw.
Buy any other charger, you get 100% of it's charging speed.
Apple is going: buy our charger, you get 100%. Use any other charger, you suffer with 60% speed.
Substantial_Boiler t1_jawczvu wrote
That's literally the same thing as what Apple is doing... it's not a bonus, it's breaking compatibility maliciously.
obamaprism3 t1_jawmogq wrote
I have a oneplus 8T and you are misinformed
my USB-C laptop charger and cable can also "warp charge" my phone
yuxulu t1_jawnlus wrote
If you are talking about some of the insane charging speeds by chinese phones, i think it is because they deliver 120w which is higher than other charger/cables.
rifjcn t1_jawnylm wrote
You don’t need to use Apple branded cables. Any mfi certified cable will work. They’re a dime a dozen on Amazon.
yuxulu t1_jawo3xr wrote
If that compatibility breaking gives me 120w charging, 100% within 30 min, why not. Not so much when it gives me 20w max though, and cap non-apple charger to like 5-10w.
yuxulu t1_jawo9qm wrote
That is because lightning cable is proprietary and require apple certification. Not so much with your usbc though.
yuxulu t1_jawogsh wrote
Nope. Using samsung a51, my macbook usb-c charger fast charges just fine.
crimsonblueku t1_jawopff wrote
This isn’t anything new. USB C cables need to be rated and certified for power draw and data transfer. Do you think a $10 USB C cable from Amazon could fast charge any phone or offer TB3 speeds? Heck no.
chewb t1_jawtb75 wrote
Will supervooc and other phones also charge with the 65W of usb-c?
chewb t1_jawuesg wrote
And thousands others have VOOC, Dash/Dart/warp/supervooc charge compatible phones that don’t.
Commence the downvotes, android fanboys
Skeptic_Sinner t1_jawzfn3 wrote
So it's not an android thing, it's a problem of some phones that use android. And since it's not a problem with the system you can't say that apple stole it from android.
adamcoe t1_jawzsh5 wrote
Standard idiot tax for using their overpriced garbage
speculatrix t1_jaxdpka wrote
I think that's one of the proprietary systems, I don't know whether their more recent products will support standard high speed charging.
[deleted] t1_jaxom9i wrote
[deleted] t1_jaxox07 wrote
No. Stuff like SuperVOOC or WARP charge has nothing to do with cable quality. It's simply a proprietary standard lock-in, and you can tell by the fact that the other side of the Type-C cable is an old USB-A.
Use the best Type-C you can find and you still won't have access to it.
[deleted] t1_jaxpo63 wrote
Put the crack pipe down.
Apple doesn't sell, never has sold, 100€ cables. They cost ⅕th of that price.
Made For iPhone certified cables can be so cheap even Amazon Basics sells them.
Criticize all you want but don't make up stuff for easy karma.
[deleted] t1_jaxq06i wrote
They make great products, so the answer will be: no.
chewb t1_jaxqez2 wrote
so android doing it first then
chewb t1_jaxrbf7 wrote
weird how apple stole capacitive touchscreens, high resolution displays, multiple cameras and pretty much everything from android but hey, have one bad feature available in hundreds thousands of phones that they copied and NOO, they're not really copying android this time, just a few models that have this feature, so definitely not all of android 🤣 weird how that works
Skeptic_Sinner t1_jaxrq9m wrote
They are not copying android because android as an operating system allows fast charging from any source. Stop saying "android" as if it's a brand that makes phones or something.
The rest of your rant is just putting words in my mouth and not worth responding to. Just know that apple couldn have copied screens or cameras from android because android has no screens nor cameras
[deleted] t1_jaxs999 wrote
Imagine looking down on other people for using a different object than you use.
Brings me back to my early teenage years, when I was taking part to console wars. Sadly for your cerebral development now we are adults.
JustUseTheWordMmmkay t1_jaxyuei wrote
So what is this then? Last time I checked £129 > £100 therefore £100+.
Blinx-182 t1_jaxzfsb wrote
I guess we all forgot that a few years ago USB-C cables were hit or miss to the point where a Google engineer had to make a spreadsheet ranking them.
[deleted] t1_jay24g7 wrote
That's a Thunderbolt 4 cable 🤦🏻♂️
Quality Thunderbolt cables are all expensive dude. These are not smartphone cables made for charging and passing family photos, these are workstation cables.
Go look at OWC, CalDigit prices for the same lengths. Hell, Plugable still sells Thunderbolt 3 cables for 60€, and that's a generation old.
You are looking for this: Apple Type-C Cable, £19
T-Nan t1_jay4nh3 wrote
Bros on reddit saying this shit
[deleted] t1_jay7tpe wrote
JunkyDunkyMunkey t1_jayayj3 wrote
Poor guy’s Google Pixelbook finally took one for the team.
wander9077 t1_jaybjaa wrote
Ok but it will still support cables with the base layer USB-C charging standard at the usual USB C rate the article goes on to say. So if you want to pay more for an even faster apple cable you can, or just go with the likely fast enough USB C standard rate.
Comfortable0wn t1_jaymtcp wrote
So it's not every cable?
EngineeringNext7237 t1_jaypa7a wrote
Because we don’t live in a weird Reddit echo chamber that makes everything they do seem like the end of the world. It’s like asking why people prefer bmw to Honda.
EngineeringNext7237 t1_jaypq9d wrote
Oh no. I’ll have to pay like $6 more for a cable to do ultra fast charging. Oh wait you already have to do that with most usbc cables for any sort of good PD numbers.
TheCh0rt t1_jayq2uz wrote
No, however if they gimp the general high quality USBC cable in favor of their cables, it’s obvious it’s gimped because iPhone power draw really isn’t that great against a 100w standard.
dillydilly69 t1_jayqh24 wrote
dillydilly69 t1_jayqok9 wrote
Lmfao you seriously think governments should be making laws about phone chargers? Don't they have better things to do?
How about just don't buy the product if you don't like it?
lmea14 t1_jaz30x0 wrote
“Checkmate, bureaucrats!”
[deleted] t1_jaz7e8w wrote
silverbolt2000 t1_jazcfh7 wrote
As reported on this very sub multiple times already.
adamcoe t1_jazio99 wrote
Sorry to hear that you were not only taken in by a war about video games, but also haven't learned basic grammar.
JustUseTheWordMmmkay t1_jazlxl3 wrote
Yeah I know all of that. I know they are expensive, I know they aren’t for most users, I know thunderbolt 3 cables are still expensive and not needed for most people.
But… like I said, Apple sell £100+ cables and I’m wondering if cables like that will be restricted to slower charging.
Skeptic_Sinner t1_jazlxpg wrote
You cannot fast charge from something that is physically incapable of handling fast charging. The problem with apple is that other brands' cables can handle it but are apple isn't allowing them to work properly
How do you think this is a gotcha holy shit
Party_Cold_4159 t1_jazmdo3 wrote
Yeah!! I want my junk drawer of 30 different proprietary Sony chargers back!!!
656666_ t1_jazniae wrote
That’s what i was referring to.
speculatrix t1_jazp1ju wrote
Once, there was no standard at all for high speed charging. These phones proved it was possible and that people would pay for it.
Apple are taking an existing well-established standard and making a proprietary version specifically so they can screw their customers by having expensive charging cables.
See the difference?
yuxulu t1_jazpqdl wrote
The thing is no other chargers deliver 120w. If one comes along from another brand, I'm fairly sure it would still work. However, iPhone charger is only 20w (based on apple and they are going to restrict to 5w if not using their charger? What excuses do they have for that?
MadOrange64 t1_jazqv60 wrote
It won't be sn issue after one year but now you have to change all your current USB-C if you're getting an iphone 15 to comply with all future Apple devices.
[deleted] t1_jazwosu wrote
Says the guy who can only speak English and some middle school-level Spanish.
Wanna switch the conversation to Italian? French? Portuguese? I can do that, I don't know about you though...
Pristine-Today4611 t1_jb006eq wrote
Exactly this is already implemented with charging cables today. Even with an Apple cord today has to be MFI-certified to get the full capability of charging.
VTPeWPeW247 t1_jb01l9b wrote
I can speak multiple languages and I hate IPhones. BOOM! Seriously though, if you’re gonna chastise someone for judging people on there phone choice, don’t judge them for something else with your next breath, capiche?
chewb t1_jb06s95 wrote
iphones can charge with the usb-c standard up to 30W today, they use the PD standard of USB-c
These companies didn't use PD, they are using the usb-c cable and standard but not the USB Power Delivery standard. This might or might not be copied by apple.
My comment brought attention to the fact that if it's a feature present on just one model android phone, apple is copying them but if it's a bad feature, it's not copying android, just a few bad apples, which is a double standard
speculatrix t1_jb08qqb wrote
But iPhones use lightning cables, with a chip, to lock them into Apple or authorised products
iceleel t1_jb0jva7 wrote
Oneplus gives me charger in box lol
iceleel t1_jb0jx7x wrote
True Samsung and Google
iceleel t1_jb0k70i wrote
How else are they gonna sell chargers they removed from box?
656666_ t1_jb0wjae wrote
The article is just a guess and would be just the case for the iPhone 15. we don’t know yet what specs it might have. You can just assume that it will be still just 20w.
souvlaki_ t1_jb1abdq wrote
Why can't we have nice things for once
quadrangle3136 t1_jb2gr9g wrote
Typical apple bastardry.
quadrangle3136 t1_jb2h06j wrote
Yes, easily. The standards already exist - this is simply apple being apple.
petepro t1_jb3728j wrote
This is karma farming at this point, this is the third post of the same rumor.
[deleted] t1_jb6du85 wrote
darky14 t1_jb7i28n wrote
[deleted] t1_jb7ikrp wrote
You should tell that to the guy who's pedantic about grammar, eh.
[deleted] t1_jb8m1pg wrote
Curious-Collar-5052 t1_jb90zvg wrote
That sounds concerning. I hope that Apple finds a way to make sure fast charging capability remains possible across third-party cables.
it_administrator01 t1_jba2gjv wrote
So just like how my 2020 iPad Pro sometimes wont recognise my $20 Anker USB C cable until I reboot the iPad and the Apple store effectively told me to go fuck myself using slightly kinder words?
TheSporkBomber t1_jbev9rl wrote
The funny thing is my daily driver cables are 2 for $10 anker cables that do 60W charging just fine. The 100W cables are 2 for $15 on Amazon.
crimsonblueku t1_jbex3f7 wrote
But they don’t do high speed data and fast charging.
TheSporkBomber t1_jbf1t7h wrote
>Do you think a $10 USB C cable from Amazon could fast charge any phone or offer TB3 speeds?
>But they don’t do high speed data and fast charging.
Ah, so it's high speed AND charging now. Moving goal posts?
My S22U does super fast charging just fine on the cheap anker cables. Super fast charging is 25W; the better test is that I use them for my laptops which are 65W minimum. 3.2 Gen 2 cables are around $15 and can get 10gpbs which is both high power and high speed data. The state of the industry has gotten much better than it was a few years ago.
Churoflip t1_jbgvlz0 wrote
Dude why can't the rest of the applefanbois think like you? It's a damn sleazy/greedy ass company f em
AlanBall74 t1_jbgw0vb wrote
frontiermanprotozoa t1_jbu4gld wrote
IF ONLY there was a way for cables and devices to indicate whats their maximum power delivery capability.
IF ONLY there was a standard thats backward compatible from 20 gbps to 1,5mbps data transfer speeds.
RedditMcBurger t1_jbuwvvi wrote
I mean you can easily buy a 45W+ usb c charger for like $20~
svr34 t1_javigcm wrote
Classic Apple.